Quote from: "~Souza~"
The producer(s) of this video made a little 'mistake', I'll explain why.
A full moon will not last for the full night, it's actually only a moment that we have a full moon. The next full moon, which is indeed also a blue moon, will be on November 21.... GMT. Here is where the mistake has been made if we take this hoax into consideration. Like TS said, for everything hoax-related, we need to calculate everything back to California time, PST. The next full moon will be:
November 20, 2010, 9:38 am PST
(November 21, 2010, 5:28 pm GMT)
That means that the next blue moon will occur in California on November 20, not on November 21.
The position of this full moon is: 29° Taurus/Scorpio (http://www.horoscopeswithin.com/moons.php)
Zodiacal keywords for these signs:
"I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined."
"Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant."
November 20, 2010 is exactly 7 years after Mike was arrested and brought in handcuffed at the SB police station: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,103659,00.html
November 20 is also Universal Children's Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Day
November 20 is 70 days after the anniversary of 9/11
November 20, 1984: Michael Jackson is awarded a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame directly in from of Mann's famous Chinese Theatre, creating the largest-ever crowd for such an unveiling.
November 20, 2003: "One More Chance" was released in Europe and the US.
Funfacts about Elvis & November 20:
On November 20, 1955 Elvis signed his first contract with RCA Records, which will be his label to the time of his death. Colonel Parker negotiated the sale of Elvis's contract to RCA, which included Elvis's first five singles with SUN and unreleased material of SUN. The final price was a whopping $40,000 with $5,000 bonus. No artist at that time was paid that much. http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/13577.html
Elvis held a press conference on November 20, 1972 to announce his tv concert special Aloha from Hawaii, via satellite. He made television history with that. http://www.elvispresleymusic.com.au/vid ... rence.html
2009: Graceland officially begins the holiday season on Friday, November 20th with the annual lighting of the lights and decorations on the mansion and plaza property. http://www.elvis.com/news/full_story.asp?id=1989
TIAI redirect for November 20,2009:
But hey, many interesting dates like this have passed, at least two others will pass by before November 20 and many others will follow after that. But it's still interesting.
BTW: "One More Chance" will be the only new video on the new DVD box.