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Messages - karen924


Beautifully said.

June 25, 2010 / Re: Today is not BAM day.
June 25, 2010, 11:18:50 AM

Loud, thank you again. I hope you feel better soon :!:

June 25, 2010 / Re: Today is not BAM day.
June 25, 2010, 10:45:10 AM

Thank you for the link. I am interested in what it is written but unfortunately do not speak German. Maybe someone on this board can translate the basic information. Thank you again

June 25, 2010 / Re: Today is not BAM day.
June 25, 2010, 10:09:36 AM

I have been going back and forth in my mind, whether or not to share this with anyone. Im afraid to because when I have told my friends and family in the past, there seems to be judgement. I have even asked a friend, if I should paost this and i was told "no" but after reading so many comments today, I cant keep this in any longer.

I know a lot of people dont believe in psychics and I am NOT saying I am one. But I have also believed in the God's love and that in general, love has no boundaries, I believe that it is love that unites us and makes us one. It is love that is brings us together today.

I have had many Michael "visits" ( I know some people are thinking here we go again). Sometimes it is when I am dreaming and sometimes while meditating. This is the meditation, I wish to share with you.  While meditating I received this message, Michael is alive. He had no intention of coming back but he said that had since changed his mind because we (the people of the world) were still not getting it right. I asked him when he would be coming back and I was shown the zodiac symbol of Libra, which I believe is Sept, 23-October 22. He said he needed to prepare. I received this message about 3 months ago.

In my heart, I know he is alive although my mind makes me waiver sometimes.   I can say with 100% certainity that he is sprituality alive if nothing else, but I can not let go of the feeling that the world will see him again. I dont believe  for one minute, he did this for money but to save himself. For once in his life, he tried to put himself first. And still he will come back for us, God's children. he is coming back for no other reason, than love.


Has anyone noticed the video,"Im a alive" Posted June 17th? Its almost too easy to think MJ or his family is be hide this video. But at the same time its heartbreaking to think someone would mess with our emotions. Some days I just dont know what to think anymore!