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Messages - sweetheart1311

General Hoax Talk / Re: Liz Taylor at FL
March 29, 2011, 12:53:16 AM
Quote from: "fordtocarr"

When Walt Disney was cremated his ashes were buried in a secret location in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, California.

I was actually at the Walt Disney's grave today. It's no secret at all :)

I also visited the Great Mausoleum where ET is buried today. I asked the guard why she wasn't buried in the Holly Terrace - she said there was no room. She also confirmed that Michael's tomb is still not engraved (I saw and reported that a couple of weeks ago), but she didn't know why. Liz's tomb is not engraved yet either, but I was told it takes a few weeks.

Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

The fact that the tomb is yet to be engraved is a great puzzle to me.

I know the actual tomb is very large and that it fits 9 coffins.  (creepy!) - so it stands to reason this would be a "family" tomb...  yet it hasnt even been engraved with the name "Jackson" or anything!

I just posted in another thread that I've seen his tomb on Feb. 14th 2011 and didn't see any engraving on it. There are engravings on other tombs there. There are a few mausoleums at Forrest Lawn and they all have similar looking tombs. They engrave the names on them, but leave room for more names, if necessary. If he IS there, I find it extremely disrespectful, that his tomb is not engraved.

Oh, and btw, and I'm not sure if it's common knowledge, but there are many other people buried at the Holly Terrace, so anybody visiting can see that there is no engraving on the tomb. The first time I was able to go inside was because another lady who came to visit someone who was buried there left the door open.

Quote from: "pepper"

Quote from: "sweetheart1311"

This thread is pretty old, but I wanted to contribute since I just went inside the Holly Terrace a few days ago. It was actually the second time I was able to go inside. Just wanted to report, that there is still no engraving on the tomb. At least I didn't see any. I was only inside for a few second, but I am pretty sure if there WAS one, it would be big enough to see with a naked eye  :roll: . Last time I was inside was on Feb. 14th of 2011 (Valentine's day).

Thank you for this information!!

So the curtain is no longer in front of the "tomb" ?  The "tomb" is visible?

You're welcome :)

Yes, the tomb is visible. I was able to touch it.

Neverland / Re: michael still owns neverland
March 02, 2011, 02:08:34 AM
Quote from: "XspeechlessX"

Quote from: "loma"

Yep. The windows were tinted.
The gates were painted a dark brown color, and they no longer said "Neverland". In a picture I posted, you can see where the name plaque was removed.

...thats strange.. correct me if im wrong but i could swear the entire gate was removed and taken to that auction? So... how're they still there just painted??  :?
I've been to Neverland a few times (well, not Neverland Neverland, but the gate). I believe there are 2 gates - one "public one" (brown and without any indication of Neverland, although they did have a sign saying "Neverland, Once upon a time" after June 25th). And then there are the official gates, but you can't even see them from the first gates. When I was there, there was a LOT of land after the first gates. Just a lot of land with nothing on it. So standing behind the first gates you can't even tell if the Neverland gate is still there.

It was interesting though - last time I went (September 2010), I saw about 5 black SUVs driving in within about 10 minutes. I thought it was odd.


This thread is pretty old, but I wanted to contribute since I just went inside the Holly Terrace a few days ago. It was actually the second time I was able to go inside. Just wanted to report, that there is still no engraving on the tomb. At least I didn't see any. I was only inside for a few second, but I am pretty sure if there WAS one, it would be big enough to see with a naked eye  :roll: . Last time I was inside was on Feb. 14th of 2011 (Valentine's day).

Invincible / Re: Dont' Walk Away - Another great one
March 19, 2010, 12:00:04 PM

This one, "Break of Dawn" and "Whatever happens" are my 3 favorite MJ ballads. "Don't walk away" always brings tears to my eyes, because it makes me think back on the times in my life when I had to let somebody go, who was very dear to me. You can really hear the pain in his voice. It's genius if you ask me.

"Invincible" is my favorite album.

Invincible / Re: You Are My Life
March 19, 2010, 11:57:04 AM

Actually, from what I've read, he didn't write "You're my life". He just changed the title from "You're my world" to "You're my life". But it doesn't mean that he didn't pick the song because it made him think of his children.

I absolutely LOVE this song!


sorry if somebody already mentioned this, but:
why on earth was he sleeping naked if murray was with him???  :?


What a disappointment, huh?  :?


They are kidding, right? What the hell was supposed to blow our minds???


Yeah, looks like it.

My heart kinda stopped when they were asked, how they are going to address the fact that Jackson 5 is missing the 5th member... I was like ..O  M G what is about to happen?


It is a 2 hour episode, right?


Guys, I just checked TMZ - they reported, that the Jacksons received an offer for season 2 but they are not responding... Man, I'm nervous...


I looked around, and I dont think we have a thread for Jackson brothers twitter account ALLJACK5ONS.
Their latest tweet is:

ALLJACK5ONS    Happy New Year Mother Earth! 2009 hard but 2010 huge for all things JACKSON. Keep faith & love w/entire family, our greatest commodity! JJ (about an hour ago)

2010 huge for all things Jackson?