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Messages - michaelsupporter

Quote from: Front on September 30, 2011, 09:40:33 AM

take a seat in the "FRONT" row & focus on "BACKground"  8-)
Yes, hindsight is 20/20, Front! And, at the rate of speed we are traveling it is no wonder that our view to the front (foresight/insight) is blurry!

The photo you present reminds me of the famous idiom: "Can't see the forrest for the trees!" Perhaps some of our hints lie in the meaning of this?

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 27, 2011, 02:02:01 AM
Quote from: Front on September 26, 2011, 10:08:01 PM

if you blink, you might miss IT................


Are you suggesting a "deal" will be worked out for Murray?????

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 18, 2011, 04:43:02 AM
Quote from: bec on September 17, 2011, 10:35:21 AM

Quote from: looking4truth on September 17, 2011, 08:57:00 AM

This may sound like a silly question but it just dawned on me. So with the help of Bec's wonderful post and other people's wonderful observations, there is a potential---a HUGE potential of the connection between BACK, TS and Front. Now with this in mind, what are some things that we can point to directly that Michael did prior to June 25th that directly connects to these three possible insiders that are 100% fact? No speculation. It'll be a great way to solidify our stance and our belief in MJ's adventure because someone could possibly argue that BACK, TS and Front were all created by someone in power who knew about MJ's plan, manipulated his plan to suit their needs and created these characters to distract the fans from the real truth, whatever that may be. I am just throwing this idea out there, not because I'm doubting the possibility of him being alive but because as BACK said, "doubt is the greatest self-motivator." I also like to remain neutral as much as possible when new insiders emerge because it's better to be open to all possibilities, then to be closed off to others because anything is possible and until we are sitting next to MJ or we physically see him in the flesh, there is always that doubt and uncertainty there lurking. If there was no doubt, we would stop this investigation but we continue it because there is doubt, always will be until if and when he comes back. I know this may ruffle some feathers of those who believe 100% without a shadow of a doubt but it's true. I do admire your faith though.

That's a very elaborate explanation of how back/TS/TS_comments/Front could be all the same and fake. In my opinion, if you have to go to these lengths to attempt to offer an alternative to this being real, you already have your answer.

Quote from: looking4truth on September 17, 2011, 08:57:00 AM

I also like to remain neutral as much as possible when new insiders emerge because it's better to be open to all possibilities, then to be closed off to others because anything is possible and until we are sitting next to MJ or we physically see him in the flesh, there is always that doubt and uncertainty there lurking.

If this is one's benchmark for believing anything without doubt then one will never believe in a thing in their life. How much proof do you have that the earth is round? That the air is oxygen? That the grass grows because of metabolic chemistry? That your spouse is faithful? That your friends are true? That the decision you make is wise?

In my opinion, there is a difference between believing because of the information and believing in spite of it.
Even when we do see Michael [reveal] in the flesh (on TV or Youtube/equivalent), under these parameters, how is one to KNOW it is really him? We're almost certainly NOT ever going to sit next to him in the flesh... and even if we did... how then is one to put doubt to rest within these parameters? A certain level of skepticism is healthy, but too much and it becomes an element that destroys the psyche and the spirit by eroding one's foundation of self confidence. To go through life reluctant to believe in anything until sufficient PROOF is obtained is a very cold, lonely life indeed. Ask yourself how much proof you receive to ensure that anything in your life is "real". Not much by these very standards.
To believe in something, anything, in life is to take a stand against doubt and insecurity and to believe in yourself and the power of your own judgement.
It's all right in front of us, all we have to do is open our hearts and minds to it. Leap of faith? Not at all. It's just a baby step.

Is it your prediction that Michael will reveal himself on TV/YouTube or the equivalent or do you know that he will? Just curious, of course. Thank you.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 12, 2011, 07:13:07 PM

Dear Front,

Fake fans??? Please explain.
I am having a deja vu moment and this is sounding much like BlackJack's discussion.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 08, 2011, 02:08:07 AM

The King is Back. The King is Immortal.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
September 04, 2011, 03:32:49 PM
Quote from: Front on September 03, 2011, 10:57:02 AM

p.s. by the time this is over, we'll all have nicknames for everyone here, and we'll celebrate wearing little nickname tags as we mingle & munch on BAMcake..... how's that sound?
Yes, and we will all party like it's 1999!!!!!!
I'll be there!   /woohoo/ Can you just imagine all of us in a room together??  :lol:   It would be such an epic gathering.

Front, what will your nickname tag say?

That's funny because I dreamt that some of us were gathered somewhere because of the hoax but instead of a cake there was ... a police officer  pale/ errrr :|    :mrgreen: :lol: ... but it's just a dream   /white flag/ lolol/



In regards to MJ's recently released artwork......

They are all, indeed, beautiful pieces......
However, customarily an artist will SIGN
and DATE each piece upon completion. I don't see dates on these pieces. I know MJ knows better! What is up with that!?!

Quote from: Sarahli on August 19, 2011, 08:40:42 AM

So did anyone see any connection from what I posted about Front's post and the recently revealed artwork? I thought it was interesting because Front said this a while back......

"The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally extinguished...but never forgotten. Those flames are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits."

......and then the monument mockup was revealed yesterday showing Michael "emblazoned in gold"..... "bigger" (because it's a HUGE monument - look how tiny the mockup people are! LOL).... and Front said "the flames are the heart of the passionate inferno"....... could he be talking about married couples/flames of passion? This monument was to be a place where his fans could get married, according to the article.

I already posted a picture of the monument and a link with the entire article in a previous post, if you're interested. What do you guys think?

I agree with you!!! It is all about LOVE!!!!!!


Piece-by-piece. Thanks Mike......for presenting another analogy through your children!! Fabulous!!! Plus, there is no mistaking your children for trolls!!!!


Very interesting. Thanks to everyone for deciphering that---as it was quite a challenge to make out.
Seems like everyone is referencing the white rabbit lately----even Front. Hmmmmmmmm. Now you see him now you don't. What part is illusion and what part is real???


TMZ=Thirty Mile Zone

....ha ha ha......I thought it meant "The Michael Zone"!!!!!

Quote from: "suspicious mind"

Quote from: "Front"




Anyone got any spare "CHA_GE" in their Front pockets that Back could borrow?

the "N"ew to come.............

p.s.  albino/

thanks for makin' me think of it  ;)

Suspicious mind:
Thank you so very much for posting that beautiful performance of MJ and Man In The Mirror! Super Fantastic and a great reminder! Oh, how I just love that voice!
Make that CHANGE---->a NEW POSITIVE CHANGE------->for the betterment of self, everyone else and the world!


Yes, I got a little change in my pocket going jingle lingle ling

P.S. Does the "N"ew mean 'Breaking News'?????

Quote from: "Front"




Anyone got any spare "CHA_GE" in their Front pockets that Back could borrow?

the "N"ew to come.............

p.s.  albino/

Thanks, Front, for the post. You have made my day!  bearhug

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI July 7
July 12, 2011, 02:34:04 PM
Quote from: "RK"

Something strange with this. On page 152 [thankyou Jetzi] LaToya says she was 8 years old when the family moved to California. But she was born in 1956, so that does not add up and that is the sort of mistake you would have proof read for before going to print. I think there are times when maybe it is MJ who is writing this, such as when LaToya says she couldn't sleep nights after her escape, and we  have to read between the lines for the hoax code. Early on in the book LaToya made a point of saying that Michael and herself were so much alike that everyone in the family used to call them the twins. As for the 8 years old, the only thing that I can think of is that Berry Gordy made MJ say he was 8 and not 10 when they signed with Motown. Right...removing reading glasses and replacing with hoax specs.

Are you thinking that LaToya and Michael are twins????