Here is a tidbit of more information re: Vintage Pop Media:
Business Entity Detail
Data is updated weekly and is current as of Friday, November 05, 2010. It is not a complete or certified record of the entity.
Entity Number: 200932110101
Date Filed: 11/16/2009
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 20434 S SANTA FE AVE
Entity City, State, Zip: LONG BEACH CA 90810
Agent for Service of Process: MARVIN EPSTEIN
Agent Address: 20434 S SANTA FE AVE
Agent City, State, Zip: LONG BEACH CA 90810
So the Company was incorporated on November 16, 2009, yet they have agreements with their name on it dated February 3, 2009, it could be a typo - however, this agreement just seems really "off" to me. If we can find documents or news stories with Vintage Pop Media prior to November 16, 2009 then something is not right. I don't know who Marvin Epstein, I googled and the only thing that might be him is this on the google search:
MARVIN EPSTEIN, SILVERBERG STONEHILL & GOLDSMITH, P.C. 111 W 40TH ...This page contains all the U.S. trademarks filed by MARVIN EPSTEIN, a trademark correspondent at SILVERBERG STONEHILL & GOLDSMITH, P.C. in 111 W 40TH ST ... ... n-1-633675 - United States - Cached
Then if I google Michael Jackson and Marvin Epstein, it comes up with this
RONNIE HELLER DESIGNS FOR MJ - Trademark by M. J. ORIGINALS, LTD ...MARVIN EPSTEIN. SILVERBERG STONEHILL & GOLDSMITH, P.C.. 111 WEST 40TH STREET. NEW YORK, NY 10018 ... NEW Michael Jackson Commercial! - The 2008 Comeback ♥ ... ... 32992.html - United States - Cached
Looks to me that he is some kind of trademark agent or person dealing in intellectual property. But who knows, when I went on a myspace page of Marvin Epstein, he says he is the Wiz! LOL - my head hurts with too much info, but perhaps we can delve into this a little, more, but my gut tells me something is really not right about this contract.