I suggest we tread very cautiously when it comes to the media. One needs to be careful how the truth can be twisted by altering a few words or how a simple edit can ultimately change the meaning of one's original piece---regardless of the author's good intentions.
We mustn't forget that the world we live in is driven by the media-it's a huge conglomerate and it's powerful. Sadly, society accepts what they are told. If a lie is repeated enough it is accepted as truth.
In spite of this, let us not forget what Michael has often said about the media----it is good to heed his advice and be wary!
And, sadly, history has repeated itself over-and-over on this. I pray this will not bring harm to MJ or his family.
A few questions I pose that have immediately come to mind:
1)How reputable/valid is the magazine and the spokesperson(s) involved in the business dealings? Have you met them face-to-face?
2)Who is the target audience? Really? And, is that target audience receptive? What does the magazine hope to gain by it? Is it merely to increase sales/revenue? At the expense of whom?
3)What, ultimately, is the ulterior motive in this venture? What does the magazine hope to gain?
One must not forget that we need to look deeper than the surface to gain a correct perspective.
4)Will any and all exchange of money be transparent? Will there be checks and balances in place so that no mishandling occurs? Frankly, that is the only legitimate fashion in which to conduct business of this nature.
5)Does a legal contract exist giving the author full reign over their piece---meaning that the author will have full rights to check and revise any corrections/edits made before print deadline?