There's nothing in the autopsy report (AR) to suggest that Michael was an alcoholic... And if one drinks now and then (occasionally) it's not gonna necessarily show up in an AR. Besides, I thought everyone here believes the AR to be fake! Regardless, even if Dancing believes it to be real, it's not linked to the fact that MJ drank now and then.
I've never seen MJ drunk, and I doubt he'd be falling over even if he were, because he always had bodyguards with him & an entire entourage. And in March 2009 he was in London with his kids and went to some plays & stuff... He didn't seem particularly unhappy at that time.
Dancing, I personally don't see the value in bringing up the fact that MJ had some booze once in a while. Any sane person knows that he's human (not God or a divine being) and is entitled to do adult stuff... And drinking is not a big deal in Europe, the way it is in the States. This is not a shocker, and it really doesn't matter whether MJ liked wine and/or marijuana and/or Playboy magazines (which I find quite retro and innocent, actually, in this era of Internet porn).
This sort of thing feels like you're trying to "bring him down a notch"... It's tabloidy. MJ being human doesn't detract from the fact that he was a GREAT human - one of the greatest ever. And it's not even a flaw or mistake to drink (responsibly).