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Messages - Lou

Quote from: "King_Michael"

if he was threatened and that threat was gone do you guys think he would comeback or do you think he liked living like a normal person?

I think that if it was what happened (threatens), then he will let the world or at least the fans know he's alive. Living in seclusion for the rest of his life, pretending to be someone else, forced to wear disguises and use fake documents (?) doesn't sound like a comfortable position, let alone a normal life. JMO.

Other Odd Things / Re: MARLONS ON USTREAM
January 25, 2010, 04:44:14 AM
Quote from: "msteetee34"

Quote from: "ucheekyminx"




Wow Marlon wrote this.  He seem like he's irritated by people asking him.  Notice everything in big letters like he's yelling out his comment.  Anyway why would they even feel the need to film both locations anyway?  That don't even make sense.  That's why everything leads to hoax because if it wasn't he would just tell everybody that his brother is dead and that there is no hoax end of story.  But he can't let the cat out of the bag yet.  Also the fact that he says the same thing as Dr. Murray the truth prevails.

Yes, I noticed that he sounded irritated. They know about 'conspiracy theories', but they never told people directly to stop it because it's disrespectful to MJ's memory and to the family. They just mention the 'theories' slightly.  And there's no point in filming both locations, unless if the intention is to confuse the fans - in case MJ is really dead - and prevent people to go to the correct place. But IDK...


Your theory is really plausible. I've always thought that if the hoax theory is true, that must be something very serious behind it.


The person said that the movie (TII I guess) is "far from a celebration" and that was his answer. I don't see why he told the person not to "look for reasons for more grieving". In this case, there's no need to "look for", because the person mentioned a fact that naturally caused grief. Hmm, you are right, his answer sounds a bit strange.

Michael Jackson News / Re: "Who" is this???
January 24, 2010, 10:06:19 AM

Is it possible such a big mistake? It shows the date: June 28th*. They were fast to find a picture of the doctor. Maybe they searched in Google and found someone with the same name without even checking?  :?:

* Three days later, but three days later had the doctor already appeared? Because I remember he went missing for some days. Why the guy in the picture/ someone else didn't complain about the mistake? Confusing isn't it? :?

Other Odd Things / Re: why did the kids stop crying
January 23, 2010, 10:06:49 AM
Quote from: "anwell"

she said they crying and said they wanted to see their daddy so took them to see him and she said they instantly became calm im saying reading between the lines we dont know what happen in thar room all i do is they was crying hysterically according to latoya before they saw their daddy but after the saw him "dead" they became very calm all of them i just find that strange

Hi, I agree it sounds strange. One would expect that they cried even more, after seeing their father's dead body. I feel sad only imagining the scene. :(

Michael Jackson News / Re: We Are the World 2010
January 21, 2010, 04:34:55 PM

If I understand it properly, they plan to include MJ's voice recorded for TII. Very interesting indeed.

Other Odd Things / Re: who leaked the information
January 21, 2010, 02:40:09 PM
Quote from: "mjj_fan"

i asked in my various post the very same question but i didnt get any replies that why i m writing it down one more time in a hope to get one answer .
dr murray was giving him drug to aid sleep , no one was allowed to go upstairs , if someone lets say hire dr murray to kill mj ( supposrting the murder theory) How they got to know he was having it everynite? not even the sibling knew mj was on propofol its was too   confidential  but then who behind the murder ???? anyone  suspicious on  ur  list???

I see what you mean. I've asked it before, but no one noticed it. It's strange that someone would know about it and use it to kill him (supposing that the murder theory is true, I hope it's not).   :?

Michael Jackson News / Re: BoW is a FAKE
January 21, 2010, 07:04:58 AM
Quote from: "Suzi~Ses~Its~Right"

i personally dont think that this Midnightmlk is the same original Midnightmlk. The first Midnightmlk had disturbing messages about Michael right back to April 2009. This latest one seems to leave hints that they are in contact with Micheal. I dunno something dont ring true with this one BUT thats just my personal hunch  :)

I think you are right.

UCLA / Re: Fire Alarm pulled at UCLA picture proof!!!
January 20, 2010, 11:41:36 AM

:o Excellent finding!

Other Odd Things / Re: Embalming Date 7/7/09
January 17, 2010, 04:59:39 PM

These details are important. This date doesn't fit the whole memorial/ private service scenario, indeed. Thanks for posting.

Quote from: "iMJacksonfaN"

Hello, people.. Are you thinking?!

She said she did make-up on Michael Jackson before his burial.. (and his memorial!)

I wrote this to one of the hoax-video makers on YouTube..

Ofcourse did Karen do make up on Michael Jackson.. Or else he Michael would be recogniced at both 'shows' Memorial and Funeral.. Make up = Diguise..

It's not any personal family members or friends that use to 'make up' the dead body.. It's someone who work with the "burial service"..
It's ofcourse obvious to make the dead body look good when it's dead, and use their favour cloths and "make up." So why is it intersting to tell this?.. Ofcourse should Michael look good, and don't need an autopsy if he dies.. The body should be kept as it always was.. There is nothing done yet, even they did a "autopsy and michael died.."

The reason why this was told, in my opinion, is to give us a CLUE!!

Michael was at the memorial and burial/funeral, but not as himself, and not in the casket!!
-But with help from Karen to have make up/diguise..

The clue is OBVIOUS!

Now you made a good a point, and I hadn't thought about it before. A specialist must be the right person to makeup a dead body, not a professional that doesn't have any experience with it. I think it makes sense :!:  :!:

Other Odd Things / Re: Craig Harvey email....
January 17, 2010, 04:44:53 PM
Quote from: "Mariso83"

I think nothing about it :P
I don't think he will say that Michael is alive.

Agreed. What else could he answer? Moreover, he said he died at UCLA, but weren't they saying he died at home? Contradictions...

The 911 call / Re: MJ house - no phones
January 17, 2010, 04:42:37 PM

For security reasons? Strange, because not having a phone is not safe either. The only explanation is that he had a cell phone, would he contact people only by Internet or personally?  :?


Maybe new news or some new "sign", but I don't expect a comeback tomorrow.  :|