
The forum and its admins

Started by ~Souza~, July 08, 2010, 05:40:03 PM

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It has been a while since I felt the urge to post something like this, but things are getting crazy again and I think a new admin post is inevitable.

A lot of you might have seen the video posted on this forum. I locked the thread, but the video is still there for all of you to see. We have nothing to hide and the video is full of untruthfulness and has the sole purpose to bash and ridicule us. It has happened before and I am sure it will happen again.

I saw a comment that people want to be clarified as to who we are. Due to safety reasons we simply can't. People that have spoken to us know we are indeed Dutch, but that's all we can say about it. We don't use our own names or whereabouts because we get death threads and I can tell you (without going into detail) some stuff already happened in our personal lives that we can not explain but was highly uncomfortable to say the least. We don't have to know who you are, I hope you respect the fact that we don't want to say who we are, same goes for badkolo, who is under false names as well. It's for a good reason.

The poster of the video was never banned, she asked herself if we could deactivate her after the article in The Sun, so we did. There is a lot of hate towards us on the other forum, and I don't really get why. We don't bash the others and we don't allow that here. Many people say they are banned when they are not, some people were banned because they couldn't behave, not because they had a different opinion.

What is bugging me the most is that people claim we are here for our own agendas. That is simply not true. We don't earn money with this website, this website costs a lot of money. People who are familiar with owning websites know that the more traffic on your website, the higher the costs are. We don't have ads so we don't gain from that as well.

We have only one agenda and that's finding out the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson. The fact that we are not fans does not mean we don't like him. We do want to know the why and not the when, and I think we have said that many times. We have our own opinion as to why he did this, and we can voice OUR opinion as well, like everyone can, as long as people stay respectful. We too are people of flesh and bones and not made of steal. We put in a lot of time to keep this forum running and I don't expect you to kiss our feet, I am only asking to respect us just a little if it's possible.

About The Jacksonologist: she was demodded for the single reason that she was not active as a mod on this forum anymore, but being an active member on MJHD. That is fine, but i do hope you understand the fact that we need mods that are active here as well. Most of the time there was no mod online, that is why we decided to have new mods and demod a few others. If she feels like we spied on her, well I can't help that. I do visit MJHD sometimes as well and if you call that spying, that's fine.

About TS and Elvis&MJ: We believe in TS and we trust in him, simply because no one was able to debunk his posts. We do not believe Elvis is going to bam, but the story about Elvis is very similar to Mike's death and the fact that there is evidence that Elvis is still alive, underlines the fact that Mike is still alive. You are not obligated to join in the trending Twitter Rally, you are not obligated to believe it. Everyone can make up his own mind. But the fact that we are admins, doesn't mean that we are only here to lock and delete posts, we also participate in the hoax as much as we can and we have our own beliefs.

I am disgusted by the way some people think it's necessary to treat us. I do not understand why there is so much hate amongst believers and to tell you the truth, the accusations are starting to hurt. We have put so much time and effort into this website not only for us, but for you all. We could have made a blog and be done, yet we made a forum for everyone. MJHD was shut down twice and other forums didn't last long either. We wanted to make sure the info wouldn't get lost again.

If you really don't like it here, if you really hate the admins with their agendas that much, I am asking you: why are you still here? No one is keeping you here. Why not go to another forum and let it rest? Why the hate?

The video will stay here for you to check, but other posts like that will be deleted instantly. Not because we want to 'hide the truth' but to stop the lies about us. I don't allow videos bashing others, but I also don't allow videos bashing us and spreading hate.

Maybe it's because there is not enough news now, and people are again disappointed that there hasn't been a bam yet, I don't know, but it seems we are the targets again.

This post will probably be copied and pasted everywhere to make fun of, well go ahead. This is what I wanted to say and nothing more. If you want to leave, just leave, if you want to stay, stay but show some respect. If you have questions, you can always pm me. Some people do when they think something is odd and I always try to answer, if I can. You can also post questions in here, so everyone can see them and I will answer them in here. But I hope you will understand I will not answer hateful and disrespectful posts.

I really hope we can all stop hating each other and set our differences aside.



July 09, 2010, 03:11:59 AM #30 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

very well said, souza.

having different opinions is one thing, which is, of course, perfectly normal; but starting to diss and bash ppl for it and even threatening them is far beyond acceptable behaviour, and this is what some others do. I am always shocked when ppl get personal; i mean, saying that someone doesn´t believe in a certain thing you say is ok, but then all the disrespectful gossip...i really don´t like that. And tbh, we´re all on the internet, we don´t necessarily have to know who is behind a nickname, because -as i said- this is the internet! to me, this explains it pretty much. I like it if i know someone´s real name, if he wants to tell me, but if he doesn´t want to, oh well, that´s what nicknames are for.

I didn´t know your laptop was stolen, and this shocks me that ppl even break into your homes just to be able to write some shit on the internet! Are you ok?

"You know, I´m serious, dude!" (Akon) LOL


July 09, 2010, 03:32:41 AM #31 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

This is so depressing.  What hope is there of 'changing the world' when just a few hundred people cannot get along, even when they supposedly have the same aim (of finding out what happened to MJ)?

This is modern technology at its worst. I wonder if these 'troublemakers' would act in the same way face to face. It seems like the anonymity of the computer screen allows for a total disregard to all common standards of politeness and decency in a certain type of person.

I hope if MJ is alive that he doesn't read this forum.  I fear it would break his heart, although he has experienced enough of the ugly side of human nature in his own lifetime, to have seen this coming.

Souza and Mo, keep yourselves safe. Please make that your top priority.


July 09, 2010, 04:45:54 AM #32 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I saw the video yesterday and it's the huge BS that I've ever seen during the last 8 months.
They claimed to know the truht....? woah.... I think they don't understand a damn thing!
They should connect the brain before open their mouth!
They are talking about love and respect?
Oh yeah! what they are spreading it's love.......... :roll:
They preach love but spread hate!
I hope they will understand one day...........
This forum is not about money or hate... it's about to find out the truth!
Mo and Souza and BadKolo keep up the good work! and thanks!  :!:


July 09, 2010, 05:12:16 AM #33 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Allow me to add something...

I seriously don't understand the hate towards owners and admins of Michael Jackson hoax websites.  It's not just Souza and I who are under attack, every owner has to deal with it.  I might not agree with what other hoax website/forum owners do, but that doesn't mean I feel the urge to create videos filled with lies about them and spread them, claiming them to contain the truth.

Actions like that clearly show the rage of impotence.  People who make these kind of videos and post them on forums like to have an audience, they need "back up" in order to comfort their own insecurity.    It's striking to see that each and every admin bashing video is talking about "sheep" who follow the admins without thinking for themselves, yet what do you call people who blindly accept the lies presented in these videos and supporting the maker of the video..?

It saddens me deeply that the very person which these forums are all about, the very person who hated all these kind of things, has attracted it.  Many of the admin bashers keep screaming "It's all about LOVE", but it's not LOVE they spread, they spread HATE.  They are very upset when it comes to MJ's privacy, yet they have no problems at all digging for our personal information.  They have big mouths about the privacy of MJ's kids, but hey, I have kids also!  I was attacked as a mother...  I'm asking you: How low can you go..?

Like Souza already said - some very disturbing things took place in our personal lives during the last months.  Is it really necessary to personally attack people for publishing THEORIES?  How would you feel if you received death threats after airing your opinion..?

Despite all the threats, the lies and the actions taken against us I have no intentions of giving up.  Let me end with a quote we're all familiar with: "Beat me, hate me, You can never break me".


July 09, 2010, 05:29:28 AM #34 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I am an active member here and there, although I dont post a lot but I am all day visiting this and the other forum, just because I want to know the truth. I have never been disrespectuf with anybody so I dont afraid to be banned, but what I want to say is that I also like to be respected and sometimes some members told me to go just because I am not a 100% believer.

About the video, I dont know what to think, I dont know either of you and when I read you I trust you and when I read the other I trust the other....so 50-50. The fact of being here doesnt mean that I am going to say "amen" to everything admins or posters says, and the same at the other forum, I am free to think what I want and when/whereever I want.

LOL sorry for my bad english  :?


July 09, 2010, 05:46:35 AM #35 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

ok, I watched the video ...  :roll:

Guys, are you serious?
Sorry, but I have to reply...
I'm a quiet and patient person, but I can't tolerate those kind of accusations.
Love has a meaning, it's not just a simple word, MJ related or not.
How can you talk about it if you are the first ones bashing others ? Oh, come on !

Are you sure you know the difference between THEORIES and TRUTH ?
I am on this forum since the beginning and I've never heard the admins saying : this is the truth. We are all interested in MJ's "death", we all want to find out the truth, if possible.
Is it so important to be a fan or not? I am a fan myself and I can assure you I' ve never had problems with who is not. We are all united in this crazy adventure, we all respect MJ the man. Isn't it enough ?
And we have different opinions, I would be surprised if it wasn't so.
I've been asked to be a mod and Souza and Mo  didn't do any kind of interview to me to know if we shared exactly the same ideas before . So, are you sure there's no freedom of speech here ?

Just my two cents...

Peace  :)


July 09, 2010, 05:51:15 AM #36 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

You´re right!

Quote from: "superflysister81"

ok, I watched the video ...  :roll:

Guys, are you serious?
Sorry, but I have to reply...
I'm a quiet and patient person, but I can't tolerate those kind of accusations.
Love has a meaning, it's not just a simple word, MJ related or not.
How can you talk about it if you are the first ones bashing others ? Oh, come on !

Are you sure you know the difference between THEORIES and TRUTH ?
I am on this forum since the beginning and I've never heard the admins saying : this is the truth. We are all interested in MJ's "death", we all want to find out the truth, if possible.
Is it so important to be a fan or not? I am a fan myself and I can assure you I never had problems with who is not. We are all united in this crazy adventure, we all respect MJ the man. Isn't it enough ?
And we have different opinions, I would be surprised if it wasn't so.
I've been asked to be a mod and Souza and Mo  didn't do any kind of interview to me to know if we shared exactly the same ideas before . So, are you sure there's no freedom of speech here ?

Just my two cents...

Peace  :)

"You know, I´m serious, dude!" (Akon) LOL


July 09, 2010, 07:35:08 AM #37 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "glovelove"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

It has been a while since I felt the urge to post something like this, but things are getting crazy again and I think a new admin post is inevitable.

A lot of you might have seen the video posted on this forum. I locked the thread, but the video is still there for all of you to see. We have nothing to hide and the video is full of untruthfulness and has the sole purpose to bash and ridicule us. It has happened before and I am sure it will happen again.

I saw a comment that people want to be clarified as to who we are. Due to safety reasons we simply can't. People that have spoken to us know we are indeed Dutch, but that's all we can say about it. We don't use our own names or whereabouts because we get death threads and I can tell you (without going into detail) some stuff already happened in our personal lives that we can not explain but was highly uncomfortable to say the least. We don't have to know who you are, I hope you respect the fact that we don't want to say who we are, same goes for badkolo, who is under false names as well. It's for a good reason.

The poster of the video was never banned, she asked herself if we could deactivate her after the article in The Sun, so we did. There is a lot of hate towards us on the other forum, and I don't really get why. We don't bash the others and we don't allow that here. Many people say they are banned when they are not, some people were banned because they couldn't behave, not because they had a different opinion.

What is bugging me the most is that people claim we are here for our own agendas. That is simply not true. We don't earn money with this website, this website costs a lot of money. People who are familiar with owning websites know that the more traffic on your website, the higher the costs are. We don't have ads so we don't gain from that as well.

We have only one agenda and that's finding out the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson. The fact that we are not fans does not mean we don't like him. We do want to know the why and not the when, and I think we have said that many times. We have our own opinion as to why he did this, and we can voice OUR opinion as well, like everyone can, as long as people stay respectful. We too are people of flesh and bones and not made of steal. We put in a lot of time to keep this forum running and I don't expect you to kiss our feet, I am only asking to respect us just a little if it's possible.

About The Jacksonologist: she was demodded for the single reason that she was not active as a mod on this forum anymore, but being an active member on MJHD. That is fine, but i do hope you understand the fact that we need mods that are active here as well. Most of the time there was no mod online, that is why we decided to have new mods and demod a few others. If she feels like we spied on her, well I can't help that. I do visit MJHD sometimes as well and if you call that spying, that's fine.

About TS and Elvis&MJ: We believe in TS and we trust in him, simply because no one was able to debunk his posts. We do not believe Elvis is going to bam, but the story about Elvis is very similar to Mike's death and the fact that there is evidence that Elvis is still alive, underlines the fact that Mike is still alive. You are not obligated to join in the trending Twitter Rally, you are not obligated to believe it. Everyone can make up his own mind. But the fact that we are admins, doesn't mean that we are only here to lock and delete posts, we also participate in the hoax as much as we can and we have our own beliefs.

I am disgusted by the way some people think it's necessary to treat us. I do not understand why there is so much hate amongst believers and to tell you the truth, the accusations are starting to hurt. We have put so much time and effort into this website not only for us, but for you all. We could have made a blog and be done, yet we made a forum for everyone. MJHD was shut down twice and other forums didn't last long either. We wanted to make sure the info wouldn't get lost again.

If you really don't like it here, if you really hate the admins with their agendas that much, I am asking you: why are you still here? No one is keeping you here. Why not go to another forum and let it rest? Why the hate?

The video will stay here for you to check, but other posts like that will be deleted instantly. Not because we want to 'hide the truth' but to stop the lies about us. I don't allow videos bashing others, but I also don't allow videos bashing us and spreading hate.

Maybe it's because there is not enough news now, and people are again disappointed that there hasn't been a bam yet, I don't know, but it seems we are the targets again.

This post will probably be copied and pasted everywhere to make fun of, well go ahead. This is what I wanted to say and nothing more. If you want to leave, just leave, if you want to stay, stay but show some respect. If you have questions, you can always pm me. Some people do when they think something is odd and I always try to answer, if I can. You can also post questions in here, so everyone can see them and I will answer them in here. But I hope you will understand I will not answer hateful and disrespectful posts.

I really hope we can all stop hating each other and set our differences aside.

Dear Souza and all fellow members.
Firstly I for one do certainly not hate you...Far from it..yet it has to be said that this once so lovely and pleasant forum has a completely different  atmosphere now. I find it sad as it used to be a place I would come to feel better and take comfort. Now i dont like posting here  because of the sarcastic remarks you are likely to recieve .Infact last week I decided to not post again but  I DO FEEL THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID so here I am. Last week I had issues with one of the posts I felt one individual was being targeted and I made my feelings clear but with all honesty I do think our opinions  are sometimes over rided by admin ..just recently threads are being locked constantly..even when there are valid points in the thread. I have recieved numerous emails in my inbox from fellow members expressing their feelings about the forum ..many of them agreeing that they prefer not to post because of the reaction they are likely to get. So I know I am not alone in the way I am feeling. This is not personal to Mo and Souza I am just saying what others are to scared to say. I think people have become afraid to speak up because of the negativity in here.

souza I completely understand you keeping your identities secret each and everyone of us has the right to remain secret.Noone should judge you for that whatsoever. I do believe that you have done a marvelous job in bringing this website on.I also think the members have done a wonderful job too with their amazing contributions. Mo Souza I thank you for your efforts and time you put into the site too.

you say "If you really don't like it here, if you really hate the admins with their agendas that much, I am asking you: why are you still here? No one is keeping you here. Why not go to another forum and let it rest? Why the hate"   ..THE ANSWER TO THAT IS THIS..lets look at this from both sides I understand it from your side but think of it from our side us the members ...We are still here for 1 reason and 1 reason only and thats Michael..many of us have been here from day one ..we dont want to  leave we want change we want less hate too.. many of us have posted and added alot to this forum and spent our time investigating we shouldnt have to leave it all behind.??.I think it would be unfair to say the negativity is one  sided. Also me myself personally think that each and everyone of us as contributed in making this website as sucessful as it is many of us are dedicated to the investiagtion.
I do think the amount of people joining the site has changed the atmosphere.

You say you are disgusted? Thats exactly how I felt last week yet my opinion didnt matter the response  I recieved was just pure sarcasm and following my last post I was shocked with the amount of emails i got with other members  agreeing with me. I think numbers speak volumes and just the very fact that a lot of people are not happy here anymore should be telling you something.

I also understand that this is a busy forum and I know you the admins do not have an easy job in here.Respect. I appreciate the work you have put in  and I know you can not keep everyone happy but it would be a shame for this site to lose its credibility, simply because people feel they dont want to post. Us a members also have an important role. I dont think you asking us why we are still here is going to make us feel welcome and cherished. Its obvious why we are here and each and everyone of us should be valued including admin.I think we need to build bridges we are hot haters we are lovers we just need to  start showing it again.

I myself dont get the ElvisMj twitter thing but contributed for the simple fact it would be a nice thing to do for the people who do believe in  it.  I think we all need to give and hopefully the love will start coming back

MICHAEL= L.O.V.E ..............................MAKE A CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope this doesnt offend anyone its just my opinion LOVE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glovelove xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

glovelove, I agree with everything you have said.....you read my mind but I couldn't have been as eloquent!! Well done. :D


July 09, 2010, 07:59:13 AM #38 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

This is like history repeating itself, all the negativity, all the hate and mistrust, it is so sad, this is not at all the message MJ tried all his life to get across, this should be about repect, unity and coming together not attacking each other. :cry:

I am sorry you have been personally attacked Souza and Mo, and that people have sought to find your identity. I would like to thank you for the time you both have put into this site and the many hours you must dedicate to it.  I have been a member here for a long time, since it was created as the backup MJKITForum.  It is sad to see how it has changed, the mutual respect for each other seems to have disappeared, we seem to be in a state of disharmony, can we no longer "harmonize around the world" show the love and respect for each other?

I have no plans to go anywhere else, I am a member on the other forum, but rarely go there as I prefer the more analytical base we have here.

We need to get the harmony back, if you dont agree with something, you dont have to "bash" someone elses theory, if you dont agree "pass on by on the other side of the road" as my Mum said when I was very small if you cannot say something good dont say anything at all, I have always found that has stood me in very good stead.

We need to get back to seeking the truth, I know its very quiet at the moment, but we need to be patient and I pray that the truth will prevail.

Peace and God Bless us All.


July 09, 2010, 11:00:31 AM #39 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest



July 09, 2010, 11:23:37 AM #40 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I've always found that on any forum there is always some type of dispute with the admin, mods & the members, so for me this isn't surprising.

I think we would all be blind to not realize that there is always going to be things going on that we are not aware of between other people on a forum. I'm sure there is also some truth to it & of course speculation.

I found the video to be part speculation & part truth, i.e. the TS information. I do not however enjoy viewing these types of vids wherein the person stated that they THINK this or that may be the case & proceed to carry on with that thought process.

It is always incorrect to state or post anything with respect to this particular topic with out proof.

Do I think that there is some type of competition between hoax forums? Yes I do. Do I think that the truth will ever be told completely? No, most probably not.

The only thing I am concerned with is that there are some young folks on forms who will blindly follow most everything that is stated be administrators. Why? First, because they are naive & secondly they may not want to say anything for fear of being banned.

I am like some of the other members. I don't,  never have & never will believe anyone simply because they are an administrator, moderator or a member. That would be ridiculous.

I skip over any threads that I do not support in their beliefs. I do refrain sometimes from speaking my mind, not because I fear a ban. There are many other hoax forums, so what would be the point in that?

I refrain because it simply isn't worth my time nor effort to attempt to argue over something that in the end will not matter to me.

People that lie will continue to lie & people that tell the truth will continue to tell the truth.

The people that don't know the difference will eventually find out in the end.


July 09, 2010, 11:42:56 AM #41 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "glovelove"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

It has been a while since I felt the urge to post something like this, but things are getting crazy again and I think a new admin post is inevitable.

A lot of you might have seen the video posted on this forum. I locked the thread, but the video is still there for all of you to see. We have nothing to hide and the video is full of untruthfulness and has the sole purpose to bash and ridicule us. It has happened before and I am sure it will happen again.

I saw a comment that people want to be clarified as to who we are. Due to safety reasons we simply can't. People that have spoken to us know we are indeed Dutch, but that's all we can say about it. We don't use our own names or whereabouts because we get death threads and I can tell you (without going into detail) some stuff already happened in our personal lives that we can not explain but was highly uncomfortable to say the least. We don't have to know who you are, I hope you respect the fact that we don't want to say who we are, same goes for badkolo, who is under false names as well. It's for a good reason.

The poster of the video was never banned, she asked herself if we could deactivate her after the article in The Sun, so we did. There is a lot of hate towards us on the other forum, and I don't really get why. We don't bash the others and we don't allow that here. Many people say they are banned when they are not, some people were banned because they couldn't behave, not because they had a different opinion.

What is bugging me the most is that people claim we are here for our own agendas. That is simply not true. We don't earn money with this website, this website costs a lot of money. People who are familiar with owning websites know that the more traffic on your website, the higher the costs are. We don't have ads so we don't gain from that as well.

We have only one agenda and that's finding out the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson. The fact that we are not fans does not mean we don't like him. We do want to know the why and not the when, and I think we have said that many times. We have our own opinion as to why he did this, and we can voice OUR opinion as well, like everyone can, as long as people stay respectful. We too are people of flesh and bones and not made of steal. We put in a lot of time to keep this forum running and I don't expect you to kiss our feet, I am only asking to respect us just a little if it's possible.

About The Jacksonologist: she was demodded for the single reason that she was not active as a mod on this forum anymore, but being an active member on MJHD. That is fine, but i do hope you understand the fact that we need mods that are active here as well. Most of the time there was no mod online, that is why we decided to have new mods and demod a few others. If she feels like we spied on her, well I can't help that. I do visit MJHD sometimes as well and if you call that spying, that's fine.

About TS and Elvis&MJ: We believe in TS and we trust in him, simply because no one was able to debunk his posts. We do not believe Elvis is going to bam, but the story about Elvis is very similar to Mike's death and the fact that there is evidence that Elvis is still alive, underlines the fact that Mike is still alive. You are not obligated to join in the trending Twitter Rally, you are not obligated to believe it. Everyone can make up his own mind. But the fact that we are admins, doesn't mean that we are only here to lock and delete posts, we also participate in the hoax as much as we can and we have our own beliefs.

I am disgusted by the way some people think it's necessary to treat us. I do not understand why there is so much hate amongst believers and to tell you the truth, the accusations are starting to hurt. We have put so much time and effort into this website not only for us, but for you all. We could have made a blog and be done, yet we made a forum for everyone. MJHD was shut down twice and other forums didn't last long either. We wanted to make sure the info wouldn't get lost again.

If you really don't like it here, if you really hate the admins with their agendas that much, I am asking you: why are you still here? No one is keeping you here. Why not go to another forum and let it rest? Why the hate?

The video will stay here for you to check, but other posts like that will be deleted instantly. Not because we want to 'hide the truth' but to stop the lies about us. I don't allow videos bashing others, but I also don't allow videos bashing us and spreading hate.

Maybe it's because there is not enough news now, and people are again disappointed that there hasn't been a bam yet, I don't know, but it seems we are the targets again.

This post will probably be copied and pasted everywhere to make fun of, well go ahead. This is what I wanted to say and nothing more. If you want to leave, just leave, if you want to stay, stay but show some respect. If you have questions, you can always pm me. Some people do when they think something is odd and I always try to answer, if I can. You can also post questions in here, so everyone can see them and I will answer them in here. But I hope you will understand I will not answer hateful and disrespectful posts.

I really hope we can all stop hating each other and set our differences aside.

Dear Souza and all fellow members.
Firstly I for one do certainly not hate you...Far from it..yet it has to be said that this once so lovely and pleasant forum has a completely different  atmosphere now. I find it sad as it used to be a place I would come to feel better and take comfort. Now i dont like posting here  because of the sarcastic remarks you are likely to recieve .Infact last week I decided to not post again but  I DO FEEL THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID so here I am. Last week I had issues with one of the posts I felt one individual was being targeted and I made my feelings clear but with all honesty I do think our opinions  are sometimes over rided by admin ..just recently threads are being locked constantly..even when there are valid points in the thread. I have recieved numerous emails in my inbox from fellow members expressing their feelings about the forum ..many of them agreeing that they prefer not to post because of the reaction they are likely to get. So I know I am not alone in the way I am feeling. This is not personal to Mo and Souza I am just saying what others are to scared to say. I think people have become afraid to speak up because of the negativity in here.

souza I completely understand you keeping your identities secret each and everyone of us has the right to remain secret.Noone should judge you for that whatsoever. I do believe that you have done a marvelous job in bringing this website on.I also think the members have done a wonderful job too with their amazing contributions. Mo Souza I thank you for your efforts and time you put into the site too.

you say "If you really don't like it here, if you really hate the admins with their agendas that much, I am asking you: why are you still here? No one is keeping you here. Why not go to another forum and let it rest? Why the hate"   ..THE ANSWER TO THAT IS THIS..lets look at this from both sides I understand it from your side but think of it from our side us the members ...We are still here for 1 reason and 1 reason only and thats Michael..many of us have been here from day one ..we dont want to  leave we want change we want less hate too.. many of us have posted and added alot to this forum and spent our time investigating we shouldnt have to leave it all behind.??.I think it would be unfair to say the negativity is one  sided. Also me myself personally think that each and everyone of us as contributed in making this website as sucessful as it is many of us are dedicated to the investiagtion.
I do think the amount of people joining the site has changed the atmosphere.

You say you are disgusted? Thats exactly how I felt last week yet my opinion didnt matter the response  I recieved was just pure sarcasm and following my last post I was shocked with the amount of emails i got with other members  agreeing with me. I think numbers speak volumes and just the very fact that a lot of people are not happy here anymore should be telling you something.

I also understand that this is a busy forum and I know you the admins do not have an easy job in here.Respect. I appreciate the work you have put in  and I know you can not keep everyone happy but it would be a shame for this site to lose its credibility, simply because people feel they dont want to post. Us a members also have an important role. I dont think you asking us why we are still here is going to make us feel welcome and cherished. Its obvious why we are here and each and everyone of us should be valued including admin.I think we need to build bridges we are hot haters we are lovers we just need to  start showing it again.

I myself dont get the ElvisMj twitter thing but contributed for the simple fact it would be a nice thing to do for the people who do believe in  it.  I think we all need to give and hopefully the love will start coming back

MICHAEL= L.O.V.E ..............................MAKE A CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope this doesnt offend anyone its just my opinion LOVE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glovelove xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

@ glovelove, I agree with everything you have said, you just wrote out my own thoughts  ;) Thanks.

@ Souza, thanks for addressing the questions.
As I said, I don´t care who you are but I do care the way this forum is turning towards the Michael Jackson investigation. And I feel very unconfortable with it at this moment.
It was also a big shock for me to find out who is owning the domain and the possible connection to Mrs "DEMON" made me very upset as well.

GloveLove has expresed just how I think in may points.

I made myself clear about my point of views through all my posts and it shows which subjects I am following and what theories I agree with.

I am here to observe, collect, contribute and find what happened to Michael Jackson and only Michael.

I want also add that all this situations are caused as well by Story Tellers and Riddle Experts who keep confusing people here in the forum.

Michael Jackson is gone, that´s the only fact we have.


("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"


July 09, 2010, 02:23:39 PM #42 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I really appreciate all that you Souza and Mo do it keeping this site running. It is a home for me definately. I've rarely seen a family, church group, friends group that eventually didn't have some issues and fights going on about something. Human nature. Things build up, explosion, discuss everything out, hopefully new understanding is reached. That happens regularly just me, my husband, and kids. This forum is so much more a range of people involved. I agree there's major stress let down with nothing happening with Michael lately. We've gotto get through this together.

I personally admit that the strong connection to the Elvis site with TS's post, was a let down for me as to his connection to Michael for the first time, hope new info will come. :?  Just being honest. But I will continue to hope, trust, support, love. Thank you!


July 09, 2010, 02:33:25 PM #43 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Dear Souza and Mo,
I am sorry you are having so many problems. You are doing a service to Michael Jackson and people who care about him and the world.
I don't have much time to read the posts and keep up--it has all become very confusing.
I appreciate everything you do and I think you are doing a great job.  It is your forum, so I think people should abide by your rules.
Having said this, could you please tell me why you think Michael Jackson did this?

Thank you very much for your forum!


July 09, 2010, 03:03:31 PM #44 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "liegi"

Dear Souza and Mo,
I am sorry you are having so many problems. You are doing a service to Michael Jackson and people who care about him and the world.
I don't have much time to read the posts and keep up--it has all become very confusing.
I appreciate everything you do and I think you are doing a great job.  It is your forum, so I think people should abide by your rules.
Having said this, could you please tell me why you think Michael Jackson did this?

Thank you very much for your forum!

Liegi, Souza and I think Mike did this to expose what's really going on in this world, to show people that they are manipulated and being lied to on the highest level.  We have created a series of videos called "Michael Jackson's Message", you can find them in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035

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