Karen and 2good2betrue...you are both amazing...I just can not believe we are all getting the message about this love affair in one way or another. 2good...you are spot on with the pick of the floating lady, that is how I see them . But , It is always a night scene and I can't see her face but, him, he always has on red shirt, and they are surrounded in blue sparkling light and just kissing away. But , let me say, after I had the dream, now , suddenly, I don't see the kissing scene anymore. I am almost panicking, I wonder if that is it for me and MIke. I tried my best to get to see something tonight after I got your post, Karen, that you will be doing a special meditation. And I sat right here at my computer, got that little rock in my hand and just tried to see. NOthing!!
I only saw him way to the left of my vision, in his blue military jacket with gold braids..and that very quick.
But , guess what , I was so frustrated, I just sat there for a minute and then I went to my music library on my computer and just clicked on Elivs..and Ronstadt...LOve me tender record.
Just..for something smooth , I thought and guess what came out
blaring through my speakers...KeeeePPPPP the FAITh...
I mean I was nowhere near MIke's songs or albums when I clicked on Elvis, with his pick on the album cover.
Gee...I wish, MIKE , would give me a break..LOL :| :| :|
Then again he is called the JOKER, for nothing.
Full of pranks ...this one.
question for 2good ..how do you post the pics?
I tried to copy and paste and it did not work for me.
I had a good one for the rabbit and that white shape I saw the other day. See, if you can describe it to me. you can PM me if you like.I love those pics. and your interpretation of what I am saying. Well...I guess, you yourself see it too.
LOL...MIke did bring us all together here, I have no doubt about it. I feel more and more confident, between the three of us, we will crack...Stella.
Karen, thanks for the validation. I don't doubt it at all ,especially after the freaking incident of the switch of t he songs....
Yeah..KeeeeePPP the FAith!!!
I guess we have too now.
Sending LOve all around..
and yes He is in WONDERLAND...IN MAJOR LOVE..
we just got to find Stella... :| :|
will let you know what I may get, when I finally make it to bed.
2:12 am...already ..LOL :| :| :|