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Messages - sweetheart1311


Can somebody post a link for the full 3rd episode? I missed it last night.


What made me raise my eyebrows was the part where Jermain is being asked a question about the critics saying that the brothers are trying to cash in on Michael's death. Right after the question is asked, the camera shows Halima's face with a smirk.  :? She either knows something, or she is well aware, that the critics are RIGHT.

Quote from: "joyaboya"

Quote from: "HiMichael"

Here is the one big clue I caught.  When the brothers met with the lawyer and they were talking about the possibility of doing the comeback show or concert (not sure which it will be?) and right at the end of the meeting, the lawyer said, "you and HIM." I wish I could remember the exact words, but it was something like "I need the thoughts from you and him." It was right at the end of the conversation, and if it comes on youtube, I will look and see exactly what he said, but it stuck out to me like lightning when he said it.quote]

Yes, you are absolutely right! He said : "that will work for him and for you"!

here is the link : ... IglFN5zOAY
It is on 8.00 minut

I think by 'him' he is referring to the concert promoter.

It's not related to the hoax, but I have to say - watching this show made me understand, why the brothers never achieved any success after Michael left. They are LAZY! They have absolutely no drive. I mean I know they're older now, but I doubt they were that much different when they were younger. They are just so boring! As curious as I am about the Jackson family, the only member I enjoy watching is Katherine.

I'm under the impression, that they started filming the show after MJ's death (if he IS dead). Like somebody else said, nobody would have watched the show if MJ wasn't 'dead'. And I'm sure they knew that. This is so disgusting (if it's not a hoax).

Other Odd Things / Re: The wreaths in front of his house
December 11, 2009, 02:15:25 PM
Quote from: "CantGetEnoughMJ"

Did you guys see part 3 of Tom's series?  It's pretty strange that Michael would be sooo adamant about keeping the wreaths up despite the neighbors' disapproval.  

Wow, this guy is ANNOYING!!! I thought the security guy was kinda rude, but I can imagine how many times a day he gets harassed by all kinds of people, so I can kinda understand his frustration.

Anyway, I do think it's strange, that they didn't put down the wreaths - if Blanket loves Christmas so much, why not just leave the decoration INSIDE the house, and get rid of the rest? Although I must admit, they are SUPER pretty!

Quote from: "Zilda"

Will the media ever stop accusing MJ for this?

OMG that article is crap.  :(

Amen to that !
'Even after 16 years, during which time many more children have told how Jackson inveigled them into his bed, many fans remain blinded to the truth.

They prefer to believe that Mr Chandler, then a respectable and affluent Los Angeles dentist, invented a lurid story of sexual abuse (and persuaded his son to corroborate it) as part of a lucrative blackmail plot.'

WTF???  :evil:

TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson Kids Had a Baller Thanksgiving
December 10, 2009, 06:10:58 PM
Quote from: "Xsy"

Quote from: "Xsy"

Could be Hardwood Suite in Las Vegas..

Yes! I have to quote myself. It´s definitely Hardwood Suite!!!
You can see it on the ground of the basketball court! There´s the same sign!

That explains why it looks like a reality show suite (The real world Las Vegas was filmed at Palms).
TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson Kids Had a Baller Thanksgiving
December 10, 2009, 06:09:31 PM

Hope I don't offend anyone by saying - didn't know Jackson family's kids (little Paris, Prince and Blanket excluded) were thugs lol.

Quote from: "Debbie Zebua"

Quote from: "Jamiee"

HHAHHAAH "Our Pervert" xD
I guess a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do ;)
IDK if it's real but, if it is, it doesn't change how I feel about him :roll:
I read on one of the 2005 trial transcripts that he had porn magazines locked in a brief case,
and the policemen who searched Neverland found it...that must've been sooooo embarassing! :oops:

naaaah...i dont think so
he's a mature man
every mature man has it
unless it's an inapropriate pics of lil kids
now that would be more than just embarassing
LOL I remember reading about it too. 2 magazines Barely Legal, 1 magazine Naughty something... lol
I can just imagine him looking at them hahahaa.

PS: If he wants naked picture - I'm not a celebrity, but I have a few ready for him  :lol: .

Dave Dave / Re: Dave Dave is tracking us!!!
December 07, 2009, 10:53:38 AM

I don't think it's strange at all to be honest. He's just curious about people, that know about him. I would love to put a tracker on my Myspace, but I don't know how LOL.

Hoax Pictures / Re: Body Doubles & Impersonators (proof)
December 07, 2009, 09:56:43 AM

I personally don't believe in doubles theory, but if he did use doubles, it would explain why he wore surgical masks so much.

Quote from: "Christiana"

MJ is wearing the Curls for My Girls shirt in this photo. Not gonna post the photo, just the link, since the photo is very big. ... rs/012.jpg

I just read the thread about that t shirt here ... 066&page=4 and it looks like he wore that t shirt on either the 23rd or the 24th - basically during one of or the last rehearsal. I wonder if that was a clue too??? Like a message to that fans - I love you?

PS: Lucky lucky girl who gave him the t shirt :(


I think the problem was, that when media first saw Michael's children (when they were little, with blurry faces or masks) - they saw 2 very blond kids, especially Prince. I think that's when they started saying they weren't his kids. Now that they are older (and darker), the situation is very different, but, unfortunately, people's minds have already been made up.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Who will buy MJ DNA perfume?
December 04, 2009, 02:08:30 PM

I don't understand how they did it. How did they get MJ's DNA???

If it IS real, I'll definitely get it!


I think he knew. Besides, he's not saying anything he wouldn't say in a regular TV interview.