Hello everybody. A few articles about Elvis have caught my eye and I thought I would share with all of you. Today I saw this article http://tinyurl.com/2apumoy and a few things jumped out at me. It is a review of the Vegas show called "Viva Elvis".
impersonal verb
long live (someone or something specified)!: used in exclamations of acclaim
I will just copy and paste here a few pieces that caught my attention, but I suggest you all look at the full article linked above, you may see other things as well.
In the most jaw-dropping moment, Elvis Presley bonds with his twin brother, Jesse Garon -- who, in real life, was stillborn -- as they clamber upon a half moon to the tune of "One Night With You." This is a strange thing to include in the show, isn't it? Also didn't Brooke Shields say something similar about MJ and a crescent moon at the Memorial Service?
Acrobatic Superheroes
A highlight of the show has superhero-costumed acrobats bouncing on trampolines and scrambling up walls to the strains of "Got a Lot of Livin' to Do." But the number both overstays its welcome and seems tenuously connected to the singer and his life. (Elvis apparently was a comic-book fan, which serves as the justification for the routine.) This made me think of the comic book by Michael and Gotham Chopra called "Fated".
Another article from the Las Vegas Sun on July 26, 2010 called- Another Elvis comeback special: New album, 'Viva Elvis,' planned for November
The album, a partnership between Legacy Recordings, Elvis Presley Enterprises and Cirque du Soleil, should sell enormously well, given the popularity of Elvis "product" decades after his death.
Legacy Recordings is Sony Music Entertainment's catalog division. It was founded in 1990 by CBS Records (renamed Sony Music in 1991) under the leadership of the then Columbia Records / Sony Music chief executive Tommy Mottola to handle reissues of recordings from the vast catalogues of Columbia Records, Epic Records and associated labels. The division now additionally handles the archives of Sony Music's RCA, J Records, Windham Hill, RCA Victor, Arista, Buddah Records, Philadelphia International Records, as well as Sony BMG Nashville.
The WIKI link above has a list of notable artists under Legacy Recordings, but Elvis isn't mentioned?
Isn't Michael's new album also supposed to come out in November?!
Something strange that happened a while back regarding Elvis was related to the TIAI redirect of May 9th. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8FshnSFpg4 This redirect was a Fox tv news story about Eliza Presley having DNA to prove that Jesse was actually Elvis, and was/is still alive. Anyway, late that evening I was watching tv an old episode of the show called King Of The Hill. I was floored when I heard the character, Hank, mention Elvis and his dead brother Jesse! I uploaded the segment to YouTube
Well I started to create this thread early this morning, then had to leave and it is now after 10 pm. I was going to add other things, but I've lost my train of thought so I'll just post it "as is" for now.
Love & Light to ALL
Blessed to have been
Touched By An Angel