I do not trust riley or this "king" guy.
Including Orianthi and the rest of these artists.
It is just weird that everyone have a connection to eachother and then when they tweet something MJ related, themselves have an album, book or product or show to sell.
But I do enjoy reading their tweets :) But I do NOT trust any of them. Not this KingofPopArt either, but him of all of them I find the most interesting.
I will NOT pay for anything that involve the Jackson's or anything related to Sony no more until this whole mess have been cleared up! Because if he was murdered I am not giving my money to the companies who murdered him, nor will I support the family making money from his death! And not to any of these artists using MJ's name to promote and/or sell their products. - it is repulsive what they are doing, if MJ in fact is dead! -