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Other Odd Things / Re: opinions on the 2008 death hoax
« on: November 27, 2009, 04:26:05 PM »
I remember quite well and I have a link here , I'll try to find and post it . They said on Dec 24th 2008 that MJ has died from a drug overdose. And now it sounds as though they were foreseeing...!? :?  Can it be a simple coincidence?? There are too many coincidences in this whole case... maybe they tried to start the hoax on December, leaked the fake information to a small radio station (not a main stream vehicle, just like tmz) but somehow it didn't work. Maybe this is the biggest clue of all.

PS: as I'm writing this post, my neighbour started listening to Heal the world out loud! It must be a sign!! ;)

Medical Discussion / Re: propofol story and strange things
« on: November 27, 2009, 04:07:53 PM »
This propofol story has too many holes... some points I simply don't understand: they say MJ was addicted to it, but how long has he been addicted? Do the reports say the addiction started this year or years ago? I'm asking this because if he was really addicted and if this was an old addiction, one can assume he was injected with anesthetic everyday or almost every day and it should have been very dangerous. How come he survived so long?

On the other hand, if the addiction started recently, before he rented dr Murray, who provided him the injection previously? Is this person being investigated too?

If the addiction started with dr. Murray, who had the idea of giving MJ propofol? Did he suddenly start begging for it?? I know I have too many questions and I might have missed something, but even so, it's hard to believe in all this.

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello everyone
« on: November 27, 2009, 03:26:23 PM »
I'm an 'old' member and re registered with the same name. I liked the forum changes. I haven't had time to post , but soon I'll be able to spend more time here and exchange ideas with you all!

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