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Messages - foreverking


Thanks for posting the photos. I think MJ was DD on LKL. It's good to re visit certain topics to refresh why some of us are here.

June 25, 2010 / Re: Jermaine Interview with Geraldo
June 29, 2010, 07:53:09 PM

Again, my mother said if I can't say anything good to say nothing at come Jermaine is ALWAYS in the camera? My goodness, it wasn't an hour after the "private" memorial that he was giving an interview. The interviewer was allowed into the service, so they allowed press to attend too.

I don't know if Jermaine knows about the hoax, but MJ knows his brother and he gave him the part of the person who will do all of the talking. MJ knew Jermaine is a camera hog and he is right.


I don't like it. But that's all I'll write since my mother told me if I can't say anything good, don't say nothing.


Yes the reception is after the service at FL. It's at a house in Beverly Hills.


It seems all of BACK's post are gone. Removed by the admin.  Strange a day before the one year mark.  Even post that referenced BACK are gone. The last post about Mother Kate is gone. Thank goodness all of his post were saved by many of us, but I think he's gone for good from MJJC.

Other Odd Things / BACK is gone
June 24, 2010, 10:44:40 AM

I've been watchin BACK on MJJC forum for a few months and I saved all of his post because I think he's MJ, but when I went to search today for his post, everthing is gone. Maybe someone else can find them or maybe I was typing in the wrong word, I don't know but EVERYTHING has been removed. Even post that made reference to BACK are gone.

If true this is very strange a day before the one year date of his faked death.


I live in L.A. and it's true. The family also has something planned there for Friday along with something after the memorial at FL. I say keep a look out for MJ in disguse, because he can't keep himself away for this one. There may be hundreds of fans and he will want to see this.

Other Odd Things / Re: not Michael pic
June 20, 2010, 02:58:04 AM

If a double was used, he would look, act and sound like MJ. That is the purpose for using a double, to fool people into thinking it's really him. But the fact that some believe it was a double means there is a possibility it was a double.
No one knows for sure the truth. We have no idea what was going on with MJ those last days before he faked his death. We like to think we know, but we don't. We don't know what measures were used to make this hoax work. We can only say what we think or believe, but NO ONE can say they are sure of anything. Remember, MJ often spoke of illusions and magic. Who knows what really happened or if the real MJ was on that stage all of the time or some of the time. One thing is for sure, you have to keep an open mind with all matters.

Other Odd Things / Re: Dave/Dave Pepsi
June 19, 2010, 06:58:35 PM
Quote from: "Venus"

Oh, please! It was already proved that in was DD on Larry King! not MJ! DD just mimicked Michael because he knew it would work.
Shut down this topic. It was DD and he's a bad man. He refused to support a small boy who is also burn victim and said as an excuse that he had no time for it.

When was it proven?  Show me the proof. Just because DD is acting strange does not mean it wasn't MJ on LKL.  So DD is a strange guy who didn't want to help someone, what does that have to do anything. It is a fact that MJ and DD were friends. Just check out the Invincible album he was on MJJ staff, for whatever the reason, MJ and DD remained friends. He was on the character list for MJ at his trial and he has NEVER said anything bad about MJ in public.
I believe it was MJ and until someone proves it with some solid evidence, then I MJ was DD for one day. It was obviously the pefect disguise becuase some people just can't believe MJ would be DD. Mission Accomplished!  He managed to fool a whole lot of people, but he could not fool all of the people.

Other Odd Things / Re: Dave/Dave Pepsi
June 19, 2010, 03:09:51 PM

I still think MJ was DD for a day and his connection to individuals who have burn wounds is so personal that he felt it was okay for him to use DD as a disguse.


BACK is MJ in my opinion. I've gone over and over all of his post from MJJC and yes some are a bit angry, but that is why I believe it's MJ. There's no reason for a fan to have such distain for the media and those who have betrayed MJ, except MJ. And when they talk about his mother, only a son who loves his mother would defend her with such nobility. In one of his post defending mother Kate, he writes..."it's family".

And I think all of the post are from MJ, God bless his brothers, but none of them have the intelligence to write like BACK. This person is well read, his use of words and the way he spins a web with his words are all the same person.  Remember we only MJ as the person we see in the public and what he has allowed us to know, but there is another side, a personal side, a private side that has gone through HELL with the media.

As for TMZ, yes they are a part of the hoax because MJ knows he could use them to spread the word of his so called death and any other stories he wants the public to know. He's smart enough to use his enemies and he knows how. Just think about how long he's been planning this. TMZ and Levin are being used. I don't think Levin knows about the hoax, he's just doing what tabloid media does, they report the hype.

No matter what happens in the public eye with the so called death of Michael Jackson, I know he planned this for years and being the kind of person he is, he couldn't do it without letting hard core fans know about it, so he left a trail with the postings of BACK.
Dave Dave / Re: The Real Dave Dave ? ? ? ?
June 15, 2010, 08:27:47 PM
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

I am sorry but I have to say this. I am Positive that the Dave Dave on myspace was involved in this and most likely wasn't the real Dave Rothenberg but Michael or he was sharing the account with Michael.

Reasons (though I am sure there are even more than these):
We don't know that David Rothenberg even actually changed his name to DAVE DAVE. If he did change it to this why select a doubled named? This dual name is relevant to many theories including Michael used Doubles, Dualism, Michael using disguises.

On the LKL show sure looked and sounded like Michael in Disguise to me and many others. I know there are doubters but there always will be no matter what you do or say.

The Video! This video is FULL of clues that in many theories. The Garbage cans - it's all garbage. The cans doubled, Dave/Michael doubled = Dualism. The Third Eye - All seeing eye, Egyptian symbol with a dual meaning of protection and the gods seeing everything. The Third Eye is also employed by the Illuminati - see the back of the American dollar.


The updates to Dave/Michael's status gave out hints and clues before things were posted to the forums or in response to things we were looking at and they were always relevant.

For instance: Dave/Michael status said:
"I love you all especially my Piccola. You know who you are."

PICCOLA = Italian for SMALL|en|Piccola

What woman's name means SMALL?

Origin and Meaning of the Name Pauline
Gender: Girl
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Small; humble
Origin: French
Meaning: Small; humble
Pronunciation: (PAW leen)
Form of: Paulinus
Used in: English and French speaking countries (I'm seeing a French trend here too)
Additional info: The French name Pauline has a double etymology. It is a diminutive form of Paule, the feminine form of Paul, but it may also be derived from the Roman family name Paulinus.

I then found this woman's name in 4 of Michael Jackson's songs and made a video about it.


I believe that Dave Dave on myspace WAS Michael. This was an attempt to communicate with us. Maybe he has deleted it because it was becoming so controversial, maybe because we are getting close to BAM or maybe because so many were again doubting.

You must be aware that there really are those who are working against Michael. He told us this himself. The phone conversation recordings in which he states he was afraid, the family telling us there was a conspiracy. Don't you think they would try to discredit any and all sources. Please open your mind, take a critical, logical, analytical perspective and stop buying the garbage they are feeding us.

I totally agree with you. I think MJ and DD were in on this together and after that Sun article, things just got too crazy. Why would he delete the MS a day after this so called letter.  Seems like someone doesn't want us to believe MJ was DD. and they are going through a whole lot of trouble to convince us that DD is a bad guy. I smell a rat.

General Hoax Talk / Re: who is BACK?
June 14, 2010, 02:43:52 AM
Quote from: "mjwendy"

Sorry, that's *Back's" post.   :oops:

The way the forum works is that the users's tag is updated on all of their post even if those post were in the past. So there are RIP's to MJ back in some of the users's tags in2007, even though he of course had not yet faked his death.

Quote from: "Zen"

Jackson Funeral Travesty: Ex-Con 1st Speaker
By: Roger Friedman in THR // September 4th, 2009 at 12:00 AM EDT
Michael Jackson can now spin in his own grave.
The first speaker at the travesty-like funeral he got last night was Leonard Rowe, the ex-con, self-proclaimed concert promoter who serves as lackey to Joseph Jackson and instigator of lawsuits against the singer.
The service, at Forest Lawn Glendale, was sparsely attended. Jackson would be pleased to have seen Macaulay Culkin and Elizabeth Taylor in the small seating area. Lisa Marie Presley reportedly was a guest. Jackson's second wife, Debbie Rowe'did the classy thing and stayed away. Other guests included Clifton Davis, who wrote the Jackson 5 hit, "Never Can Say Goodbye," and Suzanne de Passe.

Roger Friedman is an A**. MJ dispised him and his know it all attitude. I would not beleive anything he says because MJ is right about him.