my heart is dying-----a fan in Autopsy Center said so!!

Started by mjlonglives, December 10, 2009, 07:26:29 AM

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several days ago i had my own thought about the top 10 questions on net, and i had a strong feeling that mj is alive......but  everything reversed so quickly..just now a fan claimed that she works in the center told us that mj is really dead...she said that she had seen the report ,and can sure that there is no injection pinholes in mj' s body ,and the test tracing Propofol said that mj had those about 10 weeks ago, the time after his announcement in britain. (this can prove that mj was not a druggie!he never keep having drugs for a long time).the reason why they cannot arrest murry is that no evidence showed that murry was the only one to administer propofol to mj...and she said murry is not a doctor,but a heart  Consultant ...and the part of mj' s brain had been cremated..also she told us that goverment covered some truths in order to avoid the rate of crime...
    my heart is dying, i dont know how to relieve it~~~~~~no offence ,i just come to here for help ,someone maybe save me~~~~~~my heart and my mind is bombed by the "truth"~~~~~~~~~~~~ :(



I'm glad we have it figured out. Completely untrue, and not possible.  ;) Great work, guys!


give her a brake guys/ girls. Maybe she's telling the truth. I mean there have to be papers in hospital with MJ being dead. Maybe that person working in the hospital was told things that they were supposed to tell her. I don't think Michael is dead but there have to be papers out there. It means nothing! Or who knows the colegue at the hospital .....if she's not a fan she can't possibly tell it was him!

I Love you Michael, no matter what!

mjlonglivesTopic starter

before i go to sleep.l will say ,thanks for all your help...i am a contradictory half of my mind strong believes mj is  alive,for my first sense and your clues,although i can not fully understandthem.the other part of my heart is so sensitive, so vulnerable, so easy to break~~~~so, whenever i am wrong,please "teach me a lesson..." and now i can go to sleep with strong will you gave to me,and a complete heart..... :P

i love you all, and  you just saving a dying person~~~~~~~ :P


No, sorrie, it's impossible

Michael is not dead. And another thing  if she is a friend (no affend) why are you leaking her confidentional message to the world. :?

No this is lost energy, because it's false.

Secret Dove

Quote from: "mjlonglives"

Quote from: "mjj_fan"

thats what i m saying it again and again NO TRACES FOUND  in case of propofol intoxication , by the way is she a
forensic pathologist ,then i must say she e must be something , you know the indian pathologist  who did autopsy is doing it for most of celebriteis and to reach that level need years and years of hard work and expoerience ,by the way  he is registered pathologist   since 70s...that what i read
when it  comes to high profile cases specially with the label of homicide attach to it it means one has to be very precise and accurate with his / her findings  and it need s perfection ,, not an ordinary doctor can perform it .. i dont want to offend any one but this is so irrelevant , why would govt cremate his brain when the brain tissue is already taken out  examined and EXPERIENCED doctors would have given their expert opinion on that ,
another thing she can leak the information that govt is behing all that but is not telling you details just to maintain the confidentilality... bogus excuse

please dont listen to such thing , take care of you keep faith GODBLESS

she said she was a forensic pathologist in los angeles forensic center.. she was not my friend ,and i dont even know her,i read her post in the fan club..she post ed it so condidentilly...maybe i am naive..i was taken for a ride...thanks ,i just rethink her post ,and now i am back on your lines...and i will remention that no offence of my heart just like a glass one, i dare not to read everyting about so-called "truth...."~~~~and thanks again~~ forgive my english ~~~~
You didn't mention that you read this on a fan club website! Ten to one, she's talking out  her rear end! Anyone that goes on a fan club/forum claiming to have inside information are just looking for attention. Unless they provide actual proof that backs up what they say, I wouldn't believe one word!

Now I feel better knowing it was from a fan club website. It sounds like she's another nutter that calls themeless a "fan" of MJ.  :roll:

Keep the faith. The truth will prevail!

Secret Dove

Quote from: "Oetoort"

No, sorrie, it's impossible

Michael is not dead. And another thing  if she is a friend (no affend) why are you leaking her confidentional message to the world. :?

No this is lost energy, because it's false.

She's not a friend of the OPs. She read her thread on a fan club website.

Keep the faith. The truth will prevail!

mjlonglivesTopic starter

Quote from: "Leah-Kim"

Sorry but if you read her post in a fan club can you please put a link to the post or copy and paste it to us here so we can know exactly what she said???

as you wish


Someone needs some attention i guess  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I work for Forrest Lawn too  ;)  and you know what? The coffin was empty  :P

mjlonglivesTopic starter

Quote from: "Secret Dove"

Quote from: "mjlonglives"

Quote from: "mjj_fan"

thats what i m saying it again and again NO TRACES FOUND  in case of propofol intoxication , by the way is she a
forensic pathologist ,then i must say she e must be something , you know the indian pathologist  who did autopsy is doing it for most of celebriteis and to reach that level need years and years of hard work and expoerience ,by the way  he is registered pathologist   since 70s...that what i read
when it  comes to high profile cases specially with the label of homicide attach to it it means one has to be very precise and accurate with his / her findings  and it need s perfection ,, not an ordinary doctor can perform it .. i dont want to offend any one but this is so irrelevant , why would govt cremate his brain when the brain tissue is already taken out  examined and EXPERIENCED doctors would have given their expert opinion on that ,
another thing she can leak the information that govt is behing all that but is not telling you details just to maintain the confidentilality... bogus excuse

please dont listen to such thing , take care of you keep faith GODBLESS

she said she was a forensic pathologist in los angeles forensic center.. she was not my friend ,and i dont even know her,i read her post in the fan club..she post ed it so condidentilly...maybe i am naive..i was taken for a ride...thanks ,i just rethink her post ,and now i am back on your lines...and i will remention that no offence of my heart just like a glass one, i dare not to read everyting about so-called "truth...."~~~~and thanks again~~ forgive my english ~~~~
You didn't mention that you read this on a fan club website! Ten to one, she's talking out  her rear end! Anyone that goes on a fan club/forum claiming to have inside information are just looking for attention. Unless they provide actual proof that backs up what they say, I wouldn't believe one word!

Now I feel better knowing it was from a fan club website. It sounds like she's another nutter that calls themeless a "fan" of MJ.  :roll:

i am sorry indeed...godbless my akward english...and she scared me to death...
then i will never post here to show my terrible english...thank you and other friends here, i reconsiderate the post she sent, and i doubt i am the stupist mj fan in the world...mj forgive me~~~you cant image how much i love you~~~

mjlonglivesTopic starter

Quote from: "Secret Dove"

Quote from: "Oetoort"

No, sorrie, it's impossible

Michael is not dead. And another thing  if she is a friend (no affend) why are you leaking her confidentional message to the world. :?

No this is lost energy, because it's false.

She's not a friend of the OPs. She read her thread on a fan club website.

thank you dove,   :oops:

mjlonglivesTopic starter

Quote from: "Oetoort"

Someone needs some attention i guess  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I work for Forrest Lawn too  ;)  and you know what? The coffin was empty  :P

to be honest , the first time i saw the coffin in the public funeral ,i bet it did the second time in the private one....and .i can sure that the coffin in the forrest lawn  is just like a smoke screen...


I know I'm a noob and don't have much say, but


It's ridiculous and makes me think of Don Quioxte's windmills, the emperor's new clothes, and building castles in the sky.

When your ideas are pulled out of thin air and based on nothing, then any doubt can make them..



I and other posters who have doubts are on here usually because on some level we believe Michael to be ALIVE.
Chasing us away, being insulting and rude makes me think that some of ya'll are just plain crazy and aren't basing your beliefs on anything other than your fantasies about Michael.

If you really want to call yourselves "Investigators" then you should be able to investigate ***ALL*** possibilities surrounding this "hoax."

Including the possibility that it may not be a "hoax" at all.

As a fan of Michael's, I would rather know the T.R.U.T.H.  No matter WHAT it is.

Doesn't everyone else want to know the WHOLE TRUTH too?


It you want the truth...go here

Jade Jackson

i am sorry indeed...godbless my akward english...and she scared me to death...
then i will never post here to show my terrible english...thank you and other friends here, i reconsiderate the post she sent, and i doubt i am the stupist mj fan in the world...mj forgive me~~~you cant image how much i love you~~~[/quote]

Please don't be so sad, and do come back to visit.  No one is mad at you personally.  You are just reporting something you saw on a fan website that scared you, and I probably would have felt the same way.  You seem like a nice person to me, so please don't be so hard on yourself.  I think that fan is making things up...Michael could not have had propofol in his system after so long.    I don't believe true autopsy results would be leaked in such a manner on a fan website.  If anything the fan should have gone to the media if she had any proof. I don't believe her for a second.  I will read her link though just to find inconsistencies.  I am sure it is another false worry.   Also no one is criticizing you for your language difficulties.  There are lots of people here from various countries for whom Engish is not their first language.  And don't think you are the supidest MJ fan.  Obviously you care about him.

Alem (Thetruth)

-Troll alert-

During my long stay on this (including other hoax sites) there have been many people claiming to know stuff, people with inside information and often they want to assure us that Michael has indeed passed away. On time there was a man whose wife worked at the Coroner's office in LA, she took a pic of Michael's dead body with her cell phone and send that picture to her man since he was an MJ fan. This absurd act doesn't stop here, her intentions was "good" she wanted her man to be sure that MJ had passed. This unique pic "unfortunately" got deleted.
He also claimed to have much more inside information from the Coroner which seemed very convincing but like everything else they are all liars since they will tell u A but not B. I have more examples of people pulling similar stunts but I will stop here.

All he wanted was the mountain high
Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
In nature\'s scheme,never to die
– MJ

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