"Dave Dave" is a liar

Started by ThaPr1meK1ng, July 05, 2010, 10:47:33 PM

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I decided to go back in time to a year ago (which I highly recommend to everyone) and take a look at the infamous Dave Dave clip from Larry King Live. As most of us here have come to the decision that Dave Dave on Larry King was Michael Jackson in disguise. After watching the Dave Dave clip, his time line is completely screwed up. "Dave Dave" tells us a story about how he met Michael Jackson. "Dave Dave" tells us that his mother brought him up to the Neverland Ranch as a  surprise gift to him. He claims he was in Michael's arcade room and he saw trophies, plaques, and some Beatles albums all over the place (safe to assume "Dave Dave" is talking about the purchased Beatles Catalog). Michael didn't buy The Beatles catalog until 1986. Further prove "Dave Dave" is lying.

Dig this, "Dave Dave" said he was playing a game by the name of "Pole Position." I decided to research the game Pole Position, and found out the game came out  in 1982. So how exactly was Dave Dave at Neverland? Michael didn't buy the Sycamore Valley Ranch (he later called it Neverland) until 1988. A sequel to the game Pole Position came out the following year in 1983, and Michael STILL was not at Neverland. To me, this further proves that "Dave Dave" was Michael Jackson in disguise. He's the only person who could possibly know what his basement looked like. The only person who would know what was in his arcade room. The way "Dave Dave's" voice and tone changed as he talked about Michael Jackson made it seem as if he was talking about himself and his past.


I'm just going to come out and say this. "DAVE DAVE "WAS NEVER AT NEVERLAND VALLEY RANCH!!! He couldn't have been, his time line is half a decade off.



July 07, 2010, 07:51:53 AM #45 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "foreverking"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "Victor"

Quote from: "bluepiggy"

can anyone tell me how did he get his hands like that?

Fake hands ? :lol:  :lol:

I guess the same way they disguised his face. I am a little skeptical.. why would Michael disguise himself like dave dave, what purpose did he have?

To go to the burial at FL and to let us who beLIEve to know that he's out there, we just have to keep watching...

You are not answering my question, I know that MJ is alive, I am saying what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive? This is my question..

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


July 07, 2010, 08:22:03 AM #46 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

When someone talks about you, you usually look at them or nod if you agree with them or react to the story somehow, but the "Dave Dave" on LKL appeared indifferent about Larry's introduction to him as if thinking "blah blah Larry talking blah blah blah this is not about me."

"No one should judge what I\'ve done with my life. Not unless they\'ve been in my shoes every horrible day and every sleepless night." ~ Michael J. (1995)


July 07, 2010, 08:28:32 AM #47 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest


Some men see things as they are and say: WHY?
I dream things that never were and say: WHY NOT?


July 07, 2010, 08:48:49 AM #48 Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 01:32:09 AM by SEHF
Quote from: all4loveandbelieve

Quote from: foreverking

Quote from: all4loveandbelieve

Quote from: Victor

Quote from: bluepiggy

can anyone tell me how did he get his hands like that?

Fake hands ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->  <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

I guess the same way they disguised his face. I am a little skeptical.. why would Michael disguise himself like dave dave, what purpose did he have?

To go to the burial at FL and to let us who beLIEve to know that he's out there, we just have to keep watching...

You are not answering my question, I know that MJ is alive, I am saying what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive? This is my question..

Real Dave Dave.


July 07, 2010, 09:00:34 AM #49 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Grace"

I don't think that Michael is telling us a fairy tale at all.
I think he is telling us the truth.
Sometimes you have to disguise to tell the truth.
Nothing strange here.
I hear him and understand him very clearly in everything he says.
An era is gone and the creation of Joe Jackson is gone and the hurting one is gone - buried with a lot of whoopla and hype as it was always known in those years. With the help of entertainer Michael's power and means real Michael could finally get out of the trap.

This is the transcript of the interview.
When being asked by Larry, why he would attend the funeral of Michael Jackson, Michael starts with the following:

KING: -And Dave Dave -- yes, that's his name, Dave Dave. He was David Rothenberg. He was set on fire in 1983. He suffered, as you can see, terrible scars. Michael Jackson befriended him and paid for a lot of his surgeries. Dave Dave is also attending the burial.

Why Dave Dave?

DAVE DAVE, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONGTIME FRIEND: Well, to liberate myself from the confines of my father's criminality.

KING: He caused the fire?

DAVE-DAVE: Yes. He -- he is a criminal and he caused all this. To -- to free myself of his name and his legacy, I decided to become my own person through changing my name.

KING: We'll find out how Michael helped you.

But, Miko, is that a typical story of Michael, helping people like this?

MIKO BRANDO, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONGTIME FRIEND: Absolutely. When he -- when he'd hear about stories of people in need, who needed help, or when we'd watch the news together, he'd -- he'd reach out to them, send them a basket, send them a, you know, a note -- get well or whatever the incident would be. And he'd always reach out to people and help people. Even driving around town, he'd stop and help people.

KING: How did he find out about you, Dave?

DAVE-DAVE: He heard about me and he had contacted me and wanted to meet me.

KING: How old were you at the time?

DAVE-DAVE: I was about seven years old at the time.

KING: And were you in the hospital?

DAVE-DAVE: I was not in the hospital at the time. I was -- I was in interim, back and forth from surgery.

KING: And what did he do for you?

DAVE-DAVE: Well, basically he befriended me. He -- he took me in to his life, which is very rare for Michael to do. But he opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. And throughout the years, he never let me go.

KING: I believe that's the hearse carrying the body into Forest Lawn. He will be interred -- it looks like a beautiful place they have for him, Miko.

BRANDO: It's very nice. He has a very nice compound.

KING: Yes. We're going to be showing you close-ups of that. That is Forest Lawn.

Were you surprised, Dave, to hear from him when you were seven?

DAVE-DAVE: Oh, it -- it's a very interesting story, Larry. It was kind -- the visit to his Encino house was very impromptu. And it was kept a secret by my mother. And I had always been kind of an admirer of his, not a fan per se, but I always loved his music.

And my mother surprised me one day and brought me up to Neverland. And I entered an arcade and there were all these Paul McCartney records, all of this, "The Girl is Mine" and, you know, this and that. And I remember sitting down. And at the time, my -- my favorite video games -- my favorite video game was Pole Position. And I was playing Pole Position. And I -- I felt a little tap on my shoulder. And I turned around and there was Michael. And...

KING: Hold it right there.

DAVE-DAVE: And you know what, Larry?

KING: What?

DAVE-DAVE: At that moment, we -- we embraced and that embrace never ended throughout our whole entire friendship.

DAVE-DAVE: Well, I believe what -- what people fail to realize is that Michael was a human being. Throughout the years, I think he was kind of stigma -- stigmatized by the media. And I believe that was -- that wasn't really helpful to him or to anybody around him.

I believe that Michael was a great person. He has never hurt a soul. And I am happy to have been his friend for all these years and been a dedicated friend.

KING: Miko, how do you explain what Michael did for Dave Dave?

BRANDO: That's just the kind of human being he was. He was very loving, caring. He -- he loved Dave from the day he met him. They became friends. Michael helped him through -- through the years and that's the kind of person Michael was. I mean, he loved a lot of people and he'll be missed and loved by a lot of people.

KING: Did he pay for a lot of your medicals?

DAVE-DAVE: Actually, he -- he did not pay for my medical. My mother had great insurance at the time. Michael...

KING: Then what did he do?

DAVE-DAVE: Michael offered a lot of emotional support for me. He was there for me whenever I need to talk to him. He opened up Neverland to me as a -- as a means to get away. He -- he was almost, metaphorically, he was almost like a father that I never had.

It is all for L.O.V.E. Naturally.
Hug you. Have the most beautiful time of your life, Michael, enjoy...

I didn't say the "facts" were a fairy tale, I said the way he speaks is a fairy tale

Do not push the carebear in the nettles


July 07, 2010, 09:21:08 AM #50 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "foreverking"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "Victor"

Quote from: "bluepiggy"

can anyone tell me how did he get his hands like that?

Fake hands ? :lol:  :lol:

I guess the same way they disguised his face. I am a little skeptical.. why would Michael disguise himself like dave dave, what purpose did he have?

To go to the burial at FL and to let us who beLIEve to know that he's out there, we just have to keep watching...

You are not answering my question, I know that MJ is alive, I am saying what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive? This is my question..

It seems to me your question has already been answered, but since you still are asking, maybe this will help: 1) he did this because whatever he said in this interview had some kind of significance and is something he wanted us all to know. Maybe a hidden message, such as "the visit to encino was impromtu and kept secret by my mother." Idk if thats really a hidden message but whatever Michael is saying is important for us to know. 2) Its just another step in the whole ordeal. Nothing is as it seems. Michael loves disguises and acting as a new character. Maybe he just did this for himself, to challenge the public and see if people would notice?

In My Heart; I Feel You Are All My Brothers...[/b]


July 07, 2010, 11:38:11 AM #51 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "missdanipyt"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "foreverking"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "Victor"

Quote from: "bluepiggy"

can anyone tell me how did he get his hands like that?

Fake hands ? :lol:  :lol:

I guess the same way they disguised his face. I am a little skeptical.. why would Michael disguise himself like dave dave, what purpose did he have?

To go to the burial at FL and to let us who beLIEve to know that he's out there, we just have to keep watching...

You are not answering my question, I know that MJ is alive, I am saying what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive? This is my question..

It seems to me your question has already been answered, but since you still are asking, maybe this will help: 1) he did this because whatever he said in this interview had some kind of significance and is something he wanted us all to know. Maybe a hidden message, such as "the visit to encino was impromtu and kept secret by my mother." Idk if thats really a hidden message but whatever Michael is saying is important for us to know. 2) Its just another step in the whole ordeal. Nothing is as it seems. Michael loves disguises and acting as a new character. Maybe he just did this for himself, to challenge the public and see if people would notice?

Thank you .. .

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


July 07, 2010, 04:17:11 PM #52 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Just asking, why is Dave Dave a liar?


July 08, 2010, 01:01:17 AM #53 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"


Have any of you seen this movie?

Master of Disguise?

When people where talking about Dave's Suit being to big for him, I remembered this scene... "Am I Not turtley (Dave Dave/MJ) enuff for you?" LOL

I do believe this was MJ in disguise as Dave Dave on LKL 100%, I have posted my thoughts on this in another thread but, I just wanted to add this little fun tid bit.



Something else that caught my attention after Grace posted the actual text of the words spoken, and then reviewing the video again.

LOOK at the HOUSE in the background, connect the dots to what Miko says about "He has a very nice Compound" LOL

LOOK at the gate and the top of the gate, Do we know for a fact this is Forest Lawn, or is that what we are supposed to believe because Larry said so and then we are shown a clip of a HOUSE but it looks like the ENCINO COMPOUND IMO... LOL

Trickery at it's finest.

KING: I believe that's the hearse carrying the body into Forest Lawn. He will be interred -- it looks like a beautiful place they have for him, Miko.

BRANDO: It's very nice. He has a very nice compound.


I am just adding more on to my original post of clues from DaveDave/MJ "not turtely enuff for us", lol

There was alot of statements made by Dave and clues given in this interview that kicked off the actual hint that THIS is a "hoax".

One was referencing to Paul Mc Cartney.

After the tweeter came online named thisisalmostit he or she gave a clue tweet about

Did Paul die at 09-11-'66 ?
1:21 PM May 3rd via web

I found this on May 4th, my bad I am late to reveal. OOPS sorry. :?

Have fun reading.



July 08, 2010, 12:40:39 PM #54 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Game Player"


Isn't it odd though how Seth seems to splice both accusation stories into one? Saying the kid accused Michael, then it went to trial and after he was found innocent, the kid confessed his dad told him to do it, then the father committed suicide? If he mixed up the facts here maybe he mixed up the DD hospital meeting.

So much contradiction. But what is new?

Yes, I also wondered about the contradiction, but I had never heard this "version" of the "how MJ met the burned boy" story and thought it was interesting that we are hearing someone talk about it now.  You are right, these facts may be mixed up - I guess that can happen when you are remembering something from years ago...   ;)

This also makes me wonder - we know there are pictures of Dave with Michael as a child, we know he is credited on the "Invincible" album as "Dave Dave" a member of MJJ Productions, Inc. Staff, DD as "David Rothenberg" in the Leeza interview that mysteriously appeared on youtube on July 2, 2009 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4CkETwJY1u),  MJ as DD in the September, 2009 interview on Larry King, then in this interview Marlon mentions DD not by name, but as the burned child that MJ helped (at 3:29) and then this mention of DD again as the burned child in the Seth Riggs video.

Were we just not aware of DD's life-long involvement with MJ before his "death"?   Did we just not notice?




July 08, 2010, 12:43:03 PM #55 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I don't think many ppl had heard of DD before June 25 last year and if that fateful day had never happened, I don't think they ever would have.



July 08, 2010, 12:46:46 PM #56 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

And Where are the pics of DD with MJ as an adult? or even as a teenager.  DD has a bunch of pics on  his myspace, but none of hime with MJ. I mean if he really wanted to put to rest the DD was MJ thing, then show the pics of him with MJ to show the differences.


July 09, 2010, 07:10:16 AM #57 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "missdanipyt"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "foreverking"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "Victor"

Quote from: "bluepiggy"

can anyone tell me how did he get his hands like that?

Fake hands ? :lol:  :lol:

I guess the same way they disguised his face. I am a little skeptical.. why would Michael disguise himself like dave dave, what purpose did he have?

To go to the burial at FL and to let us who beLIEve to know that he's out there, we just have to keep watching...

You are not answering my question, I know that MJ is alive, I am saying what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive? This is my question..

It seems to me your question has already been answered, but since you still are asking, maybe this will help: 1) he did this because whatever he said in this interview had some kind of significance and is something he wanted us all to know. Maybe a hidden message, such as "the visit to encino was impromtu and kept secret by my mother." Idk if thats really a hidden message but whatever Michael is saying is important for us to know. 2) Its just another step in the whole ordeal. Nothing is as it seems. Michael loves disguises and acting as a new character. Maybe he just did this for himself, to challenge the public and see if people would notice?

Yes, I also think he probably wanted to tell us something during that interview. But I guess his main message was said to those people who misunderstood him:
"Well, I believe what -- what people fail to realize is that Michael was a human being. Throughout the years, I think he was kind of stigma -- stigmatized by the media. And I believe that was -- that wasn't really helpful to him or to anybody around him.
I believe that Michael was a great person. He has never hurt a soul. And I am happy to have been his friend for all these years and been a dedicated friend."

But IMO the main answer to the question "what purpose did he have to disguise himself and go to LKL show... What did he want to acheive?" is that he wanted us to know that he is alive. At least for me seeing him there is the most convincing evidence for him being alive.


July 09, 2010, 07:18:11 AM #58 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "foreverking"

And Where are the pics of DD with MJ as an adult? or even as a teenager.  DD has a bunch of pics on  his myspace, but none of hime with MJ. I mean if he really wanted to put to rest the DD was MJ thing, then show the pics of him with MJ to show the differences.

If Dave Dave told the world that it was not him but Michael on LKL it would end the hoax, or at least too many people would question that Michael is dead. As Michael hasn't come back yet, he wants to continue the hoax - and I guess DD is helping him to do this.


July 09, 2010, 07:46:55 AM #59 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "pepper"

Quote from: "Game Player"


Isn't it odd though how Seth seems to splice both accusation stories into one? Saying the kid accused Michael, then it went to trial and after he was found innocent, the kid confessed his dad told him to do it, then the father committed suicide? If he mixed up the facts here maybe he mixed up the DD hospital meeting.

So much contradiction. But what is new?

Yes, I also wondered about the contradiction, but I had never heard this "version" of the "how MJ met the burned boy" story and thought it was interesting that we are hearing someone talk about it now.  You are right, these facts may be mixed up - I guess that can happen when you are remembering something from years ago...   ;)

This also makes me wonder - we know there are pictures of Dave with Michael as a child, we know he is credited on the "Invincible" album as "Dave Dave" a member of MJJ Productions, Inc. Staff, DD as "David Rothenberg" in the Leeza interview that mysteriously appeared on youtube on July 2, 2009 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4CkETwJY1u),  MJ as DD in the September, 2009 interview on Larry King, then in this interview Marlon mentions DD not by name, but as the burned child that MJ helped (at 3:29) and then this mention of DD again as the burned child in the Seth Riggs video.

Were we just not aware of DD's life-long involvement with MJ before his "death"?   Did we just not notice?



I think it was also Michael on The Leeza Show. At least that was surely not the real DD.
On the first two comparisons you can see DD from the B&B which was made only one year later (in 1997) than the Leeza interview (in 1996). He looks quite different... His teeth, his lips, his ear, his eyes...
Then I compared three photos of DD from the same year, 1996. The persons on the left and in the middle look the same, but the one on the right...?
Dave Dave on The Leeza Show rather looks similar to Michael IMO.

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