Importing & Exporting Money
There are no restrictions on the import and export of funds into and out of Dubai.
Everyone holding a residence visa in Dubai is allowed to open a bank account and to import and export funds, although it's unusual for people to bring funds into the country. Accounts held overseas are of no interest to the fiscal administrations in any of the states. No declarations of currency are required when entering any of the territories, so travellers can move currencies in and out without restriction and in any form that they choose.
We just have heard that Dr Tohme Tohme was holding a secret "stash" of money for Michael.. ;)
Have you ever wondered what MJ is survivng on? He needs cash to get around, without being traced. He cannot use his bank accounts as this could warrant a fraud case against him when he comes back. Of course he had cash stashed and now we know who was helping him out..thanks TMZ :D :D ... y/Currency