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Messages - foreverking


I notice Dave Dave is mentioned in the MJJ Family credits.  Interesting. I know he was a part of MJJ Productions,  but what was his position?

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 10, 2010, 11:45:52 AM
Quote from: "Stranger In Chi-town"

I've been fascinated by BACK for months. He always seemed legit.
My guess is that he could be an informer who is close to Michael.  :D

I thought that too, at first, but the post about his mother seem so personal and the Sony post could only be MJ. There's also a post that  outlines every charity event and every giving moment by MJ. There were a few on there that only MJ would know about.
I think we have to realize that MJ may have changed after the trial. He was still pure in the heart, but he was stabbed in the back by so many friends and others who he trusted, that he needed a place to vent and to let out the anger. I think MJJC was his way of letting out what he was feeling.

And in true MJ form, he could not help but give hints about what he was doing for the last 3 years, planning his death at the age of 50.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 10, 2010, 02:55:22 AM

yes a a few members have been banned for sending him a friend request. Makes you wonder just how much the owner of the MJJC knows about BACK.


The picture does not convince me that the orange pants guy was MJ.

One thing I noticed about this person was his ears. It seems MJ did not like to wear the ear pieces that most performers use today. He was very clear in TII how he felt about them and I read somewhere that he and Kenny were in total disagreement abut using them, however orange pants MJ seems at ease with them and the orange pants scenes were all early in the rehersals, while the clip in TII where MJ complained about the ear pieces was later a few days before he faked his death.

I know we aren't seeing every second of the rehersals and it's possible orange pants MJ also didn't like them, but he seems at ease with them in his ear.


He pulled up the chair and moved it next to LIz.  No one would do that unless they were a close friend. He also spoke at the burial. Why? Where was he days after Mj died? Why show up on LKL in Sept, speak at the burial and then disappear into the computer? No more interviews, now more videos, except the weird one he posted on line.

I hear his speech at the burial was very MJ like. Talking about the world and love. Maybe I'm wrong but the real DD on Myspace doesn't seem concerned about saving the planet. He's just a regular guy who is going to school with a girlfriend.  Also, I don't think we'll ever see footage of the burial, maybe MJ slipped up when speaking as DD but caught himself. Maybe the family has it under lock and key. Isnt' it strange how all that high tech camera equipment was there, but we've never seen any footage once the kids placed the crown on the casket. Also remember how upset Randy was because the choppers were flying over. Maybe he knows that if there was any footage of DD talking, especially after that LKL interview, the truth would be clear.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 08, 2010, 02:29:29 AM

Wow! I'm so glad others are starting to read BACK's post and see what I and others (including the thread starter) have been seeing for months.
I think TM is Tom Mesereau. I think Jordie Chandler may have told Mesereau the truth. Remember, Jordie did not take the stand in 2005.

This is the part of the post from BACK.

But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. (the stain of him harming children) In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes.(did Jordie Chandler tell Tom Mesereau the truth? (That MJ did not touch him and apoligise to MJ?) For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the "open" approach & legalities, (interesting word to use,maybe referring to the legal Mesereau) these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!

I read BACK's post whenever I need a boost in beLIEving.

Let's keep this thread going. I love it.


Hummm... I remember that thread. Someone claimed to be the one who posted it on a website for paramedics and she said she blurred out MJ's face for privacy reasons.  That never made sense to me, but everyone believed her. I think the pic of the old man is real. It looks more like what the paramedics said they found when they got to Carolwood.

Quote from: "Glinda"

Btw i found this one on the old forum

There is no date on that screenshot.. So i am a bit doubting if that was really posted at mjjc. ( could be, could be not.. but its interesting)
Its about Evan.
Another weird thing about those Chandlers Or certain Chandlers.. ... -in-court/

Very multi-layered conspiracy ..

Oh and the "Two Kings" is interesting as well>>Elvis and MJ

That screen shot is from 11-9-09
The full text is below.
MJ is a very complex man and while some may think the beloved MJ would never be so negative or so rude, understand he's posting on a board and is able to show the other side to his loving, caring side.
BACK is a very interesting person and I think with all my heart it is MJ.

this is the complete post as posted on 11- 09-09  after MJ's faked death:

As one who embodies "vision" past 20/20, occurrences of the future are often "experienced". But many times this "experience" comes in the form of internal jolts, indicative of something of great significance. Séance hoaxes are not applicable.There are tIMEs when details are sparse, but abundant enough to "see" the grandness, just as it was in this magnetism towards the tHeOrY of sEVEN.

Exit Angel Gabriel----enter Angel Michael

Luke 1:36

"And in the sixth month the angel (Gabri)el was sent from God unto a city......
.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph..."
And in the sixth month the angel (Micha)el was "statused" by God in a city...(of Angels)
.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph.

On 6-25-09, tIME took a literal backseat to the mOMENt. I could always "see" a Silhouette on a Grand-stage, once again taking over the World. Perhaps also parallel in holding to our proclamation that this was NOT a "comeback", but a take-over. This was it. And in a thunderous sense,----- it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity.

Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year.

As History has shown, reflected through the books and logics of many faiths, Prophets do and have walked amongst us. They have sometimes been Angels in the temporary casts of both tIME and human flesh. And in their allotted tIME, their purposes have most often been message DeLIVErance.

In the separation of major tIME factions in our planetary HiStory, specifically Birth of Christ (BC) To nearly 2009 years post his physical exit (AD), there's only one other Worldly figure that has been bestowed the powers to reach EVERY corner of the globe. And that Heavenly Gift was the Incomparable Michael Jackson.

2+5, The days of Christ and Michael.

Although many other Great Worldly figures, ranging from Martin to Mother Teresa, have graced this Earth with soul driven purposes that have benefited humanity, there have ONLY been two who have been subjected to literal crucifixions; before, during and after their deaths. And even in the face of these crucifixions, they both maintained hearts filled with love, sensitivity and care for all man/woman-kind. They carried rare emotional connections to and concerns for every single poor and sick person on the planet; Especially the children. They were in-tune with the necessary nurturance that this magnificent creation we inhabit requires for survival. They both never stopped giving and wanting to give more! They even carried compassion and hope for those who were consumed with evil and sought to do them both harm. An EXTREME rarity!

Christ was the savior of lives once as a physical being
So too was Michael Jackson.
I'm sure there are "many" here on this very board who can attest to that. My word itself does not have to be taken as conclusive. The proof will be provided through acknowledgement.

Throughout the decades of the modern tIMEs we live, many Great figures have suffered untIMEly demises. Deep reflection of these occurrences will or should give you great pause. The easiest approach up until about 20 years ago was always by the bullet. What changed the trend? Well, along came awareness, suspicion, and non-acceptance of "stories" that carry potholes in logic. Thus, it demanded a necessity for more elaborate plans of execution that are now used as a means of thwarting the full truth. This process had to be in magnification ten fold in order to end the physical existence of the most famous person walking this Earth. Many OTHER attempts had failed, even though they left enormous wounds. You see, evil always goes for the jugular by attacking a person's greatest strength. Michael Jackson's greatest strength was pure love. The antagonist of such a principle is hate. So they used that pure love and coupled it with another of his strengths towards healing and caring for sick children to formulate perhaps the most wickedly contrived fiction in history. The goal was to create the most egregious of perceptions and marvel with pleasure and amusement at its historically noted difficulty to disprove. But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes. For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the "open" approach & legalities, these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!

Though the hands of tIME still move incrementally, tick-tock, tick-tock, it is quickly running thin on the 2 decade long, elaborate planning that culminated in this execution. I can now understand that "vision" of 6/25/06 relapse", with CLARITY. This is no conspiracy theory! However, believe as you may. But believing and knowing--- are two different things.

Arms, wrist and feet. Bludgeoned through the veins.
Arms, wrist and feet, Poisoned through the veins.
Two different Kings, with different Reigns.
And The End result shall be the same.

JUSTICE........For it is already written!

And shall be illUMINATED! (E. Chandler— I hope you left proper notice repenting---the inferno awaits and you shall become a believer in what you didn't before. HELL is your EQUALIZER. You've earned it!

"With all the ingredients—is it Simmering---can you smell it—how long before the "pie" is done." – As many have realized, IT would have been greatness to an infinite degree.

Mr. Jackson--- you know I still have your back--- until my end.

KEEP Watchin'.......

"This is my planet. You're ONE of Us" --- The Greatest


Interesting.....BACK the member on MJJC who I think is MJ used the milky way as his tag on all of his post.


It's trash!  Randy is a complex person, and he has had some serious issues in his life, (like most of us), but I can tell you he LOVES his big brother and he is not the enemy. He has been there for MJ and MJ trusts him. Yes there were some problems in the past, but I think those that claim Randy is not to be trusted should realize that he and MJ are blood, and we've all had our problems with a sibling at some time in our lives, but that doesn't mean the love and bond between us is gone forever. Maybe they healed their relationship and reconnected as strong brothers?
What I do know is that Randy is the key. He loves his brother and would do anything for him, including helping him get away from those who wanted to get rid of him.
Don't believe the trash. There's so much more to story of Randy than some tabloid trash.

Quote from: "Glinda" knows the industry. We all know what happened when Michael was in cahoots with SONY.
You can make a great statement if all MJ-fans support and boycott the new album.
I 'm not gonna buy it.
And don't worry about Michael's kids, They wont be hungry.
So... i still say  *&^%  SONY.

It has nothing to do with the kids being hungry. If you believe MJ hoaxed his death, do you think he was stupid enough to not make sure his songs and his legacy were well taken care of? If you think the Sony deal is bad then you have to believe MJ is not in control and I think differently. He has the biggest record deal ever and he gets to do it without the pressure of touring or having those record execs down his back. He's in control and he knows what he's doing when he went into business with Sony


I fully support the new music coming out. I can't remember where I read it, but didn't MJ say he had music saved up for his kids? He wanted them to have it so they could release it when he died. I don't know if that was the exact wording, but I can say that John McClain knows MJ better than almost anyone in the studio so I fully trust him to do well by MJ as far as the music.
Also most of the money is going to go to the children, so I'm all for that.

I understand Will I Am, but I trust that MJ made sure his music was in good hands, hence the reason why he named John McClain as a trustee.


Thanks looking4truth for the info on the owner.

I'm sure this GAZ is a great guy who supports MJ 100%, but he knows something is going on with BACK and I'm still not able to search on that site, so I have no idea of BACK has posted again.

Very interesting indeed.

The info has to be added by IMbd staff, or the site was hacked and it was added.

I do remember Murray being follwed by a camera crew. This is why he went to FL for he camera crew to get film of him mourning MJ. So there is a real doc in post production. And why is it in post production before the trial even starts? Would'nt they wait until the trial ends for a big ending.
Now take a moment to think about it, he is the man who is going on trail for killing the greatest entertainer ever, and he decides to sign a contract for a documentary?  Either i'm crazy for thinking that's crazy, or something else is going on.
Why would anyone offer him a contact?  He's a doctor who is famous for killing a superstar.

Quote from: "ThaPr1meK1ng"

Quote from: "foreverking"

It may be interesting to investigate who owns MJJC and who are the people protecting BACK. My husband is a private investigator and in security and he always says, if you want to find or uncover, start at a good source and go back or go forward and at the end or the beginning is your answer.

Since your husband's a P.I. what does he think of Michael Jackson's "death" and the Conrad Murray case?

I'll just say for various reasons he thinks MJ is alive. He has a keen eye and good instincts and feels something is not right.