How can hands so change ?

Started by Hopeless, August 04, 2010, 04:36:35 AM

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Every time i look at older pics i wonder when i see the hands from Michael.
There are not much pics i could find online from the early years when i saw that he has markant long thin fingers, also so long hand, not so strong like now.
There is no reason to that change....arthritis or lupus or being older... the lenght of the fingers can't change.
I put some pics...the best i could find in the moment :

His fingers seams to be longer then the hand...very long, thin and fine, also the hand. ... ixes-2.jpg ... t2/001.jpg ... s%3Disch:1 ... 00x494.jpg ... 06_320.jpg ... kson-3.jpg ... /Jacko.jpg ... 5b1%5d.jpg

Here you have to soom, but you see how long ! the fingers are ! ... untain.jpg ... ackson.jpg ... 50x362.jpg

And here some pics where it seams like the fingers are short, the hand very strong : ... pare-3.jpg ... 63x300.jpg

http://michaeljacksonnotdead.files.word ... =500&h=475

Please, what do you think ? All the same...than i should need some new glasses soon... :D



August 06, 2010, 11:42:33 PM #90 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Here I can see the same... spot in the midle finger
and he was thin in the early years and then he was more filled and when you gain some extra wait that is what happens

[size=150]It doesn\'t matter if you\'re black or white [/size]


September 19, 2010, 06:20:19 AM #91 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "callofthewild"

I can't tell you why Joe would say that wasn't Michael. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you, but I don't. Why does Joe say a lot of what Joe says? Editing to add text here: A lot of people pegged Mike as an enigma. Joe is really the enigma, or the one who can't be figured out. He says/does the most random things at the most inopportune times, yet he's smart as a fox. All I can say about Joe is, Joe is Joe, and LaToya is just like her father.

I've never seen the video of him complaining about doing fifty shows. I know he said he was excited about getting back on stage. Those were his words, not mine. Was he lying? Presenting a facade? It's possible, but I don't believe so. As for that media report, I've never seen it, nor do I put much faith in most of what I read about Mike. I don't know about his relationship with Randy Phillips or AEG. I didn't delve into his business. That was not the nature of my relationship with him. (The Randy I was referring to was his brother Randy).

I don't know who TINI is, or when he/she saw Mike, but the Michael Jackson I saw, conversed with, and hugged goodbye, the man I've known for nearly thirty five years, wasn't 'skin and bones'. Thin? Yes. Strong? Yes. But skin and bones? No. Fragile? No. Did he lose twenty or thirty pounds in a little over a month? I don't know. I doubt it. I know he was working out as it was mentioned in conversation. Could I be overestimating his weight by a few pounds based on my visual assessment? It's possible. I didn't demand he get on a scale to verify the numbers, but he was at least 130 when I saw him. He looked fine to me in TII. He wasn't anorexic. He wasn't sickly. He was vivacious. He was energetic and focused. He certainly wasn't drugged, or under the influence.

Hi @callofthewild. I understand from all your posts that you could be distant family or assumed family and I am happy that you are partly here with us on this journey. I really would like to know why you would hug Michael goodbye when no one knew what would happen in a month's time?


September 19, 2010, 06:41:10 AM #92 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "simalves"

Quote from: "callofthewild"

I can't tell you why Joe would say that wasn't Michael. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you, but I don't. Why does Joe say a lot of what Joe says? Editing to add text here: A lot of people pegged Mike as an enigma. Joe is really the enigma, or the one who can't be figured out. He says/does the most random things at the most inopportune times, yet he's smart as a fox. All I can say about Joe is, Joe is Joe, and LaToya is just like her father.

I've never seen the video of him complaining about doing fifty shows. I know he said he was excited about getting back on stage. Those were his words, not mine. Was he lying? Presenting a facade? It's possible, but I don't believe so. As for that media report, I've never seen it, nor do I put much faith in most of what I read about Mike. I don't know about his relationship with Randy Phillips or AEG. I didn't delve into his business. That was not the nature of my relationship with him. (The Randy I was referring to was his brother Randy).

I don't know who TINI is, or when he/she saw Mike, but the Michael Jackson I saw, conversed with, and hugged goodbye, the man I've known for nearly thirty five years, wasn't 'skin and bones'. Thin? Yes. Strong? Yes. But skin and bones? No. Fragile? No. Did he lose twenty or thirty pounds in a little over a month? I don't know. I doubt it. I know he was working out as it was mentioned in conversation. Could I be overestimating his weight by a few pounds based on my visual assessment? It's possible. I didn't demand he get on a scale to verify the numbers, but he was at least 130 when I saw him. He looked fine to me in TII. He wasn't anorexic. He wasn't sickly. He was vivacious. He was energetic and focused. He certainly wasn't drugged, or under the influence.

Hi @callofthewild. I understand from all your posts that you could be distant family or assumed family and I am happy that you are partly here with us on this journey. I really would like to know why you would hug Michael goodbye when no one knew what would happen in a month's time?
I always hug someone if i am leaving...
And if I see him the next day i will hug again...
Some people do and some people dont...
Nothing strange for perhaps callofthewild does the same?


September 19, 2010, 08:52:22 AM #93 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "simalves"

Quote from: "callofthewild"

I can't tell you why Joe would say that wasn't Michael. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you, but I don't. Why does Joe say a lot of what Joe says? Editing to add text here: A lot of people pegged Mike as an enigma. Joe is really the enigma, or the one who can't be figured out. He says/does the most random things at the most inopportune times, yet he's smart as a fox. All I can say about Joe is, Joe is Joe, and LaToya is just like her father.

I've never seen the video of him complaining about doing fifty shows. I know he said he was excited about getting back on stage. Those were his words, not mine. Was he lying? Presenting a facade? It's possible, but I don't believe so. As for that media report, I've never seen it, nor do I put much faith in most of what I read about Mike. I don't know about his relationship with Randy Phillips or AEG. I didn't delve into his business. That was not the nature of my relationship with him. (The Randy I was referring to was his brother Randy).

I don't know who TINI is, or when he/she saw Mike, but the Michael Jackson I saw, conversed with, and hugged goodbye, the man I've known for nearly thirty five years, wasn't 'skin and bones'. Thin? Yes. Strong? Yes. But skin and bones? No. Fragile? No. Did he lose twenty or thirty pounds in a little over a month? I don't know. I doubt it. I know he was working out as it was mentioned in conversation. Could I be overestimating his weight by a few pounds based on my visual assessment? It's possible. I didn't demand he get on a scale to verify the numbers, but he was at least 130 when I saw him. He looked fine to me in TII. He wasn't anorexic. He wasn't sickly. He was vivacious. He was energetic and focused. He certainly wasn't drugged, or under the influence.

Hi @callofthewild. I understand from all your posts that you could be distant family or assumed family and I am happy that you are partly here with us on this journey. I really would like to know why you would hug Michael goodbye when no one knew what would happen in a month's time?
I always hug someone if i am leaving...
And if I see him the next day i will hug again...
Some people do and some people dont...
Nothing strange for perhaps callofthewild does the same?
Hi Chaps

Goodbye is usually final. If you are going to see someone again you just hug them bye.


September 19, 2010, 12:13:13 PM #94 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "callofthewild"

Each and every one of these pictures are Michael. The same Michael that began in Gary, In. as a six year old little boy. It's all Michael. Your hands can change over the course of time with age, weight fluctuation, arthritic conditions, and in his case, loss of pigmentation. They can look different in photographs because of angles, lighting and so forth.

He was never replaced by another Michael. Michael has always been Michael.

In TII, it was all Michael. In these pics, it's all Mike.

the red pants Michael in tii was really him? i saw him very diferent there...movements and all...just the one with the outfit from tdcau seems to be him, so the very thin Michael too...confused as always!


September 19, 2010, 06:39:33 PM #95 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

.....Someone once said.. its not his death thats the hoax but his life.... I understand.


January 10, 2011, 07:34:37 PM #96 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest



May 17, 2011, 02:20:18 AM #97 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

So I am not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I think the change in his hands as he grew older was due to his Lupus. My mother used to have the longest, slimmest, prettiest hands in the whole world, but she was diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritus not too long ago, (which is very similar to Lupus) and the disease has destroyed her hands. They look puffy and swollen, the nails have become colored, and they look nothing like they used to. I feel like Lupus is to blame when examining Michael's body as he aged. His hands, wrists, the way he walked. He became stiffer as he aged, as his body suffered the damage of the disease, bones would become deformed, but his case of Lupus does not look as bad as some I have seen, I have known people to die from Lupus before. Yet Michael through being a health nut through most of his life, lol, and being able to afford the best health care, looks like he managed the Lupus better than most as he aged.

We are only as alone, as we choose to be.
"That we are not separate and alone, but each of our hearts beat within the chaos and wonder of the universe. That our souls were created from the light of a billion stars."
Do not forget to love


May 17, 2011, 02:45:19 AM #98 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

P.S. Michael is and has always been a beautiful man, who shared his gift to the world, and I love Michael, not for his hands, this is a quote I use quite often: I am mesmerized by this man. Infatuated. Inspired. And just completely, crazy for this man. Not crazy in the sense of how a crazy die heart woman would be, but in the way my soul looks at his soul and knows, that it is home. I love this man. And also: The truest and purest soul, I ever laid eyes upon.
I absolutely understand, (people where discussing this before, I feel, and this applies very much so to me), that we get stuck in the past and imagine Michael from the earlier years of Thriller, Bad, and Dangerous, and we forget that naturally he wouldn't look like he did back than, because simply he is in his 50's now. I feel bad that maybe he feels he has to compete with the Young Michael, when that isn't fair at all, he is the older Michael. I just pray and hope that he never feels bad for aging, because eventually everyone ages and dies and it isn't something a person should fear or stress about, yet I have this gut feeling that he does. I just hope that he is safe, and that he knows that we all love him, and that he doesn't have to feel pressured or anxious anymore, because we accept him and love him, just the way he is.

We are only as alone, as we choose to be.
"That we are not separate and alone, but each of our hearts beat within the chaos and wonder of the universe. That our souls were created from the light of a billion stars."
Do not forget to love


Quote from: Shayphelps93 on May 17, 2011, 02:20:18 AM

So I am not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I think the change in his hands as he grew older was due to his Lupus. My mother used to have the longest, slimmest, prettiest hands in the whole world, but she was diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritus not too long ago, (which is very similar to Lupus) and the disease has destroyed her hands. They look puffy and swollen, the nails have become colored, and they look nothing like they used to. I feel like Lupus is to blame when examining Michael's body as he aged. His hands, wrists, the way he walked. He became stiffer as he aged, as his body suffered the damage of the disease, bones would become deformed, but his case of Lupus does not look as bad as some I have seen, I have known people to die from Lupus before. Yet Michael through being a health nut through most of his life, lol, and being able to afford the best health care, looks like he managed the Lupus better than most as he aged.

I think you are right about the hands cause Julia who is a member here told us some time ago that Michael's hads looked older than tye rest of him.BTW I'm sorry to hear about your mother  :( ,now I know some things too cause my grandmother has also this painfull disease  :cry: .I wish your mother all the health in the world,take care  bearhug !!!!
Quote from: Shayphelps93 on May 17, 2011, 02:45:19 AM

P.S. Michael is and has always been a beautiful man, who shared his gift to the world, and I love Michael, not for his hands, this is a quote I use quite often: I am mesmerized by this man. Infatuated. Inspired. And just completely, crazy for this man. Not crazy in the sense of how a crazy die heart woman would be, but in the way my soul looks at his soul and knows, that it is home. I love this man. And also: The truest and purest soul, I ever laid eyes upon.
I absolutely understand, (people where discussing this before, I feel, and this applies very much so to me), that we get stuck in the past and imagine Michael from the earlier years of Thriller, Bad, and Dangerous, and we forget that naturally he wouldn't look like he did back than, because simply he is in his 50's now. I feel bad that maybe he feels he has to compete with the Young Michael, when that isn't fair at all, he is the older Michael. I just pray and hope that he never feels bad for aging, because eventually everyone ages and dies and it isn't something a person should fear or stress about, yet I have this gut feeling that he does. I just hope that he is safe, and that he knows that we all love him, and that he doesn't have to feel pressured or anxious anymore, because we accept him and love him, just the way he is.

Wow what a wonderful post you made,I really hope Michael can see this ,thank you very much  bearhug  bearhug  bearhug !!!

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