I am back to my old tricks........if you read my thread "Coincidences.....? you will know I am sort of stuck on this gematria stuff..... a basic number system of a= 1, b=2, etc. this is the tread for more "coincidences"
However.....I had to poke around here a little and here we go:
* these are words or phrases that are pre-loaded to the site, they just come up as a match
all but "look-for-me" and "wait-for-me" which were on the original site I talked about.
86 = Las Vegas = death hoax
110 = Wonderland = accidental death, adventure, Summer of 2010, Christmas 2010, Prince Daniel (thought that was interesting given the redirects with the book of Daniel) , look-for-me, wait-for-me
and my personal favorite:
51 = Hawaii = Michael
don't forget, out of all the drugs to o.d. on: propofol was picked........
113 = propofol = This Is It