Hi! i am a fan believer of Michael

Started by araba53, December 11, 2010, 07:26:45 AM

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araba53Topic starter

I'm starthing with Man in the Mirror.
I love heart, the Michael message is wonderful.
I want to be a soldier in the army of love.
God bless Michael!



Welcome araba. The man or woman in the mirror is the perfect place to make a change. We are all on this journey together.



Welcome to the forum araba! I look forward to reading your input.:)
Blessings Love and Light to you friend! <3



Welcome Araba....we look forward to hearing from you.  Its a big happy family here, and I'm glad you chose us.  We need to work together to spread MJ's message....of L.O.V.E xoxo



Hello and Welcome in our Family! :)



Hi glad to have you here araba53  :)

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