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Messages - karen924


Just a quick note Super Vision, I know this will sound crazy but while meditating, I saw the flash "Stella". I thought it could be becuase of your post. So I asked for validation that "stella" means somethng in regards to Michael. Heres the crazy part, I heard my spirit guide say "ask your son what beer he had today at lunch." I dont drink and dont really know much about beer. I texted my son and asked him what was the name of the beer he had at lunch today, the answer, "stella artois" Not sure how Stella and Michael are connected but you are on to something! You should ask for more clarification if you can. Will tell you more about my meditation tomorrow.

2good~ I love your pictures and your theory that MJ is in Wonderland! perhaps that needs more investigating at well.

Sweet dreams

Quote from: "mjssoulmate"

Stellaaaaaaaa....  Marlon Brando in A Steetcar named Desire.
Sorry, the only thing that came to mind. :D

Thats the first thing i thought of too! Im not familiar with the movie but wasnt Miko Brando, Marlon's son? And wasnt Miko Michael's body guard as well as friend?

Thank you Super Vision! Its just so hard because she starts the e-mails by saying Hi Michael,she has no idea that she is writing to me, she thinks he is crying. I wrote her back as myself and explained to her that she is writing to me and not Michael. I did to reassure her that Michael is happy and is in fact not crying. I just hope she can understand what I am saying. Im sure that I am feeling so sad because I feel her pain. I can relate to her pain. She is really of reflection of what we are all feeling.

I have to believe that there is a reason that Michael comes to us. He has a message or the dreams/visions would have stopped by now. I have the feeling of Elisabeth Taylor as well, but thus far have never had  Diana Ross. I cant get the song,"Man in the Mirror" out of my head, all day long its been playing in my head.

I think tonight Im going to meditate on Michael and see if i get anything. I need some answers.

Hope you have a wonderful night


Oh Im so sorry, i must have remembered wrong or was thinking of someone else. Again, Im sorry. Tonights a bad night for me. I am having doubts. Its making me feel sad. I think I told you about the austic girl that loves Michael. I had talked to her about Michael one day because she was really missing him. I gave her caretaker my e-mail address and today I got 3 e-mails from her . The e-mails are written as if I am Michael. her e-mails are breaking my heart. She is wondering  if Michael is crying and she wants to give her cat, elvis, to Michael so he will have someone to take care of. She told him that Elvis is the thing she loves most in the world. She is a wonderful loving woman. I just dont now what to say to her.

Im crazy to miss someone that I have never met :( Its just that everything seems so real when I see him in my dreams or when Im having a vision of him. I just dont know anymore. I had so much faith in what I see and the feeling that he was still alive, but now...i just dont know.


Very interesting Angel! Thank you for that. You may have read that Super Vison and I were not huge MJ fans in the past so I had no knowldge of that.

Super Vision~I really think that you need to figure out what the symbolism of the kissing is. I feel like that is the key to you messages from Michael since they all start the same one. I have tried to find out what the meaning of kissing on thw internet and it is so varied. I really believe that once you figure out the symbolism of the kiss, you will start getting visions in a different way. You said that the woman was white so I believe she symbolizes purity or perfection. I wonder if their is a Bibical tie to the name Stella. An Angel named Stella...I know Im stretching again....


Hi Everyone~
im just exhausted after about 4 hours of playing at Dave and Busters with my 4 yr old grandson. Its his birthday today. Had tons of fun but am need of a nap!

I have also had visions of Michael getting off a medical table and walking down a hallway. It is like he wakes up and just gets off the table. I felt like the waking up was like coming out of a coma, but that could just my wanting it to be that. One person told me that they thought it was Michael transitioning to another plane.

Im really curious what all the kissing is about and who Stella is. And why I do always see that. Crazt stuff, but in a good way. I feel that there has to be a reason behind it. What is Michael trying to tell you?  Do all your visions start the same way, with the kissing? My dreams/visions never start the same way.

Have you tried googling Michael and Stella just to see if there is anything? I may give you some validation as well. I wish we could figure some of this stuff out. Hes definately sending messages but what is he saying?


Thanks for the link 2good2btrue, I will have to check it out.

SuperVision~ I agree with what you. Its hard to figure out if Michael is really alive or dead. Since he is visiting so many people, the conscious conclusion is that he has passed away. For some reason, I have a hard time believing that. Maybe my heart doesnt want to let go of him. Maybe because when I see hiim, he is so much alive that I cant accept that he is truly gone. Of course, spiritually he is still alive if nothing else. I do know that when psychics do readings that they are reading someones energy, not actually the person. Maybe there is someway that Michael is sending his energy to so many people and still be a live. What if he was actually in a coma I know its stretching.Im just trying to figure all this out. I do know that with God the impossible is what IS possible!

Last night I had a dream the Michael was at Neverland. This is about the 3 dream I have had about him being there. Of course, that doesnt mean that he is there, but his energy def is.

Some books that are give you a generally background on all of this are The Psychic Bible and the Angel Bible. Some people believe that if you hold something of some ones and meditate you can get better visions, maybe you could hold the stone from Michael's house and see if you get anything more intense. Just a thought.
Sending you all lots of love and hugs


SuperVision~ Just re read my last posting...need to clarify two things...meant to say that I have NEVER taken any money for a reading and that I believe MJ is not Done visiting me or anyone for the matter. I just never quick post when about to run out thewhen I have  door.
mjssoulmate~ just a quick interpretation. Its almost  midnight where I live and need to get some sleep. The maze is your confusion. Since you are at Forest Lawn I would think it may be in regards as to your feelings whether or not Michael is buried there however many dreams are not literal so it may symbolic representing something in your life that you are confused personally. Mazes are about taking turns where you dont know what is around the corner as well, they are about choices. It seesm the focus of your dream is seeing the hand since it was mentioned twice. Hands are about communication. If we try to make a MJ connection, it is either that he is trying to communicate with you or you are trying to communicate with him. Since it is his hnad you see, I would say that he is trying to communicate with you. If you want to look at the dream as a reflection of you personal life, i would say that you have problems communicating with your family since a family is represented in your dream although it is Mj's family. Since you see and talk to his Mother, I would guess if we look at this personally, it is your Mother that you need to communicate something to.

What colors did you see in your dream? Colors are indication of feelings in your dream. Did you see flowers? Flowers would also give more insight. The important thing to remember is that youe dream is a message for you, whether from Mj or something more personal. You are the only one who really knows what it means, what resonates with you, what touches your heart will be the indication what the dream means, though I hope I helped give some insight.


Hi Super Vision~
I have just a few minutes before I have to leave but I will answer a few of your questions.And then I will try to answer the rest probably tomorrow because i ahve company going in tonight.

First of all I LOVE that you got to see MJ's house. i come froma family of 8 kids. We had a 4 bedroom house and that still wasnt a big enough house for us. I believe Michaels roots kept him humble and that is why he was gave with love in his heart. He knew what it was like to go without. He knew that God had also blessed him dearly. That is something we all can learn from and keep dear to our own hearts. Oh and as far as the rock goes, everything has a vibration so you can hold the stone and feel its vibration or perhaps even Michaels. That would not surprise me at all.

Spirit Circle is nothing like a seance at all. Im not sure why they call it Circle. But there is about 10-14 people who sit in a room, sometimes if it fewer people we just sit at a table. We do all our own little meditation and ask for protection. Then anyone can just say what they are feeling/seeing/sensing. It is all done with love. For example, one time I saw an older man who told me his name was Jack. I describe what I saw and how he looked. A woman there told me that I had just described her grandfather whos name was Jack. After the last Circle, a woman came up to the group leader and asked after I had left if I knew Michael Jackson because she could see his name around me when she closed her eyes. She was too afraid to say it at Circle because she thought it would sound crazy. Of course, the group leader knows a bit of my MJ stories so it wasnt  crazy at all. Some people dont give messages at all.  I feel safe when I am there. I feel protected.

Everyone has Spirit Guides. There are guided meditations cds that you can buy that will help you meditate to connect with your Guides. It is how I met one of my guides. Her name is Tara. When i first started doing guided meditations, I kept my Bible with me because I never knew what would happen. Nothing bad every did. I also go to Holy Hill about 1-2 times a year. Not sure if you are familiar with it, but the last time I was there in May, I saw Angels all over. It was so beautiful.

I have had people ask if I would do what is called automatic writing reading for them, which I have done. I have charged a person for the reading even though I have been told that I should. I dont because I truly believe that God will bless me, that is my reward. There are some people that will tell you what you want to hear and take your money. I have trusted that God has brought the right people in my life. I dont feel the need to get a reading done like I have in the past. Like I said I have had 3 done and there were all after I statred seeing Michael. I nneded to go for reassurance that I wasnt crazy. I believe God chose the readers for me, I think Michael chose one of them. as well. I truly believe that Michael is not visiting me and that for everyone more is to come. This is NOT it.

My best advice for you right now is simply to trust. If it feels wrong, it is. KNow that God and His Angels are protecting you. Someone recently was telling me something and I heard a male voice in my head say, "you are being lied to" I didnt embarass the person, I just believed what I was hearing and decided not to believe this person. It was done with love.  So trust what you see even if you dont understand it. Ask God to put in your life people that can help you and He will


OMG! Super Vision, you are in Chicago! We are neighbors! I am in Milwaukee! Looks like MJ still loves his MidWestern Roots!

I believe that this gift is inside all of us, some just have a different mission, if you will. The way I develop my gifts is to meditate as often as I can.  I also read many books on different spiritual subjects. I have gone to 3 readers for advice, Now 2 of which are my friends who we get together and discuss all my questions. They are assured me that I am not crazy. By meeting them and trusting them I have been able to open up to many differents things.  They have told me their stories, shred their feelings. We are truly connected through love and your Hihre Power. I  have asked to meet my Spirit Guides while meditating and was shown 5 of them. My friends have helped me to get to know my guides. I have asked my guides to raise my vibration and to lower theirs so that we can communicate better and it had worked.

When I first went to one of my  now friends for a reading, he meditated for a bit with me in the room, so I did the same. I saw Michael sitting where my friend was sitting. After a bit into the reading, I asked him a question about MJ. As soon as I asked the question, I heard MJ tell me the answer. My friend said exactly what MJ had told me. He did not know I heard the answer before hand until months later when I finally told him, he is also the one who had me talk with an Autistic girl who is missing Michael so much, that he is all she can think about.

I go to a New Age store that holds a Spirit Circle. I give and get messages from people that have crossed over and I am mazed how correct I am. This whole process has taught me to trust more in things that I cant understand. It has brought me closer to God and it truly is just a message of Love.  By trusting and asking God to help me develop my intuition, it has grown. He has put people in my life that support me.

Yes, sometimes, I feel like I am going crazy but I think my thinking Im going crazy, it is actually keeping me sane. A crazy person doesnt know that they are crazy! I dont tell everyone about my visions and dreams and I too never had any intention of sharing on this website, but when I could feel the pain in some posting on here on June 25th, I could not, not share. Michaels message is one of love and hope.


I think what is truly amazing is that even though we have never meant each other or MJ for that matter, his love is bringing us together. Especially with something so personal as visions and dreams. We are reaching out with love in our hearts to share something to complete strangers. And in the process becoming friends and making this huge world seem a little bit smaller
Love and Light to each of you!


Hi supervision~

Its so hard to interpret visons/dreams isnt it? I think you also have to look at what you were feeling when you saw your vision, if you did expereience any. They happen so fast that sometimes, its almost a "what the heck?" feeling!

What I do find interesting is that you see a lot of white. White naturally so represents purity, innocence, perfection. Perhaps this is how you view Michael. A white rabbit is suppose to symbolize faithfulness in love and is also suppose to help steer you in the right direction. Perhaps Michael is trying to guide you towards something either spiritually or in your personal life.  A sack represents burdens and responsibilities. Are you feeling overwhelmed, even if only trying to understand your visions? Kissing is so can mean intimacy or death, the kiss of death, which I dont feel it means in your visions. I feel that since you get kissing all the time, it is symbolic, just not sure. How do you feel when you see him kissing another female? Its hard to interpret dreams/visions because sometimes the symbols mean only something to you.

Since you have had many visons of MJ, he is definatley trying to tell you something.I jsut wish all our dreams/vsisons we easier to understand. If I think of anything else, i will let you know. Time to get to work.


I believe you have to look at the intention behind the act. If the intention is about ones self, then perhaps one could say it was a moral sin, however it is not up for us to judge, lest we be judged. If Micheal is in hiding or did in fact hoax his death, I do not for one minute feel it was a selfish act.


IF Dr. Murray did in fact murder Michael, then I feel that Michael would want us to have compassion for him. So I have no ill will towards him whatsoever. He will have to be the one who has to live with what he did. If Dr. Murray is part of the hoax then he is nothing more than a puppet who is playing his role for money


sorry if this has been posted before and i missed it, but did you notice the house number? 7000...theres 7 again!