Quote from: "Grace"I don't think that Michael is telling us a fairy tale at all.
I think he is telling us the truth.
Sometimes you have to disguise to tell the truth.
Nothing strange here.
I hear him and understand him very clearly in everything he says.
An era is gone and the creation of Joe Jackson is gone and the hurting one is gone - buried with a lot of whoopla and hype as it was always known in those years. With the help of entertainer Michael's power and means real Michael could finally get out of the trap.
This is the transcript of the interview.
When being asked by Larry, why he would attend the funeral of Michael Jackson, Michael starts with the following:
KING: -And Dave Dave -- yes, that's his name, Dave Dave. He was David Rothenberg. He was set on fire in 1983. He suffered, as you can see, terrible scars. Michael Jackson befriended him and paid for a lot of his surgeries. Dave Dave is also attending the burial.
Why Dave Dave?
DAVE DAVE, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONGTIME FRIEND: Well, to liberate myself from the confines of my father's criminality.
KING: He caused the fire?
DAVE-DAVE: Yes. He -- he is a criminal and he caused all this. To -- to free myself of his name and his legacy, I decided to become my own person through changing my name.
KING: We'll find out how Michael helped you.
But, Miko, is that a typical story of Michael, helping people like this?
MIKO BRANDO, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONGTIME FRIEND: Absolutely. When he -- when he'd hear about stories of people in need, who needed help, or when we'd watch the news together, he'd -- he'd reach out to them, send them a basket, send them a, you know, a note -- get well or whatever the incident would be. And he'd always reach out to people and help people. Even driving around town, he'd stop and help people.
KING: How did he find out about you, Dave?
DAVE-DAVE: He heard about me and he had contacted me and wanted to meet me.
KING: How old were you at the time?
DAVE-DAVE: I was about seven years old at the time.
KING: And were you in the hospital?
DAVE-DAVE: I was not in the hospital at the time. I was -- I was in interim, back and forth from surgery.
KING: And what did he do for you?
DAVE-DAVE: Well, basically he befriended me. He -- he took me in to his life, which is very rare for Michael to do. But he opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. And throughout the years, he never let me go.
KING: I believe that's the hearse carrying the body into Forest Lawn. He will be interred -- it looks like a beautiful place they have for him, Miko.
BRANDO: It's very nice. He has a very nice compound.
KING: Yes. We're going to be showing you close-ups of that. That is Forest Lawn.
Were you surprised, Dave, to hear from him when you were seven?
DAVE-DAVE: Oh, it -- it's a very interesting story, Larry. It was kind -- the visit to his Encino house was very impromptu. And it was kept a secret by my mother. And I had always been kind of an admirer of his, not a fan per se, but I always loved his music.
And my mother surprised me one day and brought me up to Neverland. And I entered an arcade and there were all these Paul McCartney records, all of this, "The Girl is Mine" and, you know, this and that. And I remember sitting down. And at the time, my -- my favorite video games -- my favorite video game was Pole Position. And I was playing Pole Position. And I -- I felt a little tap on my shoulder. And I turned around and there was Michael. And...
KING: Hold it right there.
DAVE-DAVE: And you know what, Larry?
KING: What?
DAVE-DAVE: At that moment, we -- we embraced and that embrace never ended throughout our whole entire friendship.
DAVE-DAVE: Well, I believe what -- what people fail to realize is that Michael was a human being. Throughout the years, I think he was kind of stigma -- stigmatized by the media. And I believe that was -- that wasn't really helpful to him or to anybody around him.
I believe that Michael was a great person. He has never hurt a soul. And I am happy to have been his friend for all these years and been a dedicated friend.
KING: Miko, how do you explain what Michael did for Dave Dave?
BRANDO: That's just the kind of human being he was. He was very loving, caring. He -- he loved Dave from the day he met him. They became friends. Michael helped him through -- through the years and that's the kind of person Michael was. I mean, he loved a lot of people and he'll be missed and loved by a lot of people.
KING: Did he pay for a lot of your medicals?
DAVE-DAVE: Actually, he -- he did not pay for my medical. My mother had great insurance at the time. Michael...
KING: Then what did he do?
DAVE-DAVE: Michael offered a lot of emotional support for me. He was there for me whenever I need to talk to him. He opened up Neverland to me as a -- as a means to get away. He -- he was almost, metaphorically, he was almost like a father that I never had.
It is all for L.O.V.E. Naturally.
Hug you. Have the most beautiful time of your life, Michael, enjoy...
I didn't say the "facts" were a fairy tale, I said the way he speaks is a fairy tale