Quote from: "steffmaster1"wait kenny said on real account to someone being nasty that it is real and was made for this is it movie reviews and he made a point of saying it and said his actual account wont be verified till that one is deleted!!
I'm sorry,but you're wrong, TherealKennyOrtega is FAKE! :|
KennyOrtegaBlog-@randyswilley thanks for the heads up Randy. This is my ONLY Twitter Account. I'm also not on Facebook. Followers please pass the word xo
2:23 AM Nov 25th, 2009 from Echofon in reply to randyswilley
I hope this clears up the fact that RealKennyOrtega is
FAKE, so it's not discussed again. This is the 2nd or 3rd topic where people asked if it's his real account and were told it's fake.:|