I took the plunge here I am

Started by Supervision, June 21, 2010, 09:29:59 PM

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Hello everyone..I am new here ,I am a bit shy and it took me almost a  year to decide to register though I have been following this forum and the one previous to this one almost immediately after 6-25-the "Death day" as everyone knows .almost daily without exception.
I would like to say thank you to the web admin ..and all the members here for doing such great job in looking so dillegently into the matter of MIke's disappearance.II have been personally comforted on many a day...when I felt very low ...and knowing there is a community of support here did make a lot of difference.Thank you for that.
In fact..Reading yOur thread are we the chosen people is what finally made me decide to take the leap to join...since I was able to see that I am really not alone in the way I have been feeling for almost a year now..and felt that I will prob.not be judged for revealing my own experience with the hoax and what I feel has happened.
Though I am not very good at investigating the situation like most people here ,my belief in the hoax is based due to my receiving visions of him almost continuously since 6-24  of last year and still going on.
That would be my personal contribution to all of the investigation.
Well..I will try  to summon more  courage to post about these visions soon, if that would be of interest to any here, and would not be met with ridicule, which I hope it will not and am hopeful that it might help a bit, if these visons are indeed telling the trooot.
God bless you and KIng MIke..



July 02, 2010, 07:11:15 PM #60 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Welcome Supervision! Glad to have with the believer forum. We are family oriented here and we welcome any insights you may have in this saga. Thank you for choosing us! Keep the Faith!


July 02, 2010, 09:04:51 PM #61 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest


July 02, 2010, 09:29:14 PM #62 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

No no Karen, I have always been a very huge fan of Michael. You must have been thinking of someone else. Why do you think that I am almost losing my mind with grief.
I have seen Michael every chance I got ..and last I saw him was here in Chicago,when he came with the Bad tour...I have also seen the brothers in the Victory tour. So..MJ..was always number one Superstar in my world.
I am sorry Karen, to me the kissing is just kissing...I don't think it carries too much of other meaning, cause, I see how Michael is so happy with this lady. It is as if , he has finally found real love for
himself.Also, when they kiss, they are not attached to gravity, they are floating to each other, in a night seen, it seems like they are somewhere in a place full of stars and twinkling light.
So, I have a bad feeling about this vision, unless, there would be an earthly explanation for this found soon.
Did not someone say, that Michael had a girlfriend, a security guard or some one who used to be with him.I believe I saw a vid of the man telling about a girlfriend. I could not hear what he was saying exactly..Could someone tell us , what that was about?'
Thank you angel , for your welcome. That link , I had already seen it, but thanks anyway.
HOpe to hear or have good news soon.
Happy B-day to your grand-son Karen.
What do you think should we start posting with the other link 2good2be true posted for us, or stay here.
It seems , people are getting used to it, and they are reading it.
let me know...and please update your visions and dreams.I will do the same soon.


July 02, 2010, 09:40:26 PM #63 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Oh Im so sorry, i must have remembered wrong or was thinking of someone else. Again, Im sorry. Tonights a bad night for me. I am having doubts. Its making me feel sad. I think I told you about the austic girl that loves Michael. I had talked to her about Michael one day because she was really missing him. I gave her caretaker my e-mail address and today I got 3 e-mails from her . The e-mails are written as if I am Michael. her e-mails are breaking my heart. She is wondering  if Michael is crying and she wants to give her cat, elvis, to Michael so he will have someone to take care of. She told him that Elvis is the thing she loves most in the world. She is a wonderful loving woman. I just dont now what to say to her.

Im crazy to miss someone that I have never met :( Its just that everything seems so real when I see him in my dreams or when Im having a vision of him. I just dont know anymore. I had so much faith in what I see and the feeling that he was still alive, but now...i just dont know.


July 02, 2010, 10:07:37 PM #64 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Sorry to say, I feel the same way, Karen, as far as girl..who is missing Michael..Just tell her, Michael is fine, and that is all you can say, cause, none of us know for sure otherwise. But , you and I both know, being involved with these visions and dreams, like I said in my post earlier, NO ONE REALLY DIES.
Where ever MIKe is , I am sure he is fine. It is just if he transitioned we do miss him so. And what is more, he is constantly making things very difficult for us to forget him, or at least accept that his gone, and move on like the rest of the world.
So, far, I have not seen anything about a murder, though I beginning to see in his bedroom. All I see is people moving about and the vision is not clear at all. Also to far to really decipher.
I hope it comes nearer , so that I can see what was up that day.
I will keep on trying...
Also I forgot to tell you, yesterday , I got the name Diana Ross for the first time. It flashed in front of me . I wonder if she is involved somehow, along with Elizabeth, which I saw before clearly. That she is hiding MIKe.
So...try to comfort the little girl...no reason to break her fantasy..with something we are not sure of. It will not hurt her to hold on to her dream.
And Karen...try to stay positive, remember, you an I both know Mike is still here with us. He is already making himself felt by so many people.
As I have said before,and I am very certain,
the world has not heard the last of Michael J. Jackson.
Dead or alive...
The best is yet to come.


July 02, 2010, 10:15:02 PM #65 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Stellaaaaaaaa....  Marlon Brando in A Steetcar named Desire.
Sorry, the only thing that came to mind. :D

You Are My Life


July 02, 2010, 10:29:25 PM #66 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thank you Super Vision! Its just so hard because she starts the e-mails by saying Hi Michael,she has no idea that she is writing to me, she thinks he is crying. I wrote her back as myself and explained to her that she is writing to me and not Michael. I did to reassure her that Michael is happy and is in fact not crying. I just hope she can understand what I am saying. Im sure that I am feeling so sad because I feel her pain. I can relate to her pain. She is really of reflection of what we are all feeling.

I have to believe that there is a reason that Michael comes to us. He has a message or the dreams/visions would have stopped by now. I have the feeling of Elisabeth Taylor as well, but thus far have never had  Diana Ross. I cant get the song,"Man in the Mirror" out of my head, all day long its been playing in my head.

I think tonight Im going to meditate on Michael and see if i get anything. I need some answers.

Hope you have a wonderful night


July 02, 2010, 10:31:27 PM #67 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mjssoulmate"

Stellaaaaaaaa....  Marlon Brando in A Steetcar named Desire.
Sorry, the only thing that came to mind. :D

Thats the first thing i thought of too! Im not familiar with the movie but wasnt Miko Brando, Marlon's son? And wasnt Miko Michael's body guard as well as friend?


July 02, 2010, 10:43:42 PM #68 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "karen924"

Quote from: "mjssoulmate"

Stellaaaaaaaa....  Marlon Brando in A Steetcar named Desire.
Sorry, the only thing that came to mind. :D

Thats the first thing i thought of too! Im not familiar with the movie but wasnt Miko Brando, Marlon's son? And wasnt Miko Michael's body guard as well as friend?

Yes, Marlon and Michael were good friends and Marlon's son Miko was his bodyguard and friend.

You Are My Life


July 02, 2010, 10:56:20 PM #69 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

MJsoulmate..Yeah..According to my vision, MIKE is in something called.. Desire.. alright.
But ..Gee..I doubt if it is all happening in a Streetcar LOL. :|  :|  :|
But, I know the old, old, movie you are talking about,but our Stella  is much younger and lovelier. JUst got to keep checking to find out who the lucky lady really is.We already know who He is .
The handsome smooth criminal of Hearts.... :|  :|


July 02, 2010, 11:01:20 PM #70 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Supervision, it is very possible that MJ might of had a near death experience, and that is why his energy is very strong at the moment.....and explains why we keep feeling him being alive.  He may have crossed over, but just for a brief time.

I am feeling something very different.  What you and Karen and seeing, in my opinion, fits in beautifully with many of my previous visions.

Patricularly the visions of the planets and stars.  Stella is the italian name for "stars".

An unreleased song was leaked called "Another day"...the lyrics for this song are exactly  as you describe in your visions: he is talking about a love in his life and the planets and the stars.....



July 02, 2010, 11:08:19 PM #71 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Supervision, my visions are very strong towards the greener pastures and I see alot of water and tunnels.....hmmm .  My thoughts keep taking me back to a place called "Wonderland".  There were many suggestions in the past about this. with the release of the new movie.   These are my thoughts about this subject, but I have chosen to present them in picture form.  Thanks for listening...2good2btrue   xoxoxo


July 02, 2010, 11:41:59 PM #72 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Just a quick note Super Vision, I know this will sound crazy but while meditating, I saw the flash "Stella". I thought it could be becuase of your post. So I asked for validation that "stella" means somethng in regards to Michael. Heres the crazy part, I heard my spirit guide say "ask your son what beer he had today at lunch." I dont drink and dont really know much about beer. I texted my son and asked him what was the name of the beer he had at lunch today, the answer, "stella artois" Not sure how Stella and Michael are connected but you are on to something! You should ask for more clarification if you can. Will tell you more about my meditation tomorrow.

2good~ I love your pictures and your theory that MJ is in Wonderland! perhaps that needs more investigating at well.

Sweet dreams


July 03, 2010, 02:15:19 AM #73 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Karen and 2good2betrue...you are both amazing...I just can not believe we are all getting the message about this love affair in one way or another. 2good...you are spot on with the pick of the floating lady, that is how I see them . But , It is always a night scene and I can't see her face but, him, he always has on red shirt, and they are surrounded in blue sparkling light and just kissing away. But , let me say, after I had the dream, now , suddenly, I don't see the kissing scene anymore. I am almost panicking, I wonder if that is it for me and MIke. I tried my best to get to see something tonight after I got your post, Karen, that you will be doing a special meditation. And I sat right here at my computer, got that little rock in my hand and just tried to see. NOthing!!
I only saw him way to the left of my vision, in his blue military jacket with gold braids..and that very quick.
But , guess what , I was so frustrated, I just sat there for a minute and then I went to my music library on my computer and just clicked on Elivs..and Ronstadt...LOve me tender record.
Just..for something smooth , I thought and guess what came out
blaring through my speakers...KeeeePPPPP the FAITh...
I mean I was nowhere near MIke's songs or albums when I clicked on Elvis, with his pick on the album cover.
Gee...I wish, MIKE , would give me a break..LOL :|  :|  :|
Then again he is called the JOKER, for nothing.
Full of pranks ...this one.
question for 2good ..how do you post the pics?
I tried to copy and paste and it did not work for me.
I had a good one for the rabbit and that white shape I saw the other day. See, if you can describe it to me. you can PM me if you like.I love those pics. and your interpretation of what I am saying. Well...I guess, you yourself see it too.
LOL...MIke did bring us all together here, I have no doubt about it. I feel more and more confident, between the three of us, we will crack...Stella.
Karen, thanks for the validation. I don't doubt it at all ,especially after the freaking  incident of the switch of t he songs....
Yeah..KeeeeePPP the FAith!!!
I guess we have too now.
Sending LOve all around..
and yes He is in WONDERLAND...IN MAJOR LOVE..
we just got to find Stella... :|  :|
will let you know what I may get, when I finally make it to bed.
2:12 am...already ..LOL :|  :|  :|


July 03, 2010, 03:35:44 AM #74 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I have not had visions but I was not a die hard fan of michael but I always liked him and was on his side in times of trouble and have always wondered why that on the25 last year my brain was taken over with thoughts of michael and that he was alive or needed help. I try not to think about him and my brain goes back to him it used to worry me I thought I. Was getting obsessed  but so many feel like this isn't it strange what do you both think are we getting messages or going mad

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