Quote from: "simplyme"
Quote from: "Its her"Just saying...Karen Faye IS part of the HOAX, and we KNOW this for a fact, because she did her part and "lied" about making up the corpse of MJ when there IS none. :roll: Letting this particular corpse ripen for three months was so we would KNOW that NO one---even his old makeup/friend could have stood trying to putty him up and keep the parts together on someone she KNEW, alive. :shock: I think it is against the law for friends, employees or relatives---anyone--- in America to do that once the undertaker gets the body. It is really creepy that MJ would have her part in the hoax be to say she DID this!!
That TELLs us that he IS NOT dead! YAY!
He seems to be trying to make this tale as grotesque as possible so the REAL fans will know it is crap. He's SO crazy. :!: :lol: :o ;)
Even if they weren't friends, as you said, (WHY? :? I don't understand how you have that much history and part ways at THIS late date???) seeing his body in rotting pieces would have made her a basketcase...
Heck, he's probably not wearing ANY 8-) :) makeup now, letting his naked skin BREATHE. (Take as long as you need Doll; Ahhh, there's NOthing like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could getaway with it, but I'd have to hide, too. :lol:
And I agree with what someone else right here somewhere, said, that if she made him up, it is TOTally ALIVE and in disguise!! ;)
People that are embalmed take a long time to decompose. Add a refrigerator to that ...long time..He hadn't come undone when she did his make-up. Add an air tight container...longer. If Michael is in that tomb he's probably in pretty good shape still.
:oops: Yikes---Michael is not in ANY :!: tomb... :D
now, as to the remarkably well preserved, for a three month old corpse rumor: forget it! The story goes that they did not embalm this body--if ever, for days and days, while they ordered two autopsies. I ask you to place ANY kind of meat FULLY "embalmed" (- -with any kind of preservatives), in your fridge, and tell me how it looks after three months. Even JERKY becomes yukky with condesation. There are things... :o inside flesh which immediately break down the body when even still alive--such as when in shock. Once the life leaves the body, things happen pretty durn speedily... :? These creatures had a good head start! :? :roll:
The fact that someone even tried to get us to buy something so goofy, proves that MJ is trying to get us to KNOW it's a hoax and the particular "liar" is part of it. He's letting us know WHO to watch for futher updates, maaaybe, once we get it that they are a hoaxee, i.e., :lol: "IN on it". ;)
He's not dead. :!: He's NOT dead. :D 8-) The reason LaToya said he was still beautiful is JUST exactly like the mirror said to the wicked stepmother, about Snow White!!! Michael STILL LIVES, and Is the HOTTEST beautiful one of all! :o ;) :lol: :lol: :!: