7 on the Michael's hand on BOTDF cover

Started by CoffeBean, November 26, 2010, 04:42:37 PM

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CoffeBeanTopic starter



That is weird how they would show his veins so big on the cover like that.  But, your right if you look at it good you do see a 7.

CoffeBeanTopic starter


Does anybody know, what is written overhead, on the right with a very small font? I had very big cover image, but I dont see, what is writen there. :?



It is very difficult to see, but to me it looks like the forst word says WHEN.  No clue what the second one says.

You Are My Life



It looks like NEW DNN, but i do not know the meaning of this :?:  :lol:



There was also a 7 on his stylized hand in the Dangerous album artwork.  Any ideas as to why?

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