That is so true.. I mean, if you dont know that Michael is '''dead'' and you go and watch This is It, Nothing from that movie would have tell you about his dead!! I mean look to the introtext of The movie This Is It:
I was the spring of 2009. at the age of 50, after a decade's absence from the stage, Michael Jackson was quietley performing and crafting an entirely NEW CONCERT EXPRIENCE!
His only audience was a small group of technicians and dancers who watched Michael create a show that would have been his return to the stage.
This film consists of footage captured during the rehearsel period from March through June. It was intended for Michael's personal library and as ORGINAL FILM content FOR THE SHOW.
on June 25th, Michae and his team were eight days from traveling to London to began their final dress rehearsals for an unpressedenet 50 sold out concerts.
With the permission of the Michael Jackson Estate and thanks to a few cameras that caught the magic, here is a glimpse of the passionate gift Michael was preparing for his fans and the AUDIENCES OF THE WORLD!!!!!!! (HIS HOAX??)
when I was watching the Movieintro, Nothing of this information told me that he died on 25th june.
The end of the movie:
Michael Jackson, KING OF POP, Loves live forever!