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Messages - Melzy777

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Pictures & Videos of Michael / Re: Michael DID drink alcohol.
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:36:43 AM »
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
It really isnt a big statement to say someone may enjoy a tipple now and again.....
It isn't... imo..
Some of us may even be having a drink right now..  :lol:
And to be honest, I'd rather see him drinking than shooting up propofol which is what we're supposed to have believed....  :?

And, I really love that he's drinking straight from the bottle though... like a bogan.
You're the definition of class, Mike...  :lol:

Michael's features, habits & disguises / Re: WTF?
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:26:10 AM »
I dont think it's photoshopped, or hard to believe...

Captain EO right?

Hooter, anyone??

Pictures & Videos of Michael / Re: Michael DID drink alcohol.
« on: November 20, 2010, 09:33:53 AM »
OHHHH no!  :shock:  all my delusions are shattered...  :o  
Next you'll tell me he's not a virgin!!!  :evil:  :(  
And that he wears makeup!!  :cry:

And that this isn't a double holding Frank Dileo's cigarette!!  :o

my life is over... and I'm leaving the forum...

*makes a thread for me me me*

[/sarcasm off]
 :lol:  thanks for posting the real man  :D  ;)

(btw, I noticed Frank is normally holding a cigar - not cigarettes..)

Michael Jackson News / Re: “One More Chance” Video Exclusive Preview
« on: November 18, 2010, 03:42:57 AM »
Quote from: "bec"
Quote from: "AnaMarcia"
Quote from: "bec"
This is a very obvious clue.

But if it's a video recorded in 2003, there can be no clues.
I think we're getting a little neurotic about that
.  :roll:


This hoax, of this complexity and magnitude, in all likelihood, took many, many years to plan. Possible as long as 2 decades. You don't think you can plan a death hoax over night do you?

Don't roll your eyes at me, it's disrespectful. Open your mind.

I agree Bec..

The "Will" was signed 07/07/2002...

That is before One More Chance was made...

Hoax Videos / Re: Breaking news: Michael Jackson's Vendetta
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:21:15 AM »
Thanks for posting! This is really good.  :)

Fake News (MJ Edition) / Re: The letter to ITV/Kelvin McKenzie & the media
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:13:06 PM »
TMZ just so happen to have an email address that is:

There's also one that is You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login that I found on a facebook group.

Fake News (MJ Edition) / Re: The letter to ITV/Kelvin McKenzie & the media
« on: November 10, 2010, 08:38:42 PM »
Is there a certain time Friday? I ask since I will be enjoying Friday while many of you will still be slugging it out on Thursday.  :lol:   8-)

The email you sent us all doesn't say Friday in it either, and some of us may not come by this thread so maybe you could edit the subject line...  :!:

And just because....

Charities / Re: Petition Department stores regarding unsold/damaged stoc
« on: November 04, 2010, 04:29:30 AM »
Can't add much to what you already wrote other than that I agree.  :)
Less ebay, more salvos.

TMZ Articles / Re: Oprah Airs Jackson, Molestation Shows Back-to-Back
« on: November 04, 2010, 03:22:22 AM »
JMHO: I think it's important that high profile people raise awareness about child molestation. Her timing may be questionable, but it's a controversial enough move to get more viewers - and, the issue is not one that should be pushed aside due to sensitivity reasons - for anyone. And, I don't give a rats ass who feels awkward about it. It is a very important subject to discuss.

If anything, as an acquitted/innocent man, Michael should want more people to be AWARE of the signs of child molestation cases. Please don't tell people when NOT to raise the issue just because you feel uncomfortable about it being associated to Michael. It always will be in some regard while people remain in the dark about the issue. Instead, think of the children who are, right now, being abused and how this show may actually help them put an end to it.

Peace, and love, and protection to you all.

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson's Kids: It's Not Daddy's Voice!
« on: November 02, 2010, 06:12:35 AM »
Is it Michael..  :?:  :shock:  or isn't it   :?:  :shock:  ohhh the mystery...  :!:  Ka-ching!  :twisted:  :lol:

Where can I get my Team Jackson t-shirt and sequined boxing gloves from?  :lol:  :lol:

I must've been living under a giant rock covered in magic mushrooms because I have enough love in my heart to admire Prince and MJ in their own right and would never have known that I must choose one or the other...  :shock:

And, I hear that Prince is a JW and goes door knocking....  How unfamiliar?  :roll:

Other Odd Things / Re: Calls for retest on King of Pop's body
« on: August 29, 2010, 09:48:22 AM »
Quote from: "Puff"

 :lol:  :lol:

I'm wondering on what or who they will find....
can you send me some shovels for on my farmville?  :lol:

Maybe they'll find the elephant mans bones..   :shock:  ;)

Other Odd Things / Re: "Michael Jackson's Irish hideaway"
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:10:23 AM »
So, Paddy.. is he there now?  8-)   :lol:

thanks for posting!  :D

There could be so many reasons why...

We all should know by now that the papz can take a few rolls of film very quickly.. It would grow old fast having to cover yourself up.. Maybe Michael was tired of it. Maybe the kids were sick of it and rebelled a little like any 'normal' kid would do  ;)  Maybe it was intentional. Maybe they thought there was no one around. Do we know who took these photos? I can't see them well enough to find a watermark... Maybe it wasn't paparazzi  ;) Maybe it was people on the TII set... Maybe it was fans..

TMZ Articles / Re: Bon Jovi -- Most Boobiful Photoshoot of All Time
« on: August 13, 2010, 12:13:50 AM »
Quote from: "rag doll"
Quote from: "Melzy777"
As far as I remember Jon smoked a little pot way back when... before that ad... btw, wasn't pot found in MJ's room..  8-)

Let´s get those rumors started! 8-)   :P  
SHAMONE! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


would've been a much better sleeping aid than propofol  ;)  :P  :lol:

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