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Messages - shelby61


18WheelLady - great post I totally concur with you.   Judging others is not our right.

Also, a one-way ticket to Paris can cost that much if you book it for the next day.  If you book in advance let's say 7 days in advance, you will pay around $650.00 -- big difference.

People tend to forget that the Jackson 5 were superstars back in the day (my day - as I grew up with listening to their music) and so they were ALL making money very early on in life.  So to say that they were using Michael's money or that MJ was supporting them is just a public assumption.  Don't forget these guys made lots of money back in the day and we don't know how they invested their money or what they did.  I think it is a personal matter between the brothers and the family if MJ gave/loaned/financed money for his family -- it's not any of our business.  For example, just like if I gave my brother $50,000.00 - is that really any of your business?

Michael loves his family as we love our respective families.  So, let's try and be courteous and respectful when posting about his family.


TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson's Kids Get Schooled
August 27, 2010, 04:26:07 PM

I think it is good for the kids to have friends their own age, especially at Prince's and Paris' age.  They need social interaction with children their own age.  They need to form relationships with other kids and have friends who they can relate to.  Who wants to be around their parents all the time especially at that age lol.  Michael grew up not having friends, not be able to go out to the local baseball diamond and throw some balls around with kids his own age, he couldn't go to a friends place and watch their favourite TV program together or just hang out.  It was always work work work for him and his brothers.

I don't think he would want to deny his own kids a normal childhood, as much as normal can be for them.  He has the best interests of his children at heart and you know maybe the children wanted to go out and get formal schooling.  I went to private boarding school (Canada) and it was a great.  I met some awesome people during my schooling years and you form great relationships with people and some friendships last a lifetime (as some of mine have), and you get a great education.  So if they can get into a private school, I think it is a good thing for them IMO.


Hi 2good2betrue - your posting got me thinking and I was doing some researching/cruising the net to see about time lines and I came across a blog called the Michael Jackson Trial 2005 and there are blogs/news stories that go back to 2004.  What is interesting is that there are story lines that are coming out now that were already in the press back in 2006/2007 etc.  Is the press just re-hashing some of old stories and trying to make it sound like they are new, or is something else brewing (i.e. - is "someone" using these stories to make a point  :shock: ).  For instance, the Mickey Fine Pharmacy story - it says that MJ owes them $100,000.00 and this was posted back in January 15, 2007??? It was again in the news recently after MJ "passed" away.

So this blogger obviously kept a good blog as to what was going on in MJ's "press" life for a long time.  I am just wondering why these stories are being re-told, re-used in some sort of format for the present time.  These stories seem very familiar.   Thoughts anyone?

Here is the link to the main blog:

Here are some interesting snippets I copied and pasted which I thought were interesting because some of these stories have been told through the press again?  What gives?, but you can take a look at all the blog posts which have been archived....interesting read indeed.

Jermaine Jackson, Michael Jackson's brother, gave an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live" in which he hinted that Jackson might leave the USA.

When asked as to whether Jackson might leave, Jermaine said rather cryptically:

"We've always had a love for other places outside the US."

It seems that Tom Mesereau has won the power struggle, reported on this site a few days ago, as to who should be the official voice of Michael Jackson during the jury deliberation phase.

Raymone Bain, on Friday, issued a short statement to reporters that denied rumours that she had been fired. However, Jackson's MJJ Productions later put out a statement on its Web site saying she had been fired.

Even Jesse Jackson has been quiet for the last few days.

Michael Jackson's father, Joe, has again told the media that he is worried about Michael's health.

He claims, in an article in New York Daily News, that Michael has stopped eating and barely sleeps as a result of the trial.

Joe Jackson says that the accusations have devastated the Jackson family.

"It's the worst experience I've ever had,".


"We always mention to him about it, but he says, 'I'm going to eat. I'll eat some.' But he doesn't eat enough. He takes a couple of bites,".

I can appreciate that the family may well be concerned. However, Joe had already aired these concerns last week.

It seems to me that there may be more than a hint of media manipulation going on here, just a day before the jury hears the closing arguments.

Too much "pulling of the heart strings" for my taste.

Michael Jackson's fans seem to be shunning him in the aftermath of his trial.

His latest greatest hits album "The Essential Michael Jackson" has sold only 8,000 copies in the US, in its first week of release, and has reached number 128 in the chart.

However, the album went straight to number two in the UK.
British public relations expert Max Clifford has revealed that he turned down a request to represent Jackson after his trial.


"He came to me a month ago and I turned him down. It would be the hardest job in PR after Saddam Hussein and I would be astounded if he could turn things around. People were extremely offended by even some of the things he admitted in court. The final judgement is with the record buying public and they have made their verdict clear."
Jackson's attorney, Tom Mesereau said Jackson had been informed of the charges.


"I have always maintained that the case against Michael Jackson was a fraud and a disgrace and these charges confirm that. We brought this information to District Attorney Sneddon early on in the case hoping that he would dismiss the charges against Michael Jackson. Unfortunately he was stubborn and denied our request."


Tuesday, January 08, 2008
A Nice Little Earner
Michael Jackson is reported to be about to announce plans for a one month residency in London's O2 Arena.

On the assumption that the reports turn out to be correct, it is estimated that he will earn a much needed $30M ($1M per night) from this deal.

We shall see.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Depp Wants To Play Jackson
Johnny Depp is reportedly hoping to play Michael Jackson, in a film about the life of Jackson.

Depp is quoted:

"There is still time to play him."

What does that mean?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Jackson 5 Reunion?
Rumours about a possible Jackson 5 reunion continue, with Janet Jackson discussing the issue with AFP.


"I hope so. I really hope so because I'll be the first in line to buy a ticket.

I do know that my brothers want to and I know it's been kind of tough for Mike. He's kind of on the fence, from what I know about it."

She added:

"Maybe he just wants to continue to be a solo artist and if that's what he wants then you have to respect his wishes. But what an impact it would have on the world and he has to see that because everyone else does.

I think he'd have to be blind not to see that."

Michaal Jackson in recent years though has never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Crazy Suit Dismissed
A lawsuit filed against Michael Jackson by Daniel Kapon has been dismissed after Kapon failed to show up for the commencement of the trial.

Kapon filed a lawsuit against Jackson which alleged that Jackson had molested and sexually assaulted him for 12 years.

Thomas C. Mundell, Jackson's lawyer, said:

"I think the judge realised how crazy the lawsuit was."

Kapon accused Jackson of child molestation, assault, battery, false imprisonment, plagiarism and fraud.

He said that Jackson had started molesting him when he was 2 years old and sexually assaulted him for over the next 12 years.

Kapon claimed that Jackson forced him into drugs and alcohol and subjected him to unnecessary cosmetic surgery, burned, tortured and beating.

He also accused Jackson of stealing his song ideas.

In his deposition, Kapon said that Jackson had him ejaculate into a jar and later used his semen to impregnate ex-wife Debbie Rowe.

"He was obsessed with geniuses and blood lines and he told me that he wanted to continue my blood line, which he believed to be related to the Rothschilds."

Jackson's lawyer was dismissive, saying:

"These are not good-faith deposition answers. They are the ravings of an unbalanced celebrity stalker."

Kapon's attorney, Barry Fischer, has filed a missing person report against Kapon.

Nowt so strange as folk!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Don't Believe The Hype
There is much chatter in the media over the issue of whether Michael Jackson will make an appearnce at the Grammy's, on the 10th of February.

Needless to say neither the organisers (CBS) nor Jackson have issued any confirmation or denial.

For why?

Simple, the ongoing speculation gives both the Grammy's and Jackson the oxygen of publicity which they both crave.

A definitive answer, one way or another, would kill off the speculation and the publicity.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Thriller Remake
The Daily Mirror reports that Michael Jackson intends to remake Thriller.

Jackson appeared by video at the NRJ Music Awards in Cannes, where he was awarded some form of medal, and said:

"I'm coming back. And I've got a very special treat for all of my fans.

I have been recording Thriller: 25th Anniversary, with a lot of surprise guests."

The Jackson camp claim that he will hold a European comeback at the O2 Arena in London in summer.

Time will tell.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Grammy's No Show
Those of you who have a remote interest as to why Michael Jackson did not attend the Grammy's the other week, despite all the hype from both the Jackson and the Grammy's camp about his possible attendance, may be interested to know why.

Seemingly, if reports are to believed, Jackson made a few too many demands:

-He wanted a special honouree to introduce him on stage.

-He demanded a special award, something that no one had or would ever receive again.

-He wanted the entire event dedicated to his career, with no less than 30 mentions referring to him as the "King of Pop".

Unsurprisingly, the organisers of the Grammy's said no.

However, both Jackson and the Grammy's did receive a very large amount of free publicity in the run up to the awards, as the media speculated as to whether he would attend or not.

Both Jackson and the Grammy's did very well out of it.

Friday, February 23, 2007
Intervention Blocked
Nona Paris Lola Jackson, a British woman who claims that she is the mother of Michael Jackson's three children, has been blocked from intervening in Michael Jackson's settlement with his ex-wife.

Nona Paris Lola Jackson had filed a motion in October demanding a role in the custody settlement between Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe. Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider denied the motion in November, and then again this Wednesday.

He noted that she had failed to properly notify Jackson and Rowe of her claims, and that the woman hadn't provided "credible evidence" that she was the children's birth mother.

It is possible that the motion could be brought again, if Jackson and Rowe were served properly.

Nona Jackson's court papers stated:

"Michael and I are a sexually active couple and have been this way from the beginning."

She also claims to have written more than 3,000 songs for him.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Jackson Auction
A collection of Michael Jackson memorabilia will be auctioned at the Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel and Casino tomorrow, May 30th.

The event is being billed as the largest Jackson auction ever. There will be over 1,000 original Michael Jackson costumes for sale.

Universal bought the items from the New Jersey businessman Henry Vaccaro, who bought them in 2002 from a bankruptcy court auction. Universal claim they have spent another $2 million just to transport the goods from New Jersey to Las Vegas.

Jackson tried to halt the auction, but two weeks ago reached a confidential settlement and dropped the opposition.

Some of the most popular items that will be offered at the casino auction are:

Bill Whitten-designed militaristic red coat with gold rope, that belonged to Michael Jackson

The 1987 contract detailing his $30M purchase of the California ranch now known as the "Neverland."

A worn telegram from July 6, 1984, from Marlon Brando encouraging Michael Jackson before a show.

Also many paintings, personal clothing of Michael and Janet Jackson, lyrics of the pop-singer and more.

Monday, January 15, 2007
The $100K Pharmacy Bill
Michael Jackson likes to do things big. Therefore it should come as no surprise to hear that he has allegedly racked up a $100K pharmacy bill.

Unfortunately, the payment of this bill has been in dispute.

The owners of Mickey Fine Pharmacy sued Jackson last Wednesday, for reneging on an oral bill-paying agreement. They stated that Jackson owed over $100K from prescriptions dating back to 2005.

Jackson has now amicably settled the dispute, according to Jackson's spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain.


"(Mickey) Fine Pharmacy has been paid."

However, it is unclear as to whether Mickey Fine agrees with this statement.

Other Odd Things / Re: Everyone who's in on the Hoax
August 25, 2010, 11:15:44 AM

In my opinion, this is not about who knows about the "Hoax" and who doesn't.   This is about FILM and whether the audience sees it as an illusion or reality.  The participants, including ourselves see it differently than what perhaps a Jackson family member may see it; as they see it with different emotions.  Perhaps Madonna sees it differently than Brook Shields.  Some were scripted; some were not (ie. like a reality show).  I wrote on LKL blog back in August 2009 this same theory that it was a cross between illusion/documentary of his life...and I am still sticking to this theory as it seems to be panning out as I had thought.

Michael is using film to tell "HIStory" - perhaps this is Part II.  This is It = TII.  Michael said this is the final curtain call...This is It!

Final Curtain Call means:  "The appearance of performers or a performer at the end of a performance to receive applause from the audience."

"an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play..."

When this ends and if Mike does return to the public eye, the world is going to turn to each other and say... "what just happened the last couple of years"?
:D  :D


Something caught my eye at the end of the This is It movie just before the ending where "MJ" is talking to Kenny and Michael Beardon about the MJ Air rehearsal/practice and Kenny says to MJ .... blah blah blah (can't remember the exact words) for Michael and MJ says "no no no" ....on so on.  Like Kenny was saying you had to do something for Michael and this MJ says no no no.

"for Michael" are the words that caught my attention.  It was like Kenny and "MJ" were discussing the stuff that had to be done and MJ mentions something about stewardesses and such and they are laughing and you can't hear "MJ" very well, but it is re-written on the screen what he says.  So my inclination is that this guy Kenny was talking to was a double for Michael at the end of the movie.  So could be that is why his dancing was "off"..... but I think he never really stopped dancing, maybe publicly he stopped doing it, but I think he was constantly thinking of new dances and music.  Wasn't there a story or documentary where he says he creates the dance and then the music just comes after (or something to that effect)?


And wasn't a picture of the same nurse taken at the This is It Premiere and it seemed the background of that picture were seating at his Neverland Ranch Theatre, as I recall.

Good investigation and yes if in fact he did get to the hospital earlier because he was sick, it seems to fit well with your theory.  My only comment is that wasn't there a group of people who were concerned about him and tried to get a letter to him the night before he "passed away"?  There are so many twists and turns in this whole event that you really wonder who is telling the truth?

I have been following this since day one, and I thought it was strange that this nurse, came out of the blue, and suggested that he could not sleep...blah blah blah and went on to tell her story.  She had to tell it because it had all to do with the fact that he was taking medications to help him sleep and get through his aches and pains.   I mean really, with three kids and not really working (touring that is) for the past 12 years he probably did get some rest, more than we will ever know, so to suddenly go to that extreme by injecting diprivan, which is beyond risky, I doubt very much he would have done this knowing that he is the sole parent to his children.


Jackson: I've been trying to get a hold of my mom. I talked to Jackie. I talked to Tito. They feel the same way. A piece of our heart -- a piece of us went with him. It was a shock to them, too. I talked to my brother Jackie and he said, "Marlon, is it true?" I said, "I'm calling them right now to see if it's true." That's when I called Frank Dileo and I couldn't get to my mom. I talked to him the first time and he was at the house and my mom was in the background crying, and she was just upset.


Does this make any sense to you guys... He couldn't get to his mom, but yet she was in the background crying and had to talk to Frank instead?  Also, Marlon says Frank was at the house, which house was he referring to?  Was Frank at the Encino compound with his mother when Marlon found out?  I thought Frank was at the hospital with his mother and the kids and he had to tell the kids??  Can any of you figure this out?

TMZ Articles / Re: Mounting Security at MJ Death House
August 08, 2010, 11:23:29 PM

by paula-c » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:01 pm

shelby61 wrote:

TS could mean The Scarecrow

The Scarecrow Very intelligent paula-c

Report this postReply with quoteRe: Mounting Security at MJ Death House
by foreye » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:07 pm

shelby61 wrote:
TS could mean The Scarecrow


@foreye and paula-c - I am so glad I could make you laugh.

TMZ Articles / Re: Mounting Security at MJ Death House
August 08, 2010, 01:48:17 PM

TS could mean The Scarecrow  :?

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ/ Jermaine Meeting with Obama
July 22, 2010, 10:42:45 AM
Quote from: "Good Lets Dance"

Quote from: "MJonmind"

Quote from: "Good Lets Dance"

Quote from: "loma"

Quote from: "Good Lets Dance"

TMZ is NO friend of MJ! Please remind yourselves of MJ's song "They Don't Care Abot Us" and WHO he was referring to! (Hint: Abe Foxman wrote him Demanding that he change the lyrics: "Jew me, sue me, Kike me..." Well, Harvey is one of "Them", in case you havent' figured it out yet! Have you forgotten the BIG blue Star of David shown on the screen during his memorial? That really bugged me since MJ was Not Jewish...

Most of the major religious symbols were shown during the memorial.
They weren't going to exclude the Star of David, just because Harvey may be Jewish..

Watch it again - The Star of David was shown much larger size and for longer. (The other symbols were very small and for shorter duration) The Blue SOD was definitely more Prominent than the others. Keep on discounting the Glaring, Obvious signs of what was done to MJ and by whom. Some people seem to prefer to stay brainwashed in order to preserve their own selfish fantasies. Meanwhile an insideous, evil, satanic cabal has gotten away with murder and YOU are doing NOTHING about it becasue you prefer to keep your head in the sand!
We'll have to agree to disagree. If I were to conclude MJ was indeed dead, it would not be because someone called me an idiot or brainwashed, or yelled at me. It would have to be from analyzing ALL the evidence scrupulously, on the surface and hidden, then connecting the dots, which is what this forum is all about.
I never yelled at you and I never called you an idiot (apparently that is wishful thinking?) If you had anaylized all the evidence you would see the $$ factor! Why is the Family quiet? Word has it the deadbeat ones are getting a monthly check from the estate to keep their mouth shut. Sony, AEG, Colony Capital, all have what they want. Tohme Tohme has dissappeared into thin air. The loose canons have been silenced (Chandler & Lopez) Katherine won't be out on the street cause Branca paid off the delinquent mortgage on Havenhurst and the overdue utility bills. The brothers got thier reality TV show (who would have been interested in them if MJ was alive?) The crushing debt MJ incurred is being paid off. Bottom line: Everyone's doing GREAT since since MJ died (Get It Yet?)
@Good Let's Dance - You know we are all media controlled and by reading your statements it seems that you are media controlled for me, I do get it, but not because I read and BELIEVE the media BS.  How do you know that someone is getting a monthly cheque to shut up?   Was MJ really in debt?  How do we know Branca paid off a deliquent mortgage?  Did we actually phone the lawyers who did the discharge of this mortgage?  I highly doubt it, no we just took the media's word as the gospel.  This is what MJ is trying to disspell... I think many of us have analyzed alot of the "evidence" (some evidence btw that the media has so conveniently and nicely laid out for us) so because you came to a certain conclusion about your investigation does not mean that everyone comes to the same conclusions.  So play nice with your words.  Thank you.

I believe it ended up on his Ultimate Collection CD's...which were released in 2004.

Other Odd Things / Re: NEW CLUES!!!
July 07, 2010, 12:12:58 PM

Sorry meant to say in the past lol :oops:

Other Odd Things / Re: NEW CLUES!!!
July 07, 2010, 12:12:22 PM

yes it does seem odd to be wearing heavy clothing especially if you are dancing and working up a sweat, unless the arena was a refridgerator lol....I thought it strange for MJ to be dancing around in a heavy parka lol.... also there was some talk that the dancers were already choosen because they had danced with Janet, etc.  in the passed.

Other Odd Things / Re: NEW CLUES!!!
July 07, 2010, 11:41:28 AM

I just re-watched This is It again lol and at the very end of the movie where Kenny, "MJ" and Michael Beardon or someone like him (forget now) were talking about the MJ Air rehearsal/practice and Kenny says to MJ .... blah blah blah (can't remember the exact words) for Michael and MJ says "no no no" ....on so on.  Like Kenny was saying you had to do something for Michael and this MJ says no no no.

"for Michael" are the words that caught my attention.  It was like Kenny and "MJ" were discussing the stuff that had to be done and MJ mentions something about stewardesses and such and they are laughing and you can't hear MJ very well, but it is re-written on the screen what he says.  So my inclination is that this guy Kenny was talking to was a double for Michael.  JMO -- what do u all think?


I thought there was a dispute about the signing of the Will and the location but that sort of fell through the media cracks.  If the family is disputing the validity of the Will, then the Executors cannot file the Will in Court because the Executors have to file an Affidavit with the Will swearing that this is the last will of testament of whoever....blah blah if there is a problem with it not being the correct Will, then it will not get filed, that is why in my opinion, they applied for letters of special administration, so they could proceed with the funeral, burial etc. while the validity of the Will gets settled.  However, being that they are Executors, I don't know why they applied for Letters of Special Administration, unless the Will is in fact not the correct or the most recent Will.  There was also the issue of the children that had to be settled and it was obvious that they do stay  with Katherine (per the Will's wishes) and of course we know that the Will may not be the correct one, so again are the children with Katherine??

The court did not appoint a neutral person, they appointed Branca who, in my opinion, is in direct conflict in alot of dealings with the Estate.


Petitions for letters of special administration ordinarily will not be granted on less than 24 hours' notice to the surviving spouse or registered domestic partner, to the nominated personal representative, or to any other person who, in the opinion of the Court, appears to be entitled to notice. In making the appointment, preference is given to the person entitled to letters testamentary or of administration, but if it appears that a bona fide contest exists between these persons, the Court will usually appoint a neutral person or corporation as special administrator. The petitioning party is advised to ascertain whether a bond must be posted prior to the issuance of letters of special administration.

(Eff. 1/01/05)


When a petition for probate of will or codicil is filed, the original of the document being offered for probate must be filed prior to, or concurrently with, the petition. If the will or any part thereof is handwritten, a typewritten copy of the handwritten portion must also accompany the petition.

If the will is in a foreign language, a translation by an expert must be submitted at the time of filing the petition for probate. An affidavit or declaration as to the expertise of the translator must accompany the translation.

Also, being that Katherine has custody, it seems the children are spending alot of time away from her lol....for example, the kids meeting their grandma for lunch and she was not very affectionate with them (remember that) and this last stunt having the kids go to Hawaii instead of honouring and remembering their Dad on June 25th.  Things just don't add up...but can't put my finger on it yet... :?