Hi Super Vision~
I have just a few minutes before I have to leave but I will answer a few of your questions.And then I will try to answer the rest probably tomorrow because i ahve company going in tonight.
First of all I LOVE that you got to see MJ's house. i come froma family of 8 kids. We had a 4 bedroom house and that still wasnt a big enough house for us. I believe Michaels roots kept him humble and that is why he was gave with love in his heart. He knew what it was like to go without. He knew that God had also blessed him dearly. That is something we all can learn from and keep dear to our own hearts. Oh and as far as the rock goes, everything has a vibration so you can hold the stone and feel its vibration or perhaps even Michaels. That would not surprise me at all.
Spirit Circle is nothing like a seance at all. Im not sure why they call it Circle. But there is about 10-14 people who sit in a room, sometimes if it fewer people we just sit at a table. We do all our own little meditation and ask for protection. Then anyone can just say what they are feeling/seeing/sensing. It is all done with love. For example, one time I saw an older man who told me his name was Jack. I describe what I saw and how he looked. A woman there told me that I had just described her grandfather whos name was Jack. After the last Circle, a woman came up to the group leader and asked after I had left if I knew Michael Jackson because she could see his name around me when she closed her eyes. She was too afraid to say it at Circle because she thought it would sound crazy. Of course, the group leader knows a bit of my MJ stories so it wasnt crazy at all. Some people dont give messages at all. I feel safe when I am there. I feel protected.
Everyone has Spirit Guides. There are guided meditations cds that you can buy that will help you meditate to connect with your Guides. It is how I met one of my guides. Her name is Tara. When i first started doing guided meditations, I kept my Bible with me because I never knew what would happen. Nothing bad every did. I also go to Holy Hill about 1-2 times a year. Not sure if you are familiar with it, but the last time I was there in May, I saw Angels all over. It was so beautiful.
I have had people ask if I would do what is called automatic writing reading for them, which I have done. I have charged a person for the reading even though I have been told that I should. I dont because I truly believe that God will bless me, that is my reward. There are some people that will tell you what you want to hear and take your money. I have trusted that God has brought the right people in my life. I dont feel the need to get a reading done like I have in the past. Like I said I have had 3 done and there were all after I statred seeing Michael. I nneded to go for reassurance that I wasnt crazy. I believe God chose the readers for me, I think Michael chose one of them. as well. I truly believe that Michael is not visiting me and that for everyone more is to come. This is NOT it.
My best advice for you right now is simply to trust. If it feels wrong, it is. KNow that God and His Angels are protecting you. Someone recently was telling me something and I heard a male voice in my head say, "you are being lied to" I didnt embarass the person, I just believed what I was hearing and decided not to believe this person. It was done with love. So trust what you see even if you dont understand it. Ask God to put in your life people that can help you and He will