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Messages - karen924

Quote from: "ignisaeternus"

Quote from: "Grace"

Since when do we exchange opinions and notes from defense to prosecution OUTSIDE of a courtroom and BEFORE the trial and as a goodie the judge complains about the lack of documentation?

I think I'm gonna save some carrots for the Bugs Bunnies we're gonna

I thought, in discovery, prosecution has to share their evidence with the defense, not the other way round? (where are our lawyers, here?).

Maybe it's a nod to Michael who was notoriously late for everything.. :)

In my State which is not CA, any report done on a supeonaed witness, that information is to be shared with both sides. For example, if the defense has a expert witness or just a witness in general that they are going to present at trial, the State (prosecuting side) should have all records/reports on this witness before the trial begins. The law on this varies from State to State but it sounds like CA has basically the same law.
Quote from: "Grace"

This is in fact the only aspect that is disturbing me: that the kids are not left out.
I would only think it's correct if it were good for their safety to be in the public eye.
Just my very personal opinion however.

I feel the same way Grace.
Quote from: "Datroot"

The 02 announcement was real - my work colleague was there.  She was fairly near the front and said she though MH look totally different to how she'd seen him in the past - she has been to several MJ concerts with me.

Did she how he looked different? Does she feel it was mJ or not MJ? It would be interesting to find out what someone who was there thought.

Hugs and Love


You did a very good job researching the video and your past was very interesting to read as well, however, I like Gema do not believe that was Michael. Your theory would still hold up if the person was not Michael. The impersonator probably was nervous.

Hugs and Love


Im not suggesting the article is by any means true but I can see a dad telling their kids that Dr. Murray is the best doctor in the world. IF there were some health concerns surrounding Michael, he could have very well have said that to ease his childrens mind. Perhaps they asked why daddy needed a doctor in the first place. Most children see their parents as invincible.

Unless the defense is  going put the children on the stand, which I hope they do not, to me, it will just come across as heresay. For some reason, i do to not trust Grace. I feel like she wnats to stay in the public eye.

Hugs and Love

General Hoax Talk / Re: Before you judge me...
February 17, 2011, 06:27:21 PM

Although it is my understanding that Souza is an administrator of this website, I feel people should not get banned simply by having a difference of opinion.If they are being abusive and rude that is a different story. The whole point of this wedsite, I thought was people coming together, sharing ideas and feelings regarding Michael and the hoax in a positive way.

It does sadden me that Serenity was banned. She brought valuable information to the forum whether I agreed with all of it or not.

Hugs and Love

Quote from: "encino_girl"

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"


I was reading that if the judge decides that there is enough evidence to go to trial, that a trial date would be set in 6 months to a year from now. Do you know if this is correct?

That seems about right to me, though depending upon the prosecution's court schedule, and the time it takes the defense to gather all of it's evidence, the time it takes for full discovery, seating a jury, etc., it could be longer. So much for a defendant's 6th Amendment right, huh?
I think most defendants dont want a speedy trial, especially when they are out on bail/bond. If I had to guess I bet it will be longer than 6 months, closer to a year. My husband is working a murder case, not in CA,  but still in the US and the defendant was charged in 2009 and they are going to trial in June of this year.
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "karen924"

Quote from: "ladymjc"

Can someone please help me understand?  WHY is he in a preliminary hearing for involuntary manslaughter when they don't even know what happened? HOW is it known that he will get 4 years if he is convicted?  The man was giving Michael propofol that is a drug that is to only be administered in a hospital with the appropriate equipment provided in case of cardiac failure.  None of which was there. He's a cardiologist. For one, why did MJ need a cardiologist? Two, how did he get the propofol to begin with and THREE, if the damn guy is a doctor he should know that giving too much propofol is gonna kill him. They should be charging him with 1st degree murder because he was administering a drug in a house without the proper equipment. I'm a dumbass and I even know that.  :lol:

Murray must be getting a lot of money to go through with this.

We dont know if he will get 4 years if convicted. Four years is the most one can get for manslaughter in CA which to me is unbelieveable! He could get less
Would you think when Michael said we have 4 yrs to make it right, would you think it would be 4 yrs in jail for Murray? Probably Michael knew that Murray was bad, and wanted to kill him? He probably escaped from him. Boy my mind is wondering here. I may be off. What would you guys think?

Anything is possible but I personally believe that if he is found guilty, he will spend much less than 4 years in prison. He will probably be out sooner and then be on probation

Quote from: "ladymjc"

Can someone please help me understand?  WHY is he in a preliminary hearing for involuntary manslaughter when they don't even know what happened? HOW is it known that he will get 4 years if he is convicted?  The man was giving Michael propofol that is a drug that is to only be administered in a hospital with the appropriate equipment provided in case of cardiac failure.  None of which was there. He's a cardiologist. For one, why did MJ need a cardiologist? Two, how did he get the propofol to begin with and THREE, if the damn guy is a doctor he should know that giving too much propofol is gonna kill him. They should be charging him with 1st degree murder because he was administering a drug in a house without the proper equipment. I'm a dumbass and I even know that.  :lol:

Murray must be getting a lot of money to go through with this.

We dont know if he will get 4 years if convicted. Four years is the most one can get for manslaughter in CA which to me is unbelieveable! He could get less

wouldnt it be nice if the ties meant "tying things up" like loose ends and the 'bow" was symbolic of taking a bow (spelled the same but pronounced differently)  :P

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "becca26"

Quote from: "PureLove"

Quote from: "MJhasSpoken"

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Quote from: "MJhasSpoken"

I asked Twiggy if the photo was fake and she said no and then I asked her what she thought about it if it was MJ or a double but she didn't answer?

Well again who took them and why?
Did they take him back to the house to get the shots for court?

Totally ridiculous!

I have no idea.

Actually someone said this about the pic: "That picture can be a shot from the security tapes."

That sounds very rational to me but do we have the security tapes???

Tapes?????? Ummm yeah about them...where are they? the story goes.
Rumour is the police have them.
The pics could come form those, I didn't think of that. I wish Twiggy or someone would tell us how they photos were introduced into the court record because then we would know if they were from these tapes.

If the police had the tapes all this time, I wonder why it was reported they were missing?
If the video is capturing that bedroom, this would also clear up all the controversy about every aspect of what occurred in that room on June 25.
Maybe even make or break the death hoax.

Now if the police have the tapes, under the laws of discovery, are they not usppose to provide them for the defense? One of your Rights in the US is to know the evidence against you. So where ARE the tapes?

@PeaceLove Happiness~
By the way, I LOVE your avatar

Quote from: "PeaceLoveHappiness"

Quote from: "katooooooo"

twiggy tweet joe jackson want a federal investigation...

Well if Michael is in hiding, the Feds are likely involved so maybe this will be leading to the BAM.

I have thought about this too. especially when the FBI did not release all the papers that they had on Michael. I just dont know if Michael would trust the govt. Of course, there is always the possibility that he had no choice but to trust him
Quote from: "roxy101"

Hey guys, I read that the trial could last up to two weeks and that it continues tomorrow, but does that include the weekend? I live in the area and would like to go even if I can't get in but I haven't been able to due to school but if it runs on the weekend I will go.  Does someone know the answer to this?

Usually in a prelim, they do not work on weekends. But once they are at the offical trial, it is up to the Judge to decide if they work weekends or how long they are in session for the day. I was once at Court for a friend and we were at the couthouse at midnight so that the jury could have the weekend off. We were waiting for a verdict at the time.
Quote from: "cascademjs"

roman law, latin
2 different personas:
The individual Michael Jackson
& The legal persona thus the Estate.
How can the legal persona pay taxes in the name of the individual persona if that individual persona doesn't exist in files as a person alive?
I' judge by the laws i know, maybe you know exacly the answer for US

I believe it would be because the money will be going to the estate and not to the individual. I would also imagine his children have to pay individual taxes. My grandson is 4 years old has has to pay taxes on money that is held in trust for him until he is 18. This is money that he will recieve when he is 18 from his Native American tribe.