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TMZ Articles / Conrad Murray -- A Quarter for Your Thoughts
« on: March 20, 2011, 10:23:01 AM »
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3/20/2011 7:35 AM PDT by TMZ Staff  

Kind of ironic ... You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login shows up on the streets of New York City on the same weekend You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login is playing Radio City Music Hall.

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Our photog spotted him out Saturday afternoon and helped him make sense of a parking meter -- 'cause, you know ... checking on things after being gone for a while -- never a good idea, Doc.

See also
Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
Dr. Murray: Key Witnesses Are Undermining Me!
Michael Jackson Surveillance Video Erased

Tags: Conrad Murray, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson

Why is CM is New York? lol there is the "25" again "quarter"

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
Also in the autopsy report it states that there is no way Michael could have self-administered so what lawyer is going to use what defense/rebuttal hmm going to be an interesting trial lol

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson Surveillance Video Erased
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:00:13 PM »
Why is TMZ running this article with this kind of slant as if they are trying to rewrite history?

You hit the nail to the wall.......I think someone else is trying to rewrite HIStory.....;)  It seems that everything that has been said the last 20 or so months has already been in the news (most everything - the auctions, the sale of Neverland, etc. in particular) -- perhaps this is History Part II?

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:18:24 PM »
Maybe the syringe had to be broken in order for it to be auctioned lol... so no one would hurt themselves... and you are quite right it is a circus lol and they had to be Michael's prints otherwise the needle/syringe would not be worth much lol.

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:11:04 PM »
Maybe Michael broke the syringe because he didn't want the damn stuff in the first place lol -- The headline says Michael broke the syringe....think about it.

Is this story line making a slight detour? 8-)

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson Surveillance Video Erased
« on: March 16, 2011, 04:58:23 PM »
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Quote from: "shelby61"
 Also, it is standard procedure to have the police with the paramedics particularly when the call is "a man is not breathing".  

Sorry, but you are wrong.  It is not standard procedure for the police to attend with paramedics for every "life or death" incident.  

This simply is not true what you say here..  it is not standard procedure.

Perhaps where you live that could be.  However, here in BC when there is a 911 call such as what we heard, the police do accompany the ambulance where there is a possible "homocide" or unusual circumstances surrounding a death, the police are there in a jiffy.

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
« on: March 16, 2011, 04:00:24 PM »
Wouldn't they have taken his prints at autopsy?

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson Surveillance Video Erased
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:32:01 PM »
Well - why am I not surprised.  Also, it is standard procedure to have the police with the paramedics particularly when the call is "a man is not breathing".  However, nothing about the death scene is standard procedure as we know it lol....

Perhaps there were never really any surveillance footage of what went down.  Maybe "someone" is telling us there are no tapes lol...but this should have been brought up right after the initial investigation (as someone noted above).

Maybe we are writing the script along with the "ghost writer".   ;)

Michael Jackson News / Re: Japan earthquake
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:33:21 PM »
There have been approximately 162 aftershocks hitting Japan with magnitudes between 5.0 and 6.0.... it is absolutely devastating.  May the people of Japan find the strength to get through this.

Other Odd Things / Bahrain plans to build 50,000 homes in $5.3bn drive
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:46:35 AM »
Below are two articles one published in March 2009 (before MJ's disappearance) and then another article published today March 2011... two years later.  Basically it tells the same story.  However, what caught my eye was the words in the articles 50,000/Bahrain/five-year plan/10,500 plots and so on...

My take is that MJ has been planning this since his trial in 2005 and this was one of the things on his mind that he wanted to see change with.  I bet he toured the ghettos and saw what was going on there and wanted to help.  Again, two articles which mirror each other but surfacing at different times.

Bahrain's housing minister has announced plans to build 50,000 homes at a cost of more than $5.3bn, as the government reacts to protests gripping the kingdom.

Majid al-Alawi said the decision to embark on the massive building programme was made in the light of a housing waiting list topping 46,000.

He said in comments published by the official BNA News Agency that the five-year plan would be in cooperation with the private sector and would take place in different provinces of the kingdom.

"The initial cost is estimated to be at least two billion Bahraini dinars," BNA quoted Alawi as saying, adding that he expressed "hope that this order helps to contribute to forwarding the national dialogue."

He also announced that designs for the homes would be completed within a month, adding that 2,000 units would be completed and distributed to recipients soon.

"We have enough land to accommodate housing projects for the coming three years", he said, stressing the leadership’s pledge to provide more land.

Citing updated figures, he revealed that the number of applications on the waiting list topped 46,000. The ministry plans to reduce the waiting period to a maximum five years by 2016.

Anti-government protests in Shiite-majority Bahrain, which is ruled by a Sunni dynasty, continued this week, amid a wave of pro-democracy unrest that has gripped the region for weeks and toppled autocratic regimes in Egypt and Tunisia.

Bahrain's rulers have announced various other economic and political initiatives aimed at assuaging protesters' anger.

On Saturday, the interior ministry announced a plan to recruit 20,000 employees.

On February 26, King Hamad changed five of his ministers, in a move that saw Alawi, who was formerly minister of labour, appointed to the housing portfolio.

And on February 22, the king ordered the release of Shiite political prisoners, in another bid to ignite talks to end the standoff with anti-regime protesters.

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ABU DHABI // More than 50,000 homes will be built for Emiratis over the next 20 years, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) said yesterday. Tens of thousands of Emiratis have applied for government housing and the waiting list is up to five years long, so the announcement was warmly welcomed and heralds much needed relief to a housing crisis that has resulted in spectacular rent increases and forced many people to commute from cheaper areas, such as Buraimi in Oman.

About 30,000 houses will be constructed in Abu Dhabi and 20,000 in Al Ain at an initial cost of Dh25 billion (US$6.8bn) in the first three years. Both cities suffer from an acute shortage of housing, with demand estimated to exceed supply by a third, with the result being that house prices and rents have soared by as much as 80 per cent in 12 months. Falah al Ahbabi, the general manager of the UPC, said the Government currently had Dh25bn to develop infrastructure and public housing for Emiratis over the coming two to three years.

But he emphasised that the long-term budget for Emirati housing was "much greater than Dh25bn". The initial projects in Abu Dhabi include 5,000 houses in Al Falah, 10,500 plots in Shamkha South Shamkha, about 13,000 in Al Wathba and 2,000 to 3,000 in central Shamkha. In the Al Falah development, which is the furthest advanced, the houses are being built by Aldar Properties and are scheduled for completion next year.

Mr al Ahbabi said the Government was reviewing the project and would soon sign a formal deal with the developer. "People will be able to live there by the end of 2010," he said. Projects in Al Ain include more than 6,000 units to be built by Al Qudra Real Estate in Ain Al Fayda, while Tamouh, another developer, is to deliver more than 3,000 in the Jebel Hafeet area. Sorouh Real Estate will develop 2,000 to 3,000 units in Abu Dhabi.

"It is not like we are building and then the people will come," said Mr al Ahbabi. "There are already 15,000 applications right now for Emirati buildings. Emirati housing is the most important item for us right now. It is a hot topic." Emiratis yesterday welcomed the locations of the planned projects and said they would provide greater choice for those looking for accommodation. Jumaa Ahmad, a lorry driver who lives in Al Bahia, said the location of the new houses would be popular among Emiratis.

"They should build more projects in such areas, because we Emiratis are Bedouins. "We like the desert. Cities are good for businessmen and city dwellers, but we prefer to live in areas like Shamkha. "It is never too late to find homes for us, but a lot of the houses we build, we eventually rent out to expatriates and then we complain that we can't find anywhere to live." "It's a good idea," added Amal al Braiki, who works in Abu Dhabi and lives in Al Ain with her parents.

"The rent in the city of Abu Dhabi is very high, especially if you want a spacious house in good condition. "Us Emiratis like big houses, even if we don't have big families, because we always keep in mind if we have extended family staying over. We won't be happy with just a one-bedroom apartment. "Right now, the trend is that you either live with your parents or you apply for a house from the Government."

It will not be known until later whether Emiratis will be provided with free homes in the new communities or will have to pay for their properties. The UPC said that in cases where Emiratis were buying, they would be given assistance with finding a home loan. No estimate of the probable prices of the houses was available. According to the estate agency Cornerstone, demand for house purchases among Emiratis is holding up, despite the weakness in the housing market.

"The local market is doing very well," said Ziad Bushnaq, the chief executive. "We are working with Al Qudra on villas in Ain al Fayda. Around 70 per cent of what we sold in February was local." You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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@Voiceforthesilent - Great Post !! - Yes I believe TR has MJ's back and he obviously wants us to keep believing for a reason.  Many have given up because of time passed, but I haven't and perhaps he will never return.  We don't know what MJ has planned - perhaps it is alot bigger and more complicated than most of us can imagine.  We just need to continue to support MJ, his family and friends.  As Jackie wrote in his song "They know what is going on".... blessings and love.

Yes I heard that he mentioned that Michael had stayed in the Trump Towers - not sure whether he said he lived there or just stayed there when he was visiting New York.

Thanks very much for posting that.

Also, I noticed that the KingofPopArt tweeted about the celebrity apprentice and also included the name Jose Capas Jr.

Last night was the season premiere of Celebrity Apprentice.  Donald Trump introduced some of the celebrities at the beginning of the show including Latoya.  He also mentioned Michael being a guest at the Trump Towers and so on but then he goes on to say, this season It is going to be a circus, and I am the ringmaster. :shock:

Another thing is at the end of the show, Jose Capas Jr. (baseball) walks out of the boardroom (after someone is fired) and on the back of his suit is a Crown and something next to it.  There is some also on his suit sleeve which I could not make out.  I can't access the video of last night show from here, so could someone perhaps find the video and either post it under another format or post the pictures of these symbols on his back or side of his suit.  

Also, Donald never referred to Michael as the late Michael Jackson, just Michael.

Did anyone else see the opening season?

Conrad Murray's Lawyers 'Don't Have The Budget' For Lengthy Michael Jackson Trial
Lawyers representing DR. CONRAD MURRAY have urged a judge not to delay the upcoming involuntary manslaughter trial into MICHAEL JACKSON's death - because they "don't have the budget" for lengthy court proceedings.

The medic stands accused of administering the drug Propofol which killed the King of Pop in June 2009.

The case is scheduled to begin on 24 March (11), but Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor could push back the start date of the trial after prosecutors called for a later hearing, according to the Associated Press.

Speaking on Monday (28Feb10), he said, "I am extremely distressed about the state of this case and whether the defense is prepared for trial and its obligations to Dr. Murray."

But Murray's legal team have appealed to Judge Pastor to keep 24 March as the start date - as they are running out of cash.

Defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan pleaded, "We need to go to trial right away. We don't have the budget that would let us draw this out."

Reports suggest prosecutors are objecting to the trial start date because they are entitled to receive discovery of defense evidence 30 days before trial starts - a deadline which has already passed. The judge threatened Murray’s lawyers with hefty fines for failing to share evidence with prosecutors.

He told the attorneys for the pop icon’s personal physician that he would impose the fines or other sanctions on Wednesday (02Mar11) unless they met their legal obligation to turn over witness statements and expert reports to prosecutors.

Meanwhile, the judge has ordered Deputy District Attorney David Walgren to turn over digital photos from Jackson's autopsy as well as all of the surveillance tapes recorded at his home on the day he died.

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A budget?  WTH - so when does a lawyer outwardly admit there is a 'budget' surrounding his client's case, this is just absurd.  Any retainer agreement or otherwise, is between the lawyer and client and not for public consumption.  If Murray can't afford his lawyer get another one lol.....

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