Last week an Italian tv show has been dedicated to Chemtrails and the Volcano Ashes.
Here the summary of what 's been said.
The Iceland Volcano ashes blocked all the flights, but there was someone who took his plane off during those days.
They tried to interview him but they didn't reach their goal. The pilot refused to release the interview.
The Italian airspace was closed from the ground to the unlimited highest zone.
Rinaldo Gaspari ( vice president O.A.P.A) said that during that period he couldn't fly but in the sky there wasn't anything wrong. Had the airspace been closed just for safeguard ?
He said the forecast of the probability that the volcano ashes reach our skies was made by a mathematical calculation and the results showed an higher probability that those ashes could reach our skies during those days. So they decided to close the airspace even if there was nothing wrong.
On the 14th and 22nd of April there was a NATO drill, called Brilliant Ardent. Several airs simulated an attack against Iran and Iran should reply with a nuclear attack against Europe. Why did those planes fly even if the airspaces were closed?
Maybe the drill required free airspaces and that's the reason why they blocked all the other flights?
Who controls our skies?
“ Euro Control” controls our skies. Every plane sends them a radar signal while it's flying, but there are some planes which don't send signals. They are invisibles.
Some of them disperse chemtrails in the air.
The huge lines that we see in the sky are condense trails or chemtrails?
Some of them are not condense trails because they are huge and visible for a long time . Moreover, the planes which release them fly low. If we see a plane and we hear its sound, that plane can't release condense, so the trails that we see when this plane passes away are not condense.
There are many theories about chemtrails but there isn't any scientific proof about their existence.
Only Internet gives right information about them and NOT the media.
What are condense trails?
They are crystal ice. The plane's motor shuck air in, warm-up that air, and release it on the backward. That air is hot and when it touches the cool air it crystalizes.
What are Chemtrails?
Chemtrails are toxic substances, released voluntarily by planes.
Nobody knows about that, but there are some official acts.
In 2002 Italy and USA signed a pact, called “ Accordo Italia – USA per I cambiamenti climatici”.
They study how the environment reacts throughout climate stresses.
They can do analysis for testing the toxicity level in the air, grounds, etc...
In 2003 a private association showed the presence of very dangerous substances. Some of them provoke un-rich soil.
Water, food and animals are poisoned and also humans feel it through a slow poisoning
When were the Chemtrails born?
They were born when the H.A.A.R.P was born.