Michael's 'Proof of Death Letter' from LA Coroner

Started by illusionist, June 11, 2010, 09:25:48 PM

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I received Michael's Proof of Death Letter from the LA County Coroner's Office. You can read about it here: http://greatestshow-onearth.blogspot.com/



June 12, 2010, 12:41:18 PM #60 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Tina K."

Quote from: "shirley"

seal on the left is from pod / seal on the right is the original

On the original seal, theres 9 dots, on each side,  on the other only 7.... :)

:lol:  :lol:  :lol: Thank you very much, i didnt realize that. Well I guess Illusionist also working with michael :lol:  :lol: Tou piece of crap, you're trying to fool us, eh?


June 12, 2010, 12:47:26 PM #61 Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 12:48:47 PM by Serenitys_Dream
Quote from: "mykidsmum"

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

The revised would mean that form (letter) was revised on that date if it is even real. What I am wondering is why there is no letter head at the top for one thing  :?:

Besides Illusionist Houidinisghost on twitter (same person) has been going on for Months that Michael is dead on twitter and the Leflora hoax forum which she is an Admin on.
I want to know her motivation for this cause if she is so adamant that Michael is dead why is she still coming here :?:  Why does she only post things saying he is dead :?:
What is compelling her to do that :?:
Why does it matter what we think , if she has it all figured out :?:

why can't she come here?  Don't you get it...if you for one minute entertain the Idea that he's gone, you may open yourself to so many other places to LOOK to see what happened to MJ...by denying the possibility, you discount so much evidence!  You all want to believe he was healthy and happy and ready to perform 50 shows, no health issues, no problems in his life and he just had to go away to show us all what idiots the media is, or whatever other theory you have... Open your eyes!  You don't have to BELIEVE he's dead if you don't want to but for once, entertain the possibility and open yourself to investigating why someone would want him DEAD!

Funny, as I created some videos about the possibility that there was a corporate conspiracy to murder Michael  (which I believe he became aware of), I suggest that it is pretty safe to say that I have considered that possibility. As I also have done quite a bit of research and investigation, on my own, into all of this for the creation of the 40+ videos, regarding this hoax that I have made, it is also my conclusion that he is very much alive.


June 12, 2010, 12:48:42 PM #62 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

:lol:  :lol: OMG Eagle eyes.  I never would have caught that :lol:  :lol: Great detecting :lol:

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said


June 12, 2010, 01:01:36 PM #63 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "illusionist"

Funny. That's the next part of my investigation. Proving the "Joe vs Joseph" debate is nonsense.

Anyone got a copy of his birth certificate? Didn't think so.

What I am wondering is why if you believe he is dead you are posting on the hoax site actually? Why does it matter to you if some people believe he is alive, how does that affect you? If you are so sure he is dead then why investigate anything, accept it and move on.

I on the other hand am positive he is alive so this is the site for that.

Woah.. dont shut down other peoples opinions and ideas just because they dont support a certain issue.

A good investigator will look at all possibilities and all theories and consider all evidence.   If you go into an investigation with an idea or pre-conception in your head to what you think the answer to the riddle already is, you will fail.   This is an investigation site.  We cannot ignore certain issues and evidence just because they point in the wrong direction of where we think we want to go.

Please.. lets debate and discover...  we can disagree with people, but please do not shut others down.


Serenitys_Dream wrote:
Why no letter head
Illusionist you have been going on for months on twitter that Michael is dead, if you are so positive what is the   motivation behind this
What does it matter to you if we think he is alive
why haven`t you moved on
Something just doesn`t seem right

illusionist wrote:
Haziel, I'll turn the tables for just a moment: why are you so bound and determined to prove he's alive? What's in it for you?
What is the motive? Funny you should ask...maybe because I'm sick and tired of good people being manipulated? Besides, aren't we all here to find out the truth - no matter how the tale ends?

Serenitys_Dream wrote:
Of course we are here to find the truth. I just find it funny that someone who does not think for a minute that Michael is alive posts trying to convince others of that on forums that are investigating his death hoax. I find it ironic that a non believer is a hoax forum admin or was at least at one time. I find it ironic that after all these months, you are still here saying he is dead, when you have been saying that forever.

I am posting as I believe his death is a hoax so I investigate that. I am sure these sites are not called "Prove Michael Jackson is Dead Forum".

What could possibly be in it for me but to see Michael`s beautiful face once again. If it turns out that he really is dead well nothing changes but if he is alive as I believe then that is a whole new ball game.

I personally think that you may be one of the people behind some manipulation, I love the ability to screen shot ;)

illusionist wrote:
How many times do I have to explain myself? I WAS AFRAID TO REQUEST THE LETTER. Ok? I was afraid to get the damn thing in the mail. Like everyone else I was trying so hard to hang on to what little hope I had left that my childhood idol was still alive.

Serenitys_Dream wrote:
Sorry not buying what your selling. You were afraid for months to receive this letter but you are positive he is dead for what the last 8 months at least. You told people on twitter to DM you for the truth and then went on and on about how he was dead. I am sorry but I smell something real nasty here and maybe it`s fess up time.

alive wrote:
So you are on investigation sites and you know of a means of finding proof of death but you can't do it but you say hes dead for months now so why did you not confirm it by getting this letter sooner if you believed him dead for months now anyway...not adding up...did you really just want to wait to right before the 25th to throw this at us when you knew all along it was available? Why not at least bring up the fact that you can get this letter and how to do it and allow someone else to go about it if it was too difficult for you? Oh. and if you have been putting out for months now that he is in fact dead then what hope exactly have you been hanging on to that prevented you from getting this letter sooner? I just don't buy your timing....

alive wrote:
Because they knew of the means of obtaining this evidence for a year but didn't feel it was important to obtain it until now? Why? If i had some important knowledge whether pointing to death or hoax I would certainly share it with everyone ...I thought that's why we were here....i wouldn't wait until 2 weeks before the 25th when I know everyone is waiting for this date and then decide to throw this at you now when I could have put this info out back in the beginning. That's all...the timing is suspect for me....



June 12, 2010, 01:20:25 PM #64 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

@Serenitys Dream - i dont go on the other site much so i missed all the drama.  Apologies as i am out of the loop on what is going on.

I just want to investigate to get the answers to the questions that haunt me day and night.

I want attacking you. x

Peace. x


June 12, 2010, 01:25:50 PM #65 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

@Serenitys Dream - i dont go on the other site much so i missed all the drama.  Apologies as i am out of the loop on what is going on.

I just want to investigate to get the answers to the questions that haunt me day and night.

I wasn't attacking you. x

Peace. x

No problem at all.
I just want to point out that there were people out to get Michael. He even stated himself that he was afraid etc.
If this is true then these people (or those working for them) could be on twitter, myspace, facebook, and ALL the forums. Now I am not accusing anyone of anything because I just don't know but when someone acts suspiciously, I really do question their motivation.


June 12, 2010, 01:34:13 PM #66 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

@Serenitys Dream - i dont go on the other site much so i missed all the drama.  Apologies as i am out of the loop on what is going on.

I just want to investigate to get the answers to the questions that haunt me day and night.

I wasn't attacking you. x

Peace. x

No problem at all.
I just want to point out that there were people out to get Michael. He even stated himself that he was afraid etc.
If this is true then these people (or those working for them) could be on twitter, myspace, facebook, and ALL the forums. Now I am not accusing anyone of anything because I just don't know but when someone acts suspiciously, I really do question their motivation.
I understand what you mean.  Speaking in general - Yes, there are people on the boards, Twitter, social networks and in chat rooms with bad intentions.  I refer to them as Bad Plants.  They most certainly have an agenda, and I can assure you that their agenda doesn't list things which are in favor of Mike.


June 12, 2010, 07:00:59 PM #67 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

There're many people here who are 50% 50% about the hoax and I find it so normal for them to keep on investigating to find the truth. The thing I don't get is, some people like Houdinisghost have been non-believers since the first hearing of Murray or forever, why do they still come to hoax forums and try to convince people that Michael is gone? They say that this's investigation and they're trying to show us somethings but the things they show us are all negative things, they're all about how Michael could be "dead". If they're still investigating, why don't they find anything positive about the hoax? I wonder why these people are so in a denial to see the positive, concrete proofs that show us Michael is alive! They focus on to see "can be dead" part of the hoax only!

You think that we're manipulated? Then how about telling us how it happened? Did someone or someones forced the Jackson family to put Liberian Girl pictures at the funeral and memorial? Are they all threatened? So why do they look so happy and comfortable in public? And those people again should have forced Michael to use Gilda in TII? Am I going to count all of the things here? No, I won't. If you want to remember them all, I'm sure that you can find it on the forum for yourselves. The thing is, we're NOT in a denial and we have our own brains to think, and it's not so hard to see the show going on. And this show can NOT be created by someoneelse BUT Michael himself. If you understand Michael well, it's not hard to understand what's going on.


June 17, 2010, 04:35:49 PM #68 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "illusionist"

I received Michael's Proof of Death Letter from the LA County Coroner's Office. You can read about it here: http://greatestshow-onearth.blogspot.com/

But it says Michael JOSEPH, not Michael JOE ;)

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