[/quote] Mo
For sure she is not Dutch, as she could not have her name changed to Jackson in just a year time, that procedure takes longer. She would also have needed to prove that a Jackson is her father and that person would have to give permission to adopt his last name.
As far as I know we are trying to find out what it takes to change your name in the United States, just to see if she could have pulled it off..[/quote]
as for a name change: my birth certificate was changed/ reissued when my mother remarried. i still have a paper that declares my 'descent', stating my biological mom and dad. but my birth certificate was changed and my stepdad's new name was put in there, which from then on was my maiden name.
my son was born before his dad and i married and his birth certificate was also changed after marriage. in this case, the parents stayed the same, but his birth name on the original certificate was my maiden name. so the name and document change can come with a marriage of the mother. that makes the first document invalid. i'm in germany, so i don't know if the same rules in the states apply.
another option: have a jackson adopt you and do the same, change name and docs accordingly.