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I´m former atheist, I thought that religion is a human inventionIn my school, I believed that the theory of evolution explains the variety of life on Earth.I changed my mind in college while studying physiotherapy on physiology of muscles when the agonist muscle contracts the antagonist has inhibited its action in order to flex the arm. example biceps and triceps Who invented this system was an intelligent designer that you call GodI have two friends a Jehovah's Witness I'm following on twitter and the other I am studying Bibleone question: is Jesus in Revelation 1:8?
But I am also stating a fact held by mainstream Christianity that JW is a cult... wrong. NOT viewed as a cult, viewed as a non trinitarian christian faith. this is not my personal opinion; but a world wide one. um, no not saying its her opinion, but it certainly isnt the opinion of the world. The main reason they are considered so by others in the faith is they deny the Deity of Christ. WRONG again, we do accept Christ Jesus, it is why every JW family each day will pray to god for strength and guidance to emulate christlike qualities and ensure we are walking in line with the example he set for us. its also why we pray to God for salvation through Jesus Christ. it is why we thank and praise god for the provision of sacraficial death of Jesus Christ. It is why we close our prayer to God through Christ Jesus' name and finally, it is why we do a worldwide preaching work and bible education work to teach people about christianity and encourage people to walk with christ in their lives as it is the way to God and hence salvation. therefore the statement that we do not accept the christ is not only INCORRECT but it slanderous, offensive and an attempt to discredit JWs. They have their own version of the Bible which removes ALL deity from Christ expressed in the original Greek & Hebrew. Again Incorrect. We are encouraged when we go preaching from house to house to use the householders version of the bible. we bring our own as often people dont have one. Any JW will be happy to use your copy of the bible to show you the scriptures. This is what leads to their doctrine that Jesus is not God/Michael & the Trinity does not exist. It's important that people know this & why other Christians address it. actually, it is important that people seek truth rather than listen to information from people who have a preconcieved opinion about JWs, as their information that they often provide is NOT neutral
In 1992, Michael Jackson was crowned “King Sani” and given the royal title of Prince Michael Jackson Amalaman Anoh. Jackson was crowned prince of the Anyi people (aka as the Agni), of the Kingdom of Sanwi, after visiting the Capital of Krindjabo, located deep in the tropical rain forest in the southeast of Ivory Coast.
You guys know who is Archangel Michael the Bible tells us about?
It is for this reason and a few others, that very soon after June 25,09, and my digging into MJ's songs, words, videos and history, that Heaven opened to me, and I KNEW that he was the One we have been waiting for.
.... isn't it interesting and exciting that God chose for him to be born and raised in the JW faith? No accident I believe.