Quote from: "Melzy777"
Quote from: "Lou"Melzy777,
I didn't see the guy you mentioned, but I believe that LK can be in on it, so there's a chance, who knows?
Sorry, I should've posted the video.
It's at 1:22. Just as the cameraman shows the doorway to the next room they walk into. You'll see a person in black pants and white shirt briefly. I haven't looked further into this, as it was an old, old, old clue on mjhd. But, I don't think the identity of this black and white dressed person was discovered.
Hi, thank you for posting! Wow, we can barely see the guy, but who knows? I think that if it's a hoax, he could be there - but I think that he was not going to show himself, unless the whole staff knew about the hoax, wonder if it's possible. Interesting video, I haven't seen it before.