Don't you think...

Started by Venus, October 14, 2010, 05:14:29 PM

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that if MJ really hoaxed his death he'd make it more spectacular?  He would let the world see him at least once to convince he's gone. (There's Elvis picture in the coffin)
The fact that we didn't see the body actually doesn't fit with the hoax. Would it be more convincing if he could just pretend dead on the stretcher or in ambulance? He loved to prank and to act and that could be his best part, a chance of a lifetime...
And the story with Karen Faye... I can easy believe she would say anything MJ would ask, but Michael Bush? do you really think that Michael Bush would lie and cry in front of the camera how he put MJ into the casket? :roll:




Isn't it interesting that it's mostly non-fans that think he's alive? I don't know about you guys, but the people the I come across in my life, I've found that the ones who are most receptive to considering the possibility are people who aren't fans... I know a lot of people here are fans, but there are alot that aren't. One of my friend's brothers HATES MJ, like literally hates him, but was the first to agree with me that he wasn't dead.

It's interesting, I wonder if the majority of the fans are just too overcome with grief, shock, and a sense of disappointment because they feel entitled to seeing Michael perform and make music forever..or something..

When I first found out about the 'death', I was literally rolled up in a ball crying for days. It wasn't until I stopped crying and stopped getting so caught up in my own selfish emotions that I started to notice that he clearly wasn't dead...

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn't. It's the beginning.

VenusTopic starter

Quote from: "jacilovesmichael"

Isn't it interesting that it's mostly non-fans that think he's alive? I don't know about you guys, but the people the I come across in my life, I've found that the ones who are most receptive to considering the possibility are people who aren't fans... I know a lot of people here are fans, but there are alot that aren't. One of my friend's brothers HATES MJ, like literally hates him, but was the first to agree with me that he wasn't dead.

It's interesting, I wonder if the majority of the fans are just too overcome with grief, shock, and a sense of disappointment because they feel entitled to seeing Michael perform and make music forever..or something..

When I first found out about the 'death', I was literally rolled up in a ball crying for days. It wasn't until I stopped crying and stopped getting so caught up in my own selfish emotions that I started to notice that he clearly wasn't dead...

Most of his fans think he's dead, because they think MJ is too innocent and he just couldn't hurt his kids and fans. They think that MJ is an angel, but wait a minute - he's a human being and it is HIS life, not ours, and he can decide for himself.
Well, if he's alive I don't see any reason how he could hurt his kids... The opposite, if he's dead - then he's definitely fucking screwed.
L.O.V.E. you all



This hoax not spectacular? Eh?? I must have been following a different hoax then... And it's not even over yet.  :?


Quote from: "Venus"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "scorpionchik"

It might be very hard to live as unknown person after being Michael Jackson. He will enjoy that couple of years then miss himself. I can't believe MJ can live until his real death as unknown person in disguise. If he is in death hoax, it is very hard for him, he would not enjoy his fans pain & be away from the stage. On the other hand, when I remeber Katerine in Target store in June 29 buying sleeping bags, I have no doubt that Michael is alive.

That is one thing I do not understand Katherine going to store a buy sleeping bags. I understand she may have needed to accomodate Michael children, but why her. when she has body guards to go for her. Something does not add up.
Does she really have bodyguards? I've never seen any around.

well the day she went to buy the sleeping bags she had the body guards with her.. I guess she has them.

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


Quote from: "Venus"

that if MJ really hoaxed his death he'd make it more spectacular?  He would let the world see him at least once to convince he's gone. (There's Elvis picture in the coffin)
The fact that we didn't see the body actually doesn't fit with the hoax. Would it be more convincing if he could just pretend dead on the stretcher or in ambulance? He loved to prank and to act and that could be his best part, a chance of a lifetime...
And the story with Karen Faye... I can easy believe she would say anything MJ would ask, but Michael Bush? do you really think that Michael Bush would lie and cry in front of the camera how he put MJ into the casket? :roll:

This hoax is definitely SPECTACULAR and maybe he's not trying to convince us he's gone...maybe he wants us to know the truth and it's our job to figure it out



This hoax IS spectacular. I thank God on a daily  basis that I'm  alive at this time in HIStory to see this play out with my own eyes. It has taken all my free time for the past 16 months and I wouldn't change any part of it. I'm not desperate for BAM day as over time I have come to appreciate the journey as much as the destination.
Take as long as you need Mike. I'm just happy to be in the classroom.


Quote from: "RK"

Take as long as you need Mike. I'm just happy to be in the classroom.

100% correct.
Love it, get tired of it, get inspired of it, get unknown forces from it, and after all a HUGE smile that does not want to leave my face no matter how dumb others think I might be...  :lol:
and I am very happy to have found the door to sneak into this roller-coaster and God are we funny from time to time and sometimes we are so stupid, we have to reread again and again and again and sometimes we are just phantastic
Thank God I am here at the right place in the right time.
Just glad to have been called in.  :D
Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.

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