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Messages - michaelslady


I can't stand Debbie. Why would she wanna marry a man that MJ fired years ago because of his involvement in making g*y porn. How does that look? That man is nothing but a fraud and I have never trusted her. She seemed to have a motive with everything that she did in the past and now.  :icon_evil:


Wade Robson is full of bs. Nobody believes him and honestly I think posting Robsons name just give fuel to the fire. Hes broke as a joke and after he broke up JT and Britney up, he has ZERO credibility in Hollywood and cannot be trusted at all. He can't even really get a job and now he knows this is the easiest way to put money in his account. Anybody can cry wolf, but it doesn't make any of it true. I never thought MJ was guilty. No parent in their right mind would take money if they truly thought someone was guilty. They would want the pedo under the jail. kwim?

Other Odd Things / Re: From Moonwalker to TII
April 28, 2014, 10:30:22 PM

Its hard to make since of any of this most days. Sometimes I sit and wonder if its logical that he could he have planned every single little clue that we find. I'm so confused  :screaming-7365:

Katherine Jackson / Katherine and The Children
April 28, 2014, 08:53:23 PM

I have been wondering if anyone has actually seen a pic or video of Katherine Jackson with PPB since 2009? We see the children often, but who are they actually out in public with? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen any evidence of them actually being in her care before. I know the whole situation regarding the custody change with TJ Jackson, but the whole thing seems a bit odd. Can someone enlighten me please.

Introduce yourself / New Here
April 27, 2014, 08:11:04 PM

Hi I'm new here. I have been reading things for a few weeks here though. Been a believer in the hoax from the first week after the "death". Its great to be in a place with other like minded people. Would love to chit chat with believers on a regular basis.  :icon_razz:


New here. I have been reading this forum for awhile and decided to join. Been aware of the hoax since the beginning. I do think "something" is about to go down with MJ. More and more things seem to be coming out.  :Pulling_hair:


 :) So beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I miss him so so much. I can't explain it  :'(