I think I found a double from TII and theres more!!!!

Started by becca26, December 13, 2009, 02:41:42 AM

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becca26Topic starter

Here is a link for the show Chistopher is doing.

You saw that he is working with Phippe Martin from this is it. Take a look at this pic.[attachment=0:1mxkqw4d]chris o2.jpg[/attachment:1mxkqw4d]

He looks like either Orange pants guy from TII or O2 press confrence, either way he has some kind of involvement!!

Look what he wrote on his Facebook photos of the section for the funeral:
So Sad sad pictures ...

He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you
Location: Michael Jackson's funeral at Forest Lawn
Here are a few more pics

What most people need to learn in life is how to love people & use things instead of using people & loving things."
"Some see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw

becca26Topic starter

[attachment=0:14g9ee1k]chris red shrit.jpg[/attachment:14g9ee1k]

What most people need to learn in life is how to love people & use things instead of using people & loving things."
"Some see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw

becca26Topic starter


What most people need to learn in life is how to love people & use things instead of using people & loving things."
"Some see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw

becca26Topic starter

This is a link to his twitter:

and this is hie post on Facebook:
Christopher GasparI'm leaving the stadium but join you in Nerverland by the first flight ! Lot of kisses and hugs ! CG11 hours ago


What most people need to learn in life is how to love people & use things instead of using people & loving things."
"Some see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw


:o OMG good find... I would love to see that first picture but without the over exposure.. He has a very similar look to MJ or the O2 guy. Need to do more research on this guy.
Im still sure there were doubles why would Joe say so and why would Navi say he was approached .. Another coincidence? Or did these 2 just come up with these storys on their own? Either way it was mentioned and has put doubt into peoples heads...

Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......



wow amazing


That's it ! I've always said that there were doubles in the TII! But now i'm not sure anymore if i could identify the real Michael among all those impersonators ! Cristopher is very alike to Michael more than Navi , for example.

The Truth is like the Sun, You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away"
                Elvis Presley


yeas and e casanova is still a mistery  :?


Wow thanks for the research! Really interesting...even the structure of the ears is
very similar!
With a bad wig and very dark sunglasses..I see a similarity to o2 guy...



Does this guy have a website? So we can get more pics to see.

Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......


Quote from: "Oetoort"

yeas and e casanova is still a mistery  :?

is he still on the missing persons list :?:



:shock: the 2nd pic really looks like he could have been from TII. I thought sometimes Michael looked a bit more tanned than he would normally be... could have been the lighting... and I have always thought it was him 100% but now the 2nd pic has me wondering... especially since he wore sunnies in lots of the footage!



He's a good new find, but he's got the typically false impersonator-look. Too long face, too big nose, somethings wrong with the forehead, and his mouth is way too "heavy".
Don't need to talk about the eyes, because we believe the doubles wore sunglasses (if there were any...).

Look at this: [youtube:1nylhsuu]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnWk03aUgRM&NR=1[/youtube:1nylhsuu]

This guy wasn't at TII.

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.



Hell no..this guy looks nothing like MJ. His face is way too long, his whole face looks off..No way he was in TII.  Sorry to say this guy is butt ugly.  MJ is his worst times never looked ugly IMO..


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