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Messages - Venus

Other Odd Things / Don't you think...
October 14, 2010, 05:14:29 PM

that if MJ really hoaxed his death he'd make it more spectacular?  He would let the world see him at least once to convince he's gone. (There's Elvis picture in the coffin)
The fact that we didn't see the body actually doesn't fit with the hoax. Would it be more convincing if he could just pretend dead on the stretcher or in ambulance? He loved to prank and to act and that could be his best part, a chance of a lifetime...
And the story with Karen Faye... I can easy believe she would say anything MJ would ask, but Michael Bush? do you really think that Michael Bush would lie and cry in front of the camera how he put MJ into the casket? :roll:

Prince, Paris & Blanket / Re: Prince, Paris, Blanket
October 04, 2010, 05:53:34 PM
Quote from: "nefari"

I wonder why Blanket is wearing pink....not that boys cannot wear pink but it's just a bit odd and it's not something I grew up seeing a lot of..... and also not sure but I think those are girls shoes. Does anyone know how old this photo is?
The reason I ask is that I have been suspect of doubles being used from time to time for these kids for a long time. There is a child that looks just like Blanket running around with those fans of California who visit FL and I think that child is a girl. I don't feel this would be far fetched at all because this entire ordeal is far fetched...and wayyyyy out there.

Blanket could wear Paris sweater. When kids grow together and get along they can wear each other stuff. It's normal, especially because this sweater is so nice... I would borrow it too.

If they don't have the body it doesn't mean MJ is alive. It can also mean that the family decided to bury him somewhere else.
If the body is in fact at FL and the family told them the say that he's body is not there, this can also mean that JAcksons what us to think that MJ is alive for some reason (money I guess and interest to other members of the family. How many of you followed the family twitters and stuff before June 25th 2009? I guess not much, and now almost everyone does. Think yourself)


DD is full of shit! He's not MJ! It was proved and now you have to get over it and what is more important to stop paying attention to that person, because he totally disrespect MJ's fans and treat them as idiots. Stop raising his ego. He doesn't deserve it. Yes he's a burn victim and I'm very sorry for him, but it didn't make him a good person though. Don't betray MJ's memory and dignity by calling him DD. Please!

Other Odd Things / Re: Dave/Dave Pepsi
June 19, 2010, 06:49:56 PM

Oh, please! It was already proved that in was DD on Larry King! not MJ! DD just mimicked Michael because he knew it would work.
Shut down this topic. It was DD and he's a bad man. He refused to support a small boy who is also burn victim and said as an excuse that he had no time for it.

Joe Jackson / Re: Joe wearing MJ angel chain
May 27, 2010, 06:44:33 AM

Well at least we know that he loves his son and his a fan of MJ


Mo and Souza, I had no clue you two cooperate with tabloids :|


It's from Bad Tour Rehearsals. I've see that video before.

Quote from: "GirlInTheMirror"

I wonder who leaked the vids (unless they´re supposed to be a clue).

And they show, that the kids are using the computer and the internet, apparently... So who knows: maybe they DO have accounts on twitter/fb/whatever...?!

If they do, they also can read that nasty stuff that is publish in the net: that he was pedo, sperm and pee parts, autopsy, gay stuff, hoax forums and so on... If MJ is dead it can hurt them really bad.

I hope they don't use Internet. They might have local net in the house to play video game together and communicate at night via cams. Just a thought.

Other Odd Things / Re: COULD THE HOAX BE A HOAX?
May 07, 2010, 12:29:01 PM
Quote from: "the arabian nights"

eeeek sorry venus (love you)

love you too

Other Odd Things / Re: COULD THE HOAX BE A HOAX?
May 07, 2010, 12:12:50 PM
Quote from: "the arabian nights"

why do you say that they are clues - they not be

they may just be the shocking reality of the life the poor soul lived


Quote from: "suspicious mind"

hopefully this guy isn't really dead either! he he

I'm sure he's dead. I don't think LAPD can stand numerous death hoax.
He they are all adult serious people (he was a lawer) that don't fake death here and there.

Quote from: "Good Lets Dance"

Quote from: "Zen"

Maybe you BOTH correct?
Michael Jackson did NOT want to do the 02 announcement.
I heard a couple of other disturbing things about this day, but
it is hearsay, but after reading yet again the Newshound article,
I am not so sure.   :cry:

Zen, would you be willing to tell us these "heresay" you heard? (Thanks)
Yes, please tell us! I never hearn anything like that. Please! :|

It's great news! I love J5 and this release has nothing to do with sony so I'll by it 100%

Quote from: "squall-lionheart"

i forgot to say something!! 8-)
aaaa !!
will .... it's getting late!!
i think a will post it tomorrow !!


I'm glad you stay. We need some fresh air.