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Messages - Venus

Other Odd Things / Re: Inside the helicopter
January 20, 2010, 04:41:01 AM
Quote from: "Eva R"

but WHYYY!!! why 2 'bodies'??

Maybe because there was another body of another UCLA patiant (not related to MJ) who needed to be delivered to the same coroners office. So they thought why not. Save some time for another body too.

That's why the probably used helicopter: the same time (away of traffic jam) for better autopsy.

Other Odd Things / Re: Dancers are rehearsing for MJ??
January 19, 2010, 09:47:20 AM

MAybe rehearsals for MJ is for MJ tribute concert?

Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 19, 2010, 12:15:43 AM
Quote from: "i_need YoU"

hmm well we can search for article and videos where it states names and such...idk but we need to find a way. if MJ is really gone then we need to make sure he is getting the same respect as anyone else!

The point is that it is too twisted.

IF MJ is dead, he doesn't get the respect he deserves. And we do nothing to help the justice.

IF he's alive and we'll start to dig about police, it will cause him a lot of problems, even legal.

Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 18, 2010, 11:15:51 PM
Quote from: "i_need YoU"

this leaves with us with some more research to start...who is working on the MJ death investigation and who worked on the 2005 investigation

Yes, but how? I live in Moscow (Russia) so I have no apportunity to ask authorities about it. Not citizen of U.S.  :?
May be there is someone on this board who works in that system?
Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 18, 2010, 10:21:43 PM
Quote from: "i_need YoU"

I think i would want people to know i died of cancer rather then drugs if i had the choice.
regardless of how he died some people are going to say he deserved it because he was a pedo or because he tried to hide his race.
So if he "died" of cancer...people will go he deserved it he dyed his skin and hurt lil kids
So if he "died" of drug overdose...people will say he deserved it. that man had it coming to him because he a pedo and the doctor jus did everyone a favor blah blah...heck some people are saying thats why murray is still free because even the cops are glad someone finally got rid of that pedo... :shock:  :shock:  OMG just got an idea!!!...remember in his previous allegations?!?!? the police were basically already choosing sides, they were trying so hard to find him guilty!! they mistreated him so bad!!! they didnt like him and it is not a secret that the police did not like him!..

Yes, I had that thought too. And I was thinking what if there are the same people as during 2005. Not all ofcourse, but still...
Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 17, 2010, 10:33:41 PM
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

I dont believe the family would cover up the fact MJ died of cancer...  drugs dont make you legendary.
Music and talent make you legendary.
If it was cancer, then it would be a great opportunity to educate people and fund causes.  Remember Jade Goody and how many lives she saved through her struggle?
To me that theory makes no sense.

What if MJ didn't want people to know he had cancer?
What if he really had skin cancer or liver cancer? People wouldn't fight with him, only his fans. Most of the people would say "he deserved it because he's pedo and he didn't want to have black skin and bla-bla-bla" It's not what I think, but it's what people (not fans) think.
You have now idea how mean people are. When in spring (april I guess) it was pronounced MJ probably dying from cancer, I was shocked and accidently I saw a video made by some young girl (20-something years old, black btw). She was sitting in front of her webcamera with mean face saying that she''s glad about cancer, because... :arrow: she couldn't get the ticket to his concert! :evil: So he wouldn't make these shows anyway and she could be ok this that. See how people are mean and stupid?! After all she started to say some bull shit about his skin color, that it's his fault and other shit. Unfortunately I don't have the link, because I'm not that crazy to put this shit to my favourites.
You know, people don't treat MIchael the way we do. And before he "died" many people hated him and would never believe he's innocent.
I don't think MJ would what people to treat him like a victim of plastic surgery and stuff like that.
I'm trying to think he's still alive and well. And I don't want his to come back. I want him to be happy.
Now, when he's gone people start to love him, people start to admit his musical genius. Not all ofcourse, but many shut up. My mother never loved Michael, but now she started to understand him and respect, to love him like a part of our family. He've always been a part of the family, because my family have to listen VERY LOUD his music durind last 20 years! He lives here. But only now they start to realise what he means to them. If he returns, they will never undestand his reasons, because it's immature and too off the wall! Yes, we love him and take him the way he is, but the world is not so kind and loyal. And there's some legal points too.
If he did fake his death I doubt he put the family and himself to such risk for crazy comeback.

About legendary... Yes, talent is what makes artists legendary... if they die young :roll: Remember any legendary person of XX century -Marylin Monroe, Elvis, Jim Morrison, JImmi Hendrix, Bob Marley, John Lennon and others. All they died from drugs or were killed.
That's how it works. And it's not very smart to think it's not true. It's SHOW business. And death is a part of this show. And MJ knew it - read Shmuleys tapes, or visit youtube to listen with your own ears when MJ said that. He prefered to be remembered as young MJ, not old and sick.
Not my words, btw.

Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 17, 2010, 04:43:06 PM
Quote from: "whosbadmjsbad"

So... I messaged Craig harvey on Facebook and asked him if MJ was dead or or not and this was his reply...

"Michael Jackson is dead. He died in June 2009 at UCLA."

What do you guys think??

OMG! :o  Just came in to my mind. Harvey said he died in June, but didn't say when in june. What if MJ really passed but not on 25th of June but later or erlier.
What if he died from illness or was revived on 25th when he was pronounce dead and them, because the prognose was that he would die soon. That's why his family waited for so long for memorial and burial, and autopsy...
What is he died before June 25th, like couple days earlier and it was covered by his family until june 25th, when they decided to pronouse him dead and that's why there was problems with autopsy. Probably AEG and Sony wanted to use impersonator for concert tour instead of real MJ (it was said before June 25, that he would perform all concert, only 15-20 minutes. He probably was sick and knew he couldn't perform all show.), but then they changed their mind, because it's too dangerous for their reputation.
And probably if he died from cancer his family wanted to hide this fact while they were consulting with AEG, injected his with meds, because for a star to die from drugs is more common and legendary. :oops:
Thats why there's so much mess with the hole story - fake picture, strange fake 911 call, that ambulance could never cmoe anywhere that day, discordant memories of family members and friends, because it's all scripted lie that they cant remember. Who knows maybe he was passing slowly and he knew it. What if he was fighting with it but then gave up. And he create how he would die for public (like Elvis), his memorial and funeral, all confusion with the "facts" to give hope to his fans and become immortal in their eyes and hearts.
Like this it's all add up: the police, Murray not arrected, because he's not guilty and he probably had an agreetment with MJ to make all this story, his family, This is it movie...
I really hope that he's alive, but this tweet makes me consider this theory... :|
Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 17, 2010, 03:55:02 PM
Quote from: "Mariso83"

I think nothing about it :P
I don't think he will say that Michael is alive.

Yes, but he could just ignore it :? .
Other Odd Things / Re: WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?
January 12, 2010, 04:35:49 AM
Quote from: "Christiana"

This site is but one of many. And honestly, whether MJ is dead or alive, there is no need for the family to make an "official" statement about the hoax. I mean, think about it. If he is alive, and the family says, "hey, fans, wake up, Michael Jackson is dead," are you going to believe them? And if he's actually dead, then to them, there is no need to dignify or, in effect, validate hoax theories with any sort of official reply.

Also, not everyone follows the Jacksons because of a belief in an MJ death hoax. Believe it or not, they actually DO have their own fans, people who have loved them for years. Yes, some hoaxers follow them. Yes, some MJ fans follow them solely because of their connection to MJ. But they do have their own fans too.

I also see nothing wrong with them taking advantage of a newfound intense focus in the spotlight as results of MJ's "death" (real or not). They are a part of MJ's legacy, and they are a part of America's music legacy, and they are a part of pop culture. If MJ's "death" helps rekindle the interest in their lives and talents, they WHY NOT take advantage of it? It's not like it was ONLY MJ's "death" that made them pick up a microphone again, or make music again, or potentially plan to tour again. They've been doing all of that stuff for years. Even the TV special started early last year, long before June. It simply became more episodes after MJ's "death," as a result of more interest.

I hope they do make a "pretty penny."  Should they be performing, appearing on TV, recording, and selling records for free? They have bills to pay too! Not sure if you realize it, but none of them makes the kind of money that MJ has. So if the renewed interest in their music helps them make a few extra bucks, then I see no reason why they shouldn't take advantage of the opportunity. I will buy a new album if they put one out. And not because I'm looking for "clues," or because of MJ. I will buy it because they are the Jacksons, and I like their music.  :D

I'm their huge fan for 7 years, and I've been MJ fan for 20 years. So I became their fan while Michael .. don't know how to express it :cry: And I don't follow them.
Their music was really great and autentic. You cant' compare it with any other music. They are unique in their style. The problem is that Michael Jackson became the strongest brand in the world, so not many people understand how increadiable the roots are. They know about the band, but never heard their song or know only the most famous, which are not the best ones.
To be honest with you last couple years I used to listen only to JAckson Five and The Jacksons. Among Michaels records I've only listented "Off the Wall", which is my favorite album of all time ever. No other MJ albums recently, though i have them all and I love them sice childhood.

So to people who don't respect The Jacksons go listen to their music and find it's special flavour of youth, magic and joy. It's like fresh air.

Quote from: "badloving"

you write from the perspective of a parent...i can only write from the perspective of a I am almost 30 but the thought of losing my parent is scaring the shit outta me...i cannot imagine that moment, so i don't wanna judge, but all i wanna say that my behaviour would not be even close to the one of jackson family, that is not the behaviour of a mourning family

This is exactly what I was trying to say at the end of my passage :D .
Thank you.

We have to admit that we dont really have any real clues but this, because fake ambulance picture can be made before and was sold because they couldn't get real ambulance picture. And the same is other stuff, life death certificate (which could be made on valid blanc by any person, not even Latoya to put online), 911 call, Murray and other suspicious stuff.

Quote from: "Venus"

Jesus! I have to reprint my post one more time, it just disappear. It was very long though.

Have you ever heard about webcameras and Skype? 8-)
Michael can keep in touch with his kids 24 hours/ 365 days a year! yes, you might think it's not complete realtionship between parent and his children, but it's better then isolation.
Noone knows they accounts and IPs, and they can have dynamic IPs, so it's safe, secure and great for them all.

By the way, he can actually live in Encino house with his kids and mother (I heard Joseph doesn't live with Katherine anymore) and his friends and siblings can visit him anytime! :P With his money and so many people who love him around he can stay there for years untill the media frenzy will go down.
Then he can leave the house and start new complete life as a common man. Who knows how he would look after all. He can afford any surgery and treatment, maybe even become black again and put some weight for good. Do new hairslyle, new look, don't use make up and disguise his age. Noone would believe it's him.
He will be able to shop. go the cinemas as normal guy, and do some other stuff. you know...

Ok, I went too far, but you have to admit it make sence.

And by the way if you think a parent can live so long without his kids, please answer me a question - can normal kids act like this if their father really died? Can they go to karate and shopping?

I remember my friends died I couln't do anything.

I'm not MJ kid, but I feel like a fell to pieces and can't put myself together. I can't say the same thing about his family. This is the most suspicious thing, the biggest clue! Or they are the weirdeest weirdos and freaks in this world! :x
watch Paris speech one more time. Do you believe her? Me - no :)

I forgot to say, I don't think he will come back so I don't expent it. The opposite, I want him to be free, but he still can give us some new music, like if he wrote it "'before", or give us some ultimate clue that only real fans can understand and disappear forever.

Jesus! I have to reprint my post one more time, it just disappear. It was very long though.

Have you ever heard about webcameras and Skype? 8-)
Michael can keep in touch with his kids 24 hours/ 365 days a year! yes, you might think it's not complete realtionship between parent and his children, but it's better then isolation.
Noone knows they accounts and IPs, and they can have dynamic IPs, so it's safe, secure and great for them all.

By the way, he can actually live in Encino house with his kids and mother (I heard Joseph doesn't live with Katherine anymore) and his friends and siblings can visit him anytime! :P With his money and so many people who love him around he can stay there for years untill the media frenzy will go down.
Then he can leave the house and start new complete life as a common man. Who knows how he would look after all. He can afford any surgery and treatment, maybe even become black again and put some weight for good. Do new hairslyle, new look, don't use make up and disguise his age. Noone would believe it's him.
He will be able to shop. go the cinemas as normal guy, and do some other stuff. you know...

Ok, I went too far, but you have to admit it make sence.

And by the way if you think a parent can live so long without his kids, please answer me a question - can normal kids act like this if their father really died? Can they go to karate and shopping?

I remember my friends died I couln't do anything.

I'm not MJ kid, but I feel like a fell to pieces and can't put myself together. I can't say the same thing about his family. This is the most suspicious thing, the biggest clue! Or they are the weirdeest weirdos and freaks in this world! :x
watch Paris speech one more time. Do you believe her? Me - no :)

Other Odd Things / Re: MJ was not listed...again
January 02, 2010, 03:20:29 PM

They did mention his death and everything else about it on Euronews, the biggest news network in Europe.

Other Odd Things / Re: Passing by Murray's Clinic
December 26, 2009, 02:45:23 PM
Quote from: "mjboogie"

Hi guys! I was just thinking, I live here in Houston ......about 15 minutes from Murray's clinic. What do you guys think I should do? I was gonna drive by it at the end of this week like after x-mas like on MOnday. Just to see if anything is going on there! I would like to see him up close. I am tempted to make an appointment. I am so close to the guy last seen with MJ it is unreal ;) [/b]Any suggestions? Or should I just leave him be? I just cannot let this go. Just cant! We need some darn answers so that we can have closure!

Hello! It's very interesting option. I would recommend you to know the exact adress and first call there :P . But I don't think he's there, because too many people would like to kill him. It's dangerous for him to come everyday to office. Probably he comes himself to his patients.
But you can just check via phone is he practicing there. Pretent rich and no word about MJ, because if you say something about Mj they will definately reject you.
Good luck!
Hoax Pictures / Re: Not a Vein In The Ambulance Pic
December 25, 2009, 02:03:09 PM
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"

This breaks my heart.  I dont want to look at this photo anymore because if this is not a hoax, then we are looking at a photograph of MJ's dead body.   :cry:

I'm with you.
When I look at it (especially the last dark one), I feel pain in my chest. I don't know why. I'm listening to all the time, so now I was waitching it and I heard "Time waits for noone". I felt like I'm waitching dead body.
I pray God it's my imagination. But guys, take any picture of MJ even during court case - it won't give you this strange bad energy.
I hope that if it's real MJ was finally revived and well now.