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Messages - michaelsupporter

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
March 17, 2011, 10:00:06 PM
Quote from: "TS_comments"

Quote from: "michaelsupporter"


Are you at liberty to disclose any information on Thome and his involvement-good or bad-in this matter? ...


Also, I would like to keep this thread on topic: paramedics, and staged photo done in LAFD #71, or a different ambulance, etc.


Thanks for your prompt answer. In regards to the hoax, what is so funny about it??? Perhaps I have lost my sense of humor over the course of the past two years???? The gravity of this seems to be too pressing to be funny.  Perhaps in hindsight we will all be able to chuckle more freely!?!?

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
March 17, 2011, 09:29:34 PM


Are you at liberty to disclose any information on Thome and his involvement-good or bad-in this matter? This figure has prominently stood out to me in the most intriguing and mysterious fashion, yet no hard core evidence ever surfaces about him. I find it rather suspicious, too suspicious.  Do you have any INTEL on him?


Quote from: "Gema"

This set up is so sloppy, such a butched job that it can´t be true.
Please, tell me that this ineficiency is part of a movie or a brain teaser and not how the system works, this is a joke from TMZ.

I can´t stop thinking about the rest of fans who are waiting for a resolution on this case. they should feel awful Mourning for Michael and seeing this unjust and sloppy procedure.
:evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Time to go to the negativity thread  :evil:  :evil:


I am going with the movie this is all definitely made for Hollywood! Hee hee!

Don't you all think that after 2 years it is about time to wake from our surreal dream-like state and live again???? I mean really live? I don't know about you but I am beginning to feel like a zombie----weary and run down. Michael, I am more than ready to celebrate in the streets to Thriller once again!!!!!

Other Odd Things / Re: Secret Millionaire Commercial
February 27, 2011, 04:25:33 AM

Originally, I had heard the Akon and MJ "Hold My Hand" song during the commercial promoting this new program......

However, where I live, it has been a couple of weeks now that the song been stripped from the commercial. Never has there been text stating the song either. I find it odd.

General Hoax Talk / Re: 5Alive DoDo's new FB Status
February 25, 2011, 09:36:43 AM
Quote from: "PureLove"

Quote from: "Sinderella"

As I said to someone last night, very strange the way all these photos are being taken and uploaded at near enough midnight/early hours when it's dark,no one is around and almost like in secret.
In only one photo at the train station where some people where looking quite confused at a dodo having its pic taken next to a Jackson sign,there are no people around at any time.
You don't go on vacation to the US and hang out at night in Gary with your cardboard cut out of a dodo.

Indeed-Gary needs 5 alive not 5alive,there is a space between number and word which indicates to me it isn't about them needings the drink/product the dodo is SUPPOSED to be repping
Lets face it,when has this ever been about jucie?=NEVER.Since day one.

I thought that Dodo's head was added to the photos with photoshop. But still like you said, all of the pictures were taken at night. And nights are Michael's favourite time of the day. And definitely 5Alive is not a simple juice brand and it has never been about the juice.
I am just do you know that "nights are Michael's favourite time of the day?"

I suggest we tread very cautiously when it comes to the media. One needs to be careful how the truth can be twisted by altering a few words or how a simple edit can ultimately change the meaning of one's original piece---regardless of the author's good intentions.

We mustn't forget that the world we live in is driven by the media-it's a huge conglomerate and it's powerful. Sadly, society accepts what they are told. If a lie is repeated enough it is accepted as truth.

In spite of this, let us not forget what Michael has often said about the media----it is good to heed his advice and be wary!

And, sadly, history has repeated itself over-and-over on this. I pray this will not bring harm to MJ or his family.

A few questions I pose that have immediately come to mind:

1)How reputable/valid is the magazine and the spokesperson(s) involved in the business dealings? Have you met them face-to-face?
2)Who is the target audience? Really? And, is that target audience receptive? What does the magazine hope to gain by it? Is it merely to increase sales/revenue? At the expense of whom?
3)What, ultimately, is the ulterior motive in this venture? What does the magazine hope to gain?
One must not forget that we need to look deeper than the surface to gain a correct perspective.
4)Will any and all exchange of money be transparent? Will there be checks and balances in place so that no mishandling occurs? Frankly, that is the only legitimate fashion in which to conduct business of this nature.
5)Does a legal contract exist giving the author full reign over their piece---meaning that the author will have full rights to check and revise any corrections/edits made before print deadline?


Again, I will repeat myself so you will see the lack of logic to the story:

Quote from: "michaelsupporter"

So, let's get this straight:

Is Murray a cardiologist or a cardiovascular surgeon????

There is a difference!

Chances are Murray is one or the other, not both. So, which is it???
TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI February 14
February 16, 2011, 11:34:10 PM

Solomon 8:7................could this translate to August 7th??????

Waiting in anticipation of your next post, TS!


So, let's get this straight:

Is Murray a cardiologist or a cardiovascular surgeon????

There is a difference!

TIAI & TS Discussions / Re: TS and dates
February 16, 2011, 12:10:11 AM
Quote from: "bec"

6 weeks actually puts us at mid to late May.

However, don't forget the real possibilities of a delay of any sort!
TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI February 14
February 16, 2011, 12:03:22 AM

Upon further pondering on the water theme this popped into my mind:
water is necessary for all of life...without it all living things die.

And, ironically, fire (for the most part) can be extinguished with a huge dose of water. Kinda reminds me of MJ's "Let it burn" drama on stage in TII! Perhaps, he is signaling to us that soon, and very soon, the flames will be doused with plenty of water?!?!?!? In that case, let it rain!!!!


Yep......can you say trial delay?!?!?!??! I can almost bet this will be the case!


As I hear it.....some of TII was filmed much earlier than 2009. We should not forget that possibility either......the math could then work.

Quote from: "PriinCessTaffi"

Quote from: "ejay"

Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"

Quote from: "michaelsupporter"

Sigh.  Am I the only one disappointed????

Plus, the sound cut out during several parts of the show.

Well, I didn't expect much.  But it's interesting there were a couple of surprise wins.
So I must have dozed off and didn't realize it.   :P  What happened to the category that Michael was in?  Who won?

Bruno Mars won that category.
WTF? Really ? o.0 :o
I could have sworn that he was up against Lambert, Buble, Mayer and Mraz but no Bruno Mars!!!!!

Sigh.  Am I the only one disappointed????

Plus, the sound cut out during several parts of the show.