I just found S.T.U.D.Y.'s /TS's old posts on MJHD.net - "verylittlesusie" saved them last year. :)
Of course this is just a theory, but it is rather simple and also quite convincing. If it is true, we may hear about it on 9-9-09, or it might not be publicized until the Thriller 2 (TII) movie at Halloween (This Is It). There are at least five different ways to verify the date 9-9-09.
When MJ signed the 1998, he also had three additional digits—usually "0", but sometimes "X" or "6"; (for pictures, see "Michael Jackson 1998" on Google images, and/or go to this thread:
So if you divide 1998 by three, you come up with a three digit number: 666; and if you turn 666 upside down, you have 999. The 666 could also refer to the "beast" in the Thriller, since 666 is "the number of the beast" (Revelation 13:18). And from the Thriller lyrics: "And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike ... unless you change that number [666] on your dial" (change from 666 to 999?).
This change from 666 to 999 could be what is coded into the "Dangerous" autograph (see above thread). Some have wondered whether the middle digit is a six or a zero; but it clearly has a hook, just a smaller hook than the hook on the top digit. In fact, if you look very close, there is a small hook even on the bottom digit; so all three digits are sixes—just progressively smaller hooks to help hide the code. Take 1998, and decrease it (down arrow, or subtract) by the 666: and you get 1332 (1998 – 666 = 1332); then insert that answer 1332 (caret means insert) and divide it by 4, which is 333 (1332 / 4 = 333). 333 is the difference between 666 and 999. The down arrow could also represent "death" / "burial", and the up arrow (caret) the "resurrection".
If you take 1998 and add the first digit (1) to the other digits (998): you have 999 (1 + 998 = 999).
9-9-09 is a catchy date, and easy to remember (like 6-6-06, and 7-7-07, etc); so this is a date that everyone would know was planned, and not a coincidence.
9-9-09 is exactly 77 days from the "death" on 6-25-09 (note: you must use "inclusive reckoning", see below for details). We already know about the many "sevens" related to MJ: memorial on 7-7-09 (full moon), which was 7 years after MJ signed his will on 7-7-02; funeral at 7pm, and the family was 70 minutes late, and the 7 chairs wide, and many other examples (see this thread:
9-9-09 is exactly 7 days from the funeral/"burial" on 9-3-09; again, you must use "inclusive reckoning" (this may explain why it was not on the full moon of 9-4-09). The funeral was also 71 days (inclusive) from the "death"—does anyone remember the number "71" related to his "death" (ambulance)? This should show that MJ is indeed using inclusive reckoning!
This is the term which refers to the system of counting, where you "include" (inclusive) both the first and the last in counting the total number; basically, you start counting with "one" instead of "zero". Michael Jackson did read the Bible a lot, and this inclusive reckoning system is found repeatedly in the Bible—in fact, it is most well known in reference to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ!
1 Corinthians 15:3,4, "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" (see also Matthew 20:19; Mark 9:31; 10:34; Luke 18:33; 24:7,6; etc). Jesus died and was buried on Friday (day #1), rested on the Sabbath (day #2), and rose on Sunday (day #3).
Here is another example of inclusive reckoning: "... I do cures today [day #1] and tomorrow [day #2], and the third day I shall be perfected." (Luke 13:32). Notice that the "third day" is the day after "tomorrow". There are many other Biblical examples of inclusive reckoning (read carefully Acts 10:3,9,23,24,30); but I will not take up more space for now.
Apparently, Michael has had this up his sleeve for a couple of decades! Please let me know what you think about all this. Thanks, S.T.U.D.Y. (no, I'm not MJ)
This song was sung at the memorial, as they brought in the casket (see
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....Hux4W7sIv0). So let's ask several questions here.
What "King" were they singing about—King Jesus? No, because the memorial was not a memorial for Jesus. And also because they brought the casket in during this song—was it a casket with Jesus inside? No, it was MJ inside (supposedly); and everyone knows that MJ is the "King of Pop". So they were singing about MJ! Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King of Pop!
Did they mean that soon we were going to see the dead body of MJ, is that what they were singing about?? No! Because the casket was closed both at the memorial, and also the funeral/burial. In fact, not one single picture of the body has yet been shown by the media!?! Unless of course you count the phony photo (ambulance). But even that picture was prior to the memorial; and they were singing about seeing the King in the future: "Soon and very soon ..."—that is future, so it can't be the ambulance shot that they were singing about. Last but not least: MJ is not dead! So it's not the dead body, that we are going to see "soon and very soon".
Well then, how soon are we going to see the living body? Many think that MJ went into hiding, never to appear again. But this does not fit the evidence. If that's what he wanted, then there would not be so many clues left behind that he is still alive; these are not blundering mistakes, but intentional clues—such as this song (and many other clues). If he was planning to hide forever: then no point in singing soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!
Others say that if he comes back, it won't be for years. But that would hardly qualify as "soon and very soon". Furthermore, if he did not go into permanent hiding, then he has a reason for coming back; and that would be publicity and/or to show that you can't trust the media. So when would be a good time to do this? After a few years, when the media and the public aren't thinking much about MJ anymore?? No, the best time to do this is NOW—while the news is still hot!
Some say that he will return this December, around the holidays. But does Christmas or New Years fit the Thriller theme? Don't you think Halloween would fit better—which is when the movie is coming out. This would also be "soon and very soon".
In fact, wouldn't tomorrow be "soon and very soon"—and also fit very nicely with the "1998" and "7" codes (see my topic posted yesterday:
http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxd.....ber-9-2009). BTW: did any of you detectives notice the date and time when I posted that topic??
Stayed tuned tomorrow, for my third topic in the series.
1. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King (3 times) Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We're going to see the King.
2. No more crying there, we are going to see the King (3 times)Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We're going to see the King.
3. No more dying there, we are going to see the King (3 times)Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We're going to see the King.
Some concern has been expressed that if the song did apply to MJ, then that would be blasphemy. Do we have any diligent Bible students here? The word is used about 50 times in the Bible, and in no case does it refer to applying the title "King" to a mere human being. Blasphemy is when a mere human takes titles and/or prerogatives which belong exclusively to God (and also when people defy or ridicule God, etc); if you were to say "I am God Almighty"—that would be blasphemy, it is a title exclusively for God. But the word "King" is used many times in the Bible in reference to humans. And none of the other words in the song apply exclusively to Jesus or God.
Sure, in the normal usage of the song "King" refers to King Jesus; but is it possible for a song to have a dual meaning? There are actually many things in the Bible with dual meanings (see 1 Corinthians 15:45; 5:7; Exodus 12:21; John 1:29; Genesis 22:7,8,13; etc). Remember the "lamb" in the sacrifices: the word referred to an animal, but it also represented Jesus! Yes, God Himself used the same word for Jesus—the King of Kings, and also for an animal; and it was not blasphemy.
For those who think that the song was not a clue about MJ: why was the casket brought in during that song? Even if that song had to be first (and it did not), they could have brought the casket in during another song–so there would be no possible misapplication. Do you suppose that the producers of the memorial did not even realize that MJ is very well known as the "King" of Pop?? Or do you suppose that even though they knew "King" is an established title for MJ—yet they thought that nobody in the whole wide watching world would remember that MJ is a "King" during that song??? If that sounds ridiculous, it's probably because it is! Surely the producers knew that at least some people would think of MJ being a "King" during that song—especially when they brought the casket in during the song! And if the producers knew this, and did it anyway: then it had to be intentional, it had to be a clue.