QuoteI believe what people failed to realize was that Michael was a human being.
I still think many fail to realize that, even his fans. I am posting this because there is a lot I need to get off my chest.
This hoax has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have laughed, I have been confused (and still are most of the time), I have had dozens of brain reboots, I have cried my eyes out, I have finally met the true me, I have learned what I expect from myself and this short visit on earth and I believe I am a close witness to "What Will Go Down In History As The Greatest Demonstration For Freedom...". That is why this is important to me, because if I would have thought that he only hoaxed his death because he wanted to outdo Thriller, I would have walked away months ago, although I do like this aspect of the story as well. But lately what I feel most is sadness and even disgust.
This hoax is turning into something that is the opposite of its original purpose. The hoax community is full of hate, back stabbing, (death)threats and blogs and forums are lately platforms to share personal information of other members, just because they think it's 'important' for the hoax. Why would that be important and don't they see the danger in that? The very person who HATED all these things is actually the one who attracted it and I am sure that hurts him more than some people can imagine.
Besides that I see too many threads about him that have subjects like:
"Oh my God, he's so hot"
"MJ sexy with glasses"
"MJ sexy with tongue"
And other titles like that. Please let me remind you that the "Videos of Michael" sub forum is for videos unrelated to the hoax. Videos of tours or performances or things like that, but absolutely not to dissect the man or to share your fantasies. Same goes for the "Pictures of Michael" sub forum. There is no sub forum "Fan fiction" so please refrain from posting it in the future. This is an investigation site and not a fan forum. Do you think he would enjoy reading that? Is that all he is about? The outside?
One of the This Is It posters said: "Discover the man you never knew". By reading fan fiction and threads like mentioned above, you won't discover that man. You will stick with your fantasies and will keep seeing everything through your pink glasses. If that's your cup of tea then that is fine, but not on this forum.
So here I return to the quote at the beginning of this post: 'I believe what people failed to realize was that Michael was a human being.'
People did and still are. He's made of flesh and blood, like all of us. Besides all the angelic features, I am certain he has his other side too. We are all not our best 24/7. I am sure he can be cranky, angry, unreasonable and a pain in the butt as well. If he needs to go, he needs to go and will have to wipe his own ass. I know most of you don't like that thought, but that is one thing I can certainly say is the truth.
But most of all, he can hurt. Physically as in fans tearing him apart just to get a piece of him and mentally by all the shit that has been reported and all the false accusations against him.
Then the ridicule of some theories and thoughts. Please refrain from commenting that something is ridiculous before you have actually read up on it. I remember some of us discussed that Michael could have Asperger's Syndrome. Some reactions and I paraphrase: "Ridiculous, Michael is not an autist". That can hurt! First of all, I am certain that there might be people on here that have some sort of autism or Asperger's, who can confirm that. Read up on autism and Asperger's and then comment. If you still don't agree that is fine, but at least you can post your arguments and keep up a healthy discussion. I am familiar with Asperger's and I really think it's a possibility he has AS. He is human, he can have disorders (although I don't really think the word disorder really fits AS) because he is human. It's not something he has control over. And I can imagine that IF he has AS, comments like the above are not really nice to read.
On a side note: Here is a video about Carly Fleischmann, who has severe autism (NOT Asperger's). Just this video alone will let you take a peek behind the screen about autism. It's inspirational and shows how people can be misjudged because of their outside:
Take off your pink glasses and try to think outside the box sometimes. Don't try to think or answer for him, because none of us can. Instead, try to imagine what you would do, or think. Mostly that is closer to the truth than when you try to form an opinion based on a person you have never met and idolize that much. He is a son, a brother, a father and a friend. At the end of the day, he needs to change his underwear. His dirty laundry is as dirty as ours and when he bumps his little toe I am sure he won't say "Hee Hee". He bruises when you pinch him hard enough and when you cut him he bleeds...
I am not at all being disrespectful and I am not judging anyone in particular. I know you all love him and I know you all want the best for him. That would be leaving him in one piece, instead of aspire to get a piece. I am only trying to make you see that he might be Michael Jackson, he might be tough, but in the end we're all the same and this hoax should be about L.O.V.E. and not H.A.T.E. I hope we can turn that tide before it's too late. The world is fucked up enough already and we have more important things to be passionate about. Save your energy for later.
Here is something to think about:
'The prince asks the narrator to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, the narrator shows the prince a picture that he had previously drawn: a boa with an elephant in its stomach (a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat). "No! No!" exclaims the prince. "I don't want a boa constrictor from the inside or outside. I want a sheep!" He tries a few sheep drawings, which the prince rejects. Finally he draws a box, which he explains has the sheep inside. The prince, who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa, says "That's perfect.".'