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Messages - foreverking


What is interesting about this piece is that it was written on July 2 or 3rd and it clearly states that MJ will have died from Diprivan (sp) This was long before the autopsy reprort and there are some details that are interesting like Burbank airport instead of LAX.

I think it's something worth looking into.


What is interesting about this piece is that it was written on July 2 or 3rd and it clearly states that MJ will have died from Diprivan (sp) This was long before the autopsy reprort and there are some details that are interesting like Burbank airport instead of LAX.

I think it's something worth looking into.

Other Odd Things / Re: This is DEFINITELY not Mike.
December 15, 2009, 10:19:13 PM
Quote from: "Leah-Kim"

Quote from: "Happy Feet"

I've seen the movie a few times too and I believe doubles were used. My husband who isn't even an MJ fan but grew up with him and the Jackson 5 picked out the times he thought weren't Michael either (this was without my prompting or even mentioning I believe there were doubles). His exact words were "Is that Michael? cause he dances diferently...."

I think doubles were used, mainly based on some of their appearances BUT more so their movements. If you have grown up with Michael many would notice that his dance moves were very sharp and distinct. His movements flowed but always with an edge of sharpness to them. At other times (and this was the times I think doubles were used) they were more flimsy and floppy. They weren't as controlled. There bodies didn't move the way Michaels did.  If you ever see the movie again, check for this.

Michaels presence, whether singing and dancing on the stage is very unique and distinct to him alone. That wasn't the case in all the people on stage presented as Michael during the TII. I know others believe they were all Michael and hey I respect that opinion. I'm just sharing my point of view here like you.

Thankyou you took the words out of my mouth... For 30 yrs i have watched this man and i know some of the "MJS" in TII were not him... And i dont want to sound like a "know it all" but for me to see which ones are not him was  very easy even when they switched up with quick editing between the fake and real Michael...Actually the first time i watched TII i was really angry and couldnt enjoy it because the first 15 minutes were crawling with doubles in an out of shots...
And my mouth too.  I grew up watching him from the age of 8 and I know him not just from his face, but from the way he moves, his aura on stage is one of a kind. It's what makes him so wonderful.  It's what made kids as young as 3 and 4 love him and adults in their 80's love him.
I watched TII with the sound turned off because I think the voice may be influencing people to think it's MJ, but watch without the sound and orange pants guy is not MJ.  He's a double. Why? Who knows. Remember this is Michael Jackson and you cannot try to understand the why, just know that if this is a double he had one heck of a reason for using him.

I don't know about the explanation that he lost one, so they changed the dates. I'd look more into that because they update the photo but not the dates. I lost my passport and I had to get a new one they just had me update my photo but the 10 year date stayed the same.

December 14, 2009, 06:22:47 PM

Only one shoot and one burial. No one will ever see the footage beause of Dave Dave. His speech and words and almost slip up will never be seen by the public.

If you believe there were 2 shoots there would have to be a reason and since no one is ever going to see the footage of the burial why bother to fool people.

Trust me there was only one burial and one filming of the burial. The reason for the building behind the seats looking different are the angles. The burial was at the top of a hill and buildings you see when you look out towards where the casket are far off and further down the hill, they are not directly behing where the burial took place.


No way MJ could pull off this hoax and tell everyone in his family.  I mean there are a million of them.
Just from looking at this show I see the disfuntionalism of the family. MJ knew this and only told those who he could trust.
Randy wanted nothing to do with the show before MJ faked his death and Taj, MJ's most trusted nephew used the word  "hoax" that was strange because you'd think he say a joke or a false report. I mean the word hoax was not something I used until I found these MJHD sites.  So I'm convinced Randy, Taj (who was also at Universial studios with Auntie Liz and the kids), mother Kate and maybe Janet. That's it. So I'm not shocked to see Jackie, Marlon and yes Jermaine talk about MJ as if he was really dead.


So whomever purchased it did so to play games and that's just stupid.

That site started off with good intentions by the members to find the truth, but the drama took over and now it's a joke.

Best thing to do is to not click on to it and maybe they will go away.

We are still seaching for what really happened to MJ and I for one do not have the time to play.

The more clicks we get here or to other really serious sites, the more the google bots will put serious sites above that crazy site and it will go away. But it does take some time.

Other Odd Things / Re: Have you seen these photos?
December 12, 2009, 02:39:04 AM

Strange.....MJ went through so much to hide the faces of his kids, yet in London he pulls them to the window and has them wave?  It's almost as if the kids are validating that this is really MJ, look!  There are his kids.

I'm sorry, does not look like MJ to me. Looks like the guy at the O2 announcement, and the kids were shown without mask for a reason. All part of his plan. And what's up with the dark glasses in the hotel room.

Dave Dave / Re: NEW Dave Dave status Dec 11th 2009
December 11, 2009, 11:34:10 PM

DD knows why he has so many friends and why so many hits on his myspace so either he is in contact with MJ and is trying to tell us that MJ is okay, or he has a real bad since of humor.

Remember this is a man who went through so much in his life, and who was a very close friend of MJ. I don't think he would play with MJ fans. He knows how important they are to MJ. So I choose to believe he is trying to give us a message without coming out and saying. MJ IS ALIVE!


I don't understand why you can believe MJ would pull off the hoax, but not come as DD on LKL and the burial?  It makes more sense to think MJ would disguise himself as DD, than it does to think he would fake his death. I mean MJ was known for wearing disguises. This was the only way he could walk around and enjoy a normal life, so why is is so far fetched to think he put on the make up an posed as DD. I mean he sat next to Liz Taylor, that is enough to convince me. Of all the people there, DD pulls up a chair and sits next to LIz, remember she was in a wheel chair on the isle but that didn't stop DD from sitting next to her.I can't imagine he knew her that well that he would sit by her during the burial.
"I am it"  This is it"  Nothing else needs to be said.

December 07, 2009, 01:38:20 AM

MJ was DD on LKL and on the day of his burial for one reason. He had to find a way to go to the burial and he wanted to speak to his friends and family, so he posed as DD.
1. DD eyes are a different color than the DD on LKL.  Sure hazel eyes turn colors but DD on LKL has jet black eyes, just like MJ.
2. The voice sounds and the voice inflection is like MJ.
3. The reference to Paul McCartney.  A 7 year old may know of the Beatles, but not PM? And why would a 7 year old put that in his long term memory. I mean if he went to Neverland, what about the rides, the candy machines, the train, the game room, the toys, the movie theatre, the animals...
4. DD was on staff at MJJ Productions, along with Miko. Why? What was DD's job at MJJ Productions? Maybe this wasn't the first time MJ had used DD as a disguse.
5. DD sat next to Dame Liz Taylor at the burial. Liz was seated at the end of the isle in her wheelchair and DD pulled up a chair and sat next to her. Does DD know LIz Taylor that well?  There were many people there who knew LIz Taylor but none were bold enough to pull up a chair and sit next to her, a hold a conversation.
6. DD spoke of MJ on LKL as a human being, not the what the media thought him to be. This was very important to MJ for the world to know.
7. DD spoke at the burial. His speech was very simlar to what we herad in TII about L.O.V.E. and loving each other.
8. The oversized suit and broad shoulders were needed to hide the device needed to pull off the fake hands. Pulling off the hands is simple compaired to pulling off a hoax death.
10. DD appeared on LKL and has disappeared into the computer. He gave no more interviews about MJ. None written or in person.
11. DD's strange messages. On the one hand he says the hoax is a hoax and that he is greving, on the other hand, he approves messages from people who think he was MJ on LKL.  One of his last "moods" was "I am it." Why play with those who obviously care for his friend. Why tease us with crazy messages.

Conclusion: MJ was DD for one day.
Why?  Because he could.  He wanted to go the burial and he wanted get up before those who were most special to him and thank them. Maybe in some strange way he wanted to be there. I mean this is MJ, trying to understand him is impossible. I don't think his speech at the burial will ever be  seen by the public, because he knows he'd be exposed.

The debate will continue, but until I'm given evidence to the contary, I will always believe MJ was DD for one day.