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Messages - shelby61


Something else just twigged on me when you mentioned the gravesite with no name.....remember MJ's song that was on the internet last year and it was called a A Place with No Name and as far as I know they have not marked his "tombstone"?

Here are the lyrics that came up when I googled his lyrics:

Every morning sun would rise
Every night stars would come
Every second we breathe oxygen
I just wanna tell you there is
A place with no name that's why I need you

I always dream that I could fly up high
But is just an imagination but you know
That I'll be there for you just tell me that you love me
No need to cry I'm always in your heart
Tell me that is no place like no name

You are my world with lots of flower
I just wanna tell you there is
A place with no name that's why I need you...

However, any videos that I have listened to does not have those words, so I don't know where these words came from.

Something to chew on anyway lol  :D

Other Odd Things / Van Gogh/Sunflowers/Blanket
May 15, 2010, 11:35:28 AM

I was doing a bit of thinking and research and came up with some sort of connection with these Sunflowers.  Van Gogh had done several paintings of Sunflowers.  Also, in Blanket's webcam video he talks about cutting off the ear?? (which btw Van Gogh actually did).   He was Dutch (there is that Dutch connection again) and he also moved to Paris (LOVE).  P. Diddy also  made this strange tweet yesterday:

about 12 hours ago via UberTwitter
Reply Retweet

Anyway, I will leave you with some links and you can do your own reading and see what kind of connection you come up with.  I don't have much time to spend on hours and hours of research, but anyone is welcome to try and make a connection (or clue) if there is any.

Here are some of the links. ... pictorial/ ... ius-40441/


Yes I heard that too, but I thought the guy said There is someone else in that car (not corner)...that is what I heard.  So if that is the case then maybe they were checking out the car too.  I found it a bit strange that they left the door opened after the kids got out.  Most people just shut the door and continue me it seemed very staged.


Perhaps this story was posted because James Brown was actually buried March 10, 2007...almost 77 days after his death...maybe we need to re-direct why this story was really posted and its purpose.