Okay...I'm not a fan of coincidence.
Dr. Klein just happens to be blurting this stuff out right around the close of the trial and when the jury goes to deliberations (all this information has been out there for the last two years and he picks now to start flapping his gums?) Hacked account, crazy or scared...I don't buy it 8-)
But even with everything he is saying, it's not a public viewable twitter account (so it's a "controlled leak") filtered down through the forums (most notably ours).
Add to that, the extra day for preparation for "closing arguments" and you now have the jury carrying over deliberations till Monday 11/7...this makes for a long weekend of speculation and revelation by media reports.
I bet NPG will be following Conrad Murray around like a puppy (lots of articles from TMZ)
.....something has shifted....seems like there's a change in the game plan. Or a redirect to the original plan that got off course.
....something just feels very odd about all this :?