
Mocienne Elizabeth Petit Jackson's petition

Started by *Mo*, July 30, 2010, 06:50:32 AM

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After my second request for a copy of Mocienne Elizabeth Petit Jackson's claim was rejected by RTL Boulevard this morning and their refusal to tell me who their source is I decided to make another screenshot of that claim and take a second look at it.

By comparing this screenshot to previous released court documents I was able to determine which form MPJ filed:

The form used is DE-111, which can be found here: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/forms/documents/de111.pdf

Now look at the marked checkbox:

"Authorization to Administer Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act" is marked.

Going back to the website of the LA Superiour Court at https://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/civilCa ... Type=Civil, Case number BP117321:

So...MPJ's claim is filed, and listed on the website of the LA Superior Court.

Am I correct when I say that  "Party whitout attony" indicates that she filed the claim herself on July 23 2010 in Los Angeles?



August 04, 2010, 03:52:02 PM #75 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "ConfusedLOVE"

So I guess you don't need proof from me then?  I have my letter of adoption and both birth certificates.

If you want to, PLEASE post them...  That for sure will end this discussion about having to surrender the old birth certificate after a name change in the United States, and that is what this was all about!

Okay, but I am computer stupid.  I have scanned them onto my computer, now how do I post them on here? :oops:   I want to post them I just need help doing it!


August 04, 2010, 04:09:55 PM #76 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

At the bottom of the reply field you will see a tab that says "Upload attachment.  Click the tab, hit the "Browse" button to find the file on your computer and then hit the "Add the file" button.  Repeat the same steps for every file you want to attach.

If you still have problems, you can email them to me and then I will post them for you: mailto:mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com">mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com

Please make sure to redact ALL your personal information before attaching or emailing your files!


August 04, 2010, 04:28:19 PM #77 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

At the bottom of the reply field you will see a tab that says "Upload attachment.  Click the tab, hit the "Browse" button to find the file on your computer and then hit the "Add the file" button.  Repeat the same steps for every file you want to attach.

If you still have problems, you can email them to me and then I will post them for you: mailto:mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com">mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com

Please make sure to redact ALL your personal information before attaching or emailing your files!

I sent you an email!  If you don't get it let me know


August 04, 2010, 04:54:52 PM #78 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "ConfusedLOVE"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

At the bottom of the reply field you will see a tab that says "Upload attachment.  Click the tab, hit the "Browse" button to find the file on your computer and then hit the "Add the file" button.  Repeat the same steps for every file you want to attach.

If you still have problems, you can email them to me and then I will post them for you: mailto:mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com">mo@michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com

Please make sure to redact ALL your personal information before attaching or emailing your files!

I sent you an email!  If you don't get it let me know

I received your email, and have already sent you a reply!


August 04, 2010, 05:02:18 PM #79 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I understand Mo!  I sent you a reply, you just do what you think is best.


August 04, 2010, 05:12:54 PM #80 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

ConfusedLOVE sent me all the documents.  I have seen the old birth certificate, the adoption papers and the new birth certificate.  She is telling the truth.

Because after redacting certain things there is in my opinion still too much personal information on the certificates, I told her I wasn't comfortable with publishing them.  We agreed on not publishing them here, but instead I would post a message confirming seeing them.

Thank you ConfusedLOVE for totally clarifying this issue!


August 04, 2010, 05:17:10 PM #81 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

ConfusedLOVE sent me all the documents.  I have seen the old birth certificate, the adoption papers and the new birth certificate.  She is telling the truth.

Because after redacting certain things there is in my opinion still too much personal information on the certificates, I told her I wasn't comfortable with publishing them.  We agreed on not publishing them here, but instead I would post a message confirming seeing them.

Thank you ConfusedLOVE for totally clarifying this issue!

No problem, and thank you Mo for be honest and telling me that there was still too much personal info on them!


August 04, 2010, 06:26:48 PM #82 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

That for sure will end this discussion about having to surrender the old birth certificate after a name change in the United States, and that is what this was all about![/b]

So are you saying that MPJ changed her name in the US, cause she isn't American is she?
I thought she was Belgium or Haitian.
If the laws are different in every country (as they obviously are in Canada and the US and they differ from state to state in US), I am not sure that this has solved the MPJ questions though.


August 04, 2010, 06:42:49 PM #83 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

That for sure will end this discussion about having to surrender the old birth certificate after a name change in the United States, and that is what this was all about![/b]

So are you saying that MPJ changed her name in the US, cause she isn't American is she?
I thought she was Belgium or Haitian.
If the laws are different in every country (as they obviously are in Canada and the US and they differ from state to state in US), I am not sure that this has solved the MPJ questions though.

Quote from: "*Mo*"

I want to emphasize that as of now, we have no idea what MPJ's nationality is.  Last Thursday I called the Haitian embassy and asked that if a baby is born in Haiti, will it automatically get the Haitian nationality.  The answer was: "No, that depends on the nationality of the parents.".

For sure she is not Dutch, as she could not have her name changed to Jackson in just a year time, that procedure takes longer.  She would also have needed to prove that a Jackson is her father and that person would have to give permission to adopt his last name.

As far as I know we are trying to find out what it takes to change your name in the United States, just to see if she could have pulled it off..


August 04, 2010, 06:56:43 PM #84 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

ConfusedLOVE sent me all the documents.  I have seen the old birth certificate, the adoption papers and the new birth certificate.  She is telling the truth.

Because after redacting certain things there is in my opinion still too much personal information on the certificates, I told her I wasn't comfortable with publishing them.  We agreed on not publishing them here, but instead I would post a message confirming seeing them.

Thank you ConfusedLOVE for totally clarifying this issue!

Hi Mo,
does it mean she is MJ daughter and B. Ross loved child? This is what I am understanding. Can you please elaborate so I can understand better. I know you cannot show us the documentations. Thanks so much . God Bless.

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


August 04, 2010, 08:00:18 PM #85 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

ConfusedLOVE sent me all the documents.  I have seen the old birth certificate, the adoption papers and the new birth certificate.  She is telling the truth.

Because after redacting certain things there is in my opinion still too much personal information on the certificates, I told her I wasn't comfortable with publishing them.  We agreed on not publishing them here, but instead I would post a message confirming seeing them.

Thank you ConfusedLOVE for totally clarifying this issue!

Hi Mo,
does it mean she is MJ daughter and B. Ross loved child? This is what I am understanding. Can you please elaborate so I can understand better. I know you cannot show us the documentations. Thanks so much . God Bless.
Oh no!  ConfusedLOVE sent me the documents of her own daughter, not the documents of Mocienne Petit Jackson.  I appologize in case I have caused any confusion!


August 04, 2010, 09:03:37 PM #86 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

ConfusedLOVE sent me all the documents.  I have seen the old birth certificate, the adoption papers and the new birth certificate.  She is telling the truth.

Because after redacting certain things there is in my opinion still too much personal information on the certificates, I told her I wasn't comfortable with publishing them.  We agreed on not publishing them here, but instead I would post a message confirming seeing them.

Thank you ConfusedLOVE for totally clarifying this issue!

Hi Mo,
does it mean she is MJ daughter and B. Ross loved child? This is what I am understanding. Can you please elaborate so I can understand better. I know you cannot show us the documentations. Thanks so much . God Bless.
Oh no!  ConfusedLOVE sent me the documents of her own daughter, not the documents of Mocienne Petit Jackson.  I appologize in case I have caused any confusion!
Thanks Mo for your response. I thought It was Mocienne's certificate. Thank God   :lol:  I probably read wrong. Thanks again. Love always

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


August 08, 2010, 06:48:18 PM #87 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

[/quote] Mo

For sure she is not Dutch, as she could not have her name changed to Jackson in just a year time, that procedure takes longer.  She would also have needed to prove that a Jackson is her father and that person would have to give permission to adopt his last name.

As far as I know we are trying to find out what it takes to change your name in the United States, just to see if she could have pulled it off..[/quote]

as for a name change: my birth certificate was changed/ reissued when my mother remarried. i still have a paper that declares my 'descent', stating my biological mom and dad. but my birth certificate was changed and my stepdad's new name was put in there, which from then on was my maiden name.
my son was born before his dad and i married and his birth certificate was also changed after marriage. in this case, the parents stayed the same, but his birth name on the original certificate was my maiden name. so the name and document change can come with a marriage of the mother. that makes the first document invalid. i'm in germany, so i don't know if the same rules in the states apply.

another option: have a jackson adopt you and do the same, change name and docs accordingly.


just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Emily Hutjes

August 09, 2010, 06:12:53 AM #88 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: tabloidburn


For sure she is not Dutch, as she could not have her name changed to Jackson in just a year time, that procedure takes longer.  She would also have needed to prove that a Jackson is her father and that person would have to give permission to adopt his last name.

----and where is miss Petit's original birthcertificate from a town in Haiti on which is the name of her birthmother?????  Once she produces that she will be taken a little bit more serious she should have started her battle with that birthcertificate.  Barbara Ross stated, in a phone interview, that Mocienne has been e-mailing her for years......why didn't she put a stop to that?


August 09, 2010, 03:31:37 PM #89 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

That for sure will end this discussion about having to surrender the old birth certificate after a name change in the United States, and that is what this was all about![/b]

So are you saying that MPJ changed her name in the US, cause she isn't American is she?
I thought she was Belgium or Haitian.
If the laws are different in every country (as they obviously are in Canada and the US and they differ from state to state in US), I am not sure that this has solved the MPJ questions though.

Quote from: "*Mo*"

I want to emphasize that as of now, we have no idea what MPJ's nationality is.  Last Thursday I called the Haitian embassy and asked that if a baby is born in Haiti, will it automatically get the Haitian nationality.  The answer was: "No, that depends on the nationality of the parents.".

For sure she is not Dutch, as she could not have her name changed to Jackson in just a year time, that procedure takes longer.  She would also have needed to prove that a Jackson is her father and that person would have to give permission to adopt his last name.

As far as I know we are trying to find out what it takes to change your name in the United States, just to see if she could have pulled it off..

Regarding a name change in the States, I just saw this on TMZ:

Portia to Ellen: I Want to Be a DeGeneres!

8/9/2010 11:51 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Portia de Rossi will become Portia DeGeneres.

Ellen DeGeneres Wife - Portia de Rossi Name Change

Portia has filed a petition to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres.  She filed the papers in L.A. County Superior Court last Friday.

As for why ... the petition says, "Petitioner is taking the last name of her spouse."

Portia and Ellen DeGeneres were married in August, 2008.

Name change petitions are routinely granted.

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