Arnold Klein Twitter

Started by DancingTheDream, January 08, 2010, 03:37:37 PM

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My quote "The very rich and the very poor and the very famous all get the worst medical care" has been called one of the best quotes of 2009

Is he having a laugh?



awkmd Arnold Klein barrack should be on trial
1 minute ago

awkmd Arnold Klein branca should be on trial



November 04, 2011, 06:30:59 PM #166 Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 06:33:25 PM by paula-c
Quote from: fordtocarr on November 04, 2011, 06:00:03 PM

awkmd Arnold Klein
you the fans will have the truth....I know the entire awful tale
1 minute ago Favorite Reply

I do not know what to think, we shall see in the next few days

awkmd Arnold Klein
MJ lived with me since 1986...the story cannot be told here

...I know the enawkmd Arnold Klein
The truth will soon be in front of you. Phillip Anschutz I know the tale
12 minutes ago

13 minutes ago
Arnold Klein
awkmd Arnold Klein
Furthermore these are not even my records.
13 minutes ago
Arnold Klein
awkmd Arnold Klein
Now I am beyond angry.How can the government of the US allow my records on Mr Jackson to be illegally released violating my civil rights.
13 minutes ago

Arnold Klein
awkmd Arnold Klein
When they vilified me and released medical records Homeland Security and US Attorney in LA did nothing.
14 minutes ago

I do not know what to think, we shall see in the next few days

Australian MJ BeLIEver

Quote from: fordtocarr on November 04, 2011, 06:25:57 PM

awkmd Arnold Klein barrack should be on trial
1 minute ago

awkmd Arnold Klein branca should be on trial

this IS craziness. perhaps been hacked? or has he 'worked it out' by sites such as this and therefore wants to be ahead of the pack to reveal it to public. so then post bam, he can be all 'told you so' and 'i was in on it' etc etc
People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


November 04, 2011, 06:49:14 PM #168 Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 06:53:37 PM by Aidan_81

Hacked or not, it's really dangerous now for Arnie, he tells a lot!

Anschutz, Branca.. wow Arnold, you better watch your back now!
Or what happened to your assistant might happen to you, man.
Scary  pale/

Edit: Ok. He tells nothing new - fans who looked deeper know that stuff.
But he was close to Michael and whole dirty pond, so maybe he knows something apart
from fansite info! maybe something he can confirm.


November 04, 2011, 07:04:23 PM #169 Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 07:14:46 PM by Snoopy71

Okay...I'm not a fan of coincidence.

Dr. Klein just happens to be blurting this stuff out right around the close of the trial and when the jury goes to deliberations (all this information has been out there for the last two years and he picks now to start flapping his gums?) Hacked account, crazy or scared...I don't buy it  8-)

But even with everything he is saying, it's not a public viewable twitter account (so it's a "controlled leak") filtered down through the forums (most notably ours).

Add to that, the extra day for preparation for "closing arguments" and you now have the jury carrying over deliberations till Monday 11/7...this makes for a long weekend of speculation and revelation by media reports.

I bet NPG will be following Conrad Murray around like a puppy (lots of articles from TMZ)

.....something has shifted....seems like there's a change in the game plan. Or a redirect to the original plan that got off course.

....something just feels very odd about all this :?


Well, Aidan, he may be telling nothing NEW, and YOU may have already known it all, I didn't, but, it's the fact that his IS POINTING to these things, as OUR site that interests me.
He could point anyplace, or say anything, but because he points us and other places out, I'm wondering why and what he's trying to say.


Maybe he knows the truth IS near, and truth won't be nice to him
among others, so he is in panic and tries to "clean" himself,
to win sympathy or something like that.. It's not just for attention - why
locking your account if so  confused/
I don't really like him, but he should know what serious ppl he's shouting about now.
He and LaToya, there can be real danger as they do know names
we know too, but we're nobody and not even in US,
and they are right there in the circle and know things for sure..  errrr


Well, thanks to Klein, maybe some fans will stop concentrating on Murray
and Murray only! The picture is so much bigger, Chernoff said it all - just a little
fish in a dirty pond.

katy (MJFAN7)

Quote from: Australian MJ BeLIEver on November 04, 2011, 06:39:54 PM

Quote from: fordtocarr on November 04, 2011, 06:25:57 PM

awkmd Arnold Klein barrack should be on trial
1 minute ago

awkmd Arnold Klein branca should be on trial

this IS craziness. perhaps been hacked? or has he 'worked it out' by sites such as this and therefore wants to be ahead of the pack to reveal it to public. so then post bam, he can be all 'told you so' and 'i was in on it' etc etc
I highly doubt he was hacked, but it's very suspicious how all the sites he links to are hoax sites, it's not like he's finding information that *just happens to be* a hoax site. It's a clue ! 8-)

أملي هو فيكم.


awkmd Arnold Klein Deepok you said mj asked you for oxycontin--you lie....sell videos!
He's on his nightly roll..............


November 04, 2011, 08:51:59 PM #175 Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 09:10:39 PM by Snoopy71
Quote from: fordtocarr on November 04, 2011, 08:38:08 PM

awkmd Arnold Klein Deepok you said mj asked you for oxycontin--you lie....sell videos!
He's on his nightly roll..............

Funny thing is...he can always claim his account got hacked, that he said none of it  ;)
...Quote:"they" have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund!  suspicious//


I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.

I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.

I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.


I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


Quote from: voiceforthesilent on November 04, 2011, 09:33:21 PM

I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.

I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.

I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.


I highly agree w/you. I too have never seen a doc go about things in the manner that he is. As I said earlier, doesn't he have better things to do besides browse hoax sites then respond via twitter? LoL I'm still confused as to what his motive is ...whether it be good or bad, but something shady is definitely going on. He's throwing all these ppl under the bus either exposing them for what they may or may not be, or either that, he's covering his own behind since he seems suspect to some of us beLIEvers. Just my opinion.

I know this is off topic but just came to mind, did anyone notice how Katherine went back to the court house to pick up signs from the fans? Now what on earth would she want with signs??? I know who WOULD want fans signs though....Michael himself! lol. Then the fact that they were staying @ a downtown hotel had the hoax alarm going off in my brain. haha.

But back on topic....I hope Klein isn't really on the shady list. It's somewhat appearing that way in my opinion. I guess we'll see though. Sooner or later, the full truth will reveal itself.

I turned 6 yrs old when MJ released the Smooth Criminal single. The 24th will be a very special b-day this yr....:) I'll be 29. Subtract 9-2 and what do you get???? lol Lucky #'s . Last yr in my 20's....


Quote from: voiceforthesilent on November 04, 2011, 09:33:21 PM

I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.

I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.

I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.


Voiceforthesilent, you are absolutely right, I am kind of in the medical field but I have friends who are doctors, I have spoken to them about Klein, and they told me the same thing you just posted. Very strange indeed. Hope Klein continues talking.

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


November 05, 2011, 03:56:22 AM #179 Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 05:43:47 AM by Suzy7

Klein seems genuinely angry and I agree Snoopy, his timing is indeed interesting. Scared or/because the hoax will be coming to an end and he has to "save himself". Either way the directing people to hoax sites is telling in and of itself.
His attorney was on HLN again saying he has important things he wants to speak about in terms of what he believes the public is unaware of. Wonder what he has to say this time?

@SimPatty good observations and they mean SOMEthing. You should definitely try contacting him, he usually answers most people from what I see. All this talk of "truth coming out" from everyone and "conspirators" points to both hoax and sting elements, the rest is vague.

Voiceforthesilent his behavior does seem erratic, not at all professional.

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