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Messages - fanfromspain

TMZ Discussion / Re: TMZ search
September 02, 2010, 06:55:45 AM

It's all based on search 'popularity', same as in google. TMZ doesn't make up that list, it is created automatically based on the total of searches carried out on the website.

Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"

This was awesome...sure doesn't look like someone drugged out or on their last leg. Michael is truly one of a kind.

Exactly what I was thinking. You don't dance/move that way one day and die the next.
June 25, 2010 / Re:
June 26, 2010, 04:27:28 AM

Once again (and I already posted this yesterday). Go to:

It's about the tv show "doctor who".

"In "Flesh and Stone" it was revealed that explosion in space-time will occur on 26/06/2010, Amy's wedding day. This debris would seem to indicate that either the TARDIS is the cause of this explosion or that it was caught in it, finally fulfilling Dalek Caan's prediction in "Journey's End" that the Doctor's "most faithful" companion would die (link)."

"A website, aptly named, is currently counting down to Amy's wedding day, or as it calls it "Mission Impossible!" The site was registered on March 1st ("Flesh and Stone" air date) to Matthew Inwards of an Australian company called Active Computer Technologies (ACT). Despite the suspicious sounding name, which conjures up images of the 11th Doctor imploding, Inwards is a real person working at ACT, a company that does website marketing. Whether it's official or not, who can say?"

June 25, 2010 / Re:
June 25, 2010, 04:14:48 PM

I googled the company name together with "mission impossible" and found this page:

Absolutely nothing weird about it or MJ-related.


But... the question is... does he moonwalk? Hahahaha

April 08, 2010, 01:35:48 PM

Invincible is my favourite too !!!! Especially You Rock My World !!!!


Truly breathtaking...

Quote from: "vilte90"

RealKennyOrtega is not the real where this link was put, the real KO is KennyOrtegaBlog, am I right?

Yes, that's correct !

And thanks for the link, pretty amazing.

Quote from: "alovesmichael"

Probably imaginations but I would be the happiest person in the world if Michael was in Spain!!  Preferably Madrid or Palma de Mallorca  :D

Oh yes, same here, preferably MADRID !!!!!!
Other Odd Things / Re: TODAY A SPECIAL DAY?
March 13, 2010, 01:45:56 PM
Quote from: "i[MISS

my[KING]"]its special for me!!! its my birthday  8-)  :D   L.O.V.E.

CONGRATULATIONS !!! It's my best friend's birthday too today !!!!

I guess we're not the only ones with conspiracy theories. ... till_alive

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "Fedora777"

Did anyone tape this for those of us who can't watch VH1or have a link  to the episode on the internet:mrgreen:

Yes please do.. it would be very much appreciated.

It's on YouTube:

Part 1:

Part 2:


Hi everyone, this is my first 'new topic' here, so I hope I've put it in the right place (feel free to move it, admin).
Anyway, check out the link below... it's truly an amazing story !!! ... y-grandma/
Other Odd Things / Re: We Are The World picture
February 04, 2010, 07:58:42 AM

No way, sorry, are you serious about Mike being disguised as Barbra Streisand?

Other Odd Things / Re: Smile
February 03, 2010, 12:17:43 PM
Quote from: "KINGdom52"

An incredible song !

An angelic voice !

But why it brings me only tears ? :cry:

Same here... makes me wanna cry...