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Messages - jonnysgirldangerous

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Español / Re: Mutis x el foro
« on: April 11, 2010, 05:43:08 PM »
Creo que me he perdido de algo. Intento entrar al enlace tuyo Some y dice que se ha esfumado como los conejitos de los magos. A l@s que lo leyeron podrían hacernos una sinopsisde lo que decías lashijasmarías?? Tal vez se estaban quejando de los comentarios que suscitó la madeja de lo que salió en un diario de la tierra que las vio nacer?? o habrán leído el para nada halagador pastoral que sobre ellas salió en la otra receta que se había puesto??

Y sobre la receta que les puse, antes dehacer el registro podía leer lo que se cocinaba allí, será que decidieron cambiarlo para que las que preparan los platos por estos lares no se enteren de lo que se dice??

Español / Re: Mutis x el foro
« on: April 11, 2010, 01:28:30 PM »
Hola chic@s, yo como ustedes he estado andando por los alrededores y buscando una nueva cabaña en la que se pueda encontrar una habitación un poco más amplia y cómoda. Y encontré una, pero no estoy segura si tal vez este estrechamente ligada con las hijas de las marías que están cocinando tan mal ultimamente.

Les daré la receta secreta de la misma forma que Minamai nos dio otra en esta misma madeja (que por cierto encontré un poco ácida, pero bastante interesante y que vale la pena probar nuevamente). Sólo deben poner de seguido el nombre del hermoso cantante que nos trajo en primer lugar por este lado, a lo que le siguen higo, oliva, almeja, xilófono, dátil, enebro, alubia, tomate, hinojo. Ponen la primera letra de esos ingredientes seguido de un punto net y una barra inclinada a lo que le siguen un filete, orujo, rana  :lol: , uva y menta. A primera vista se me parece mucho a esta casa de las marías por lo que no estoy segura si serán algún tipo de parientes lejanos.

Cuando hagan la receta me avisan como les quedó y cual fue la impresión que les dio.


Español / Re: Mutis x el foro
« on: April 06, 2010, 12:10:04 PM »
Jajaja, creo que van a acabar echando de esta casita de la pradera a más de uno de los que andamos por esta madeja  :lol:  Yo ya ni quiero leer lo que me podrían haber contestado las chicas de las marías porque si no me pongo como chispita en día de año nuevo. Y no quiero que se me arruine mi jornada laboral jeje.

Other Odd Things / Re: Murray has a double...
« on: April 06, 2010, 08:14:55 AM »
Quote from: "Puff"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
It's very obvious that the camera is in two different angles. Just try it home take one picture of you with your chin up and then with it down and try to match them. Then come and share the results.

I am sooooooo THRILLED to see there are so many experts on these boards, who I'm sure have LOADS of experience with photography!  :roll:

And who are you to know that I don't have LOADSSSSS of experience in photography, do you know me?? do you know anything of me?? do you know my work?? And I'm sure you do!! I thought that this was all about respect but if not even the creators of this can show a little I think we're doomed. Apparently the respect exists as long as you agree with them in all the nonsense they bring.

And who are you to know that I don't have LOADS of experience in photography?  You simply don't know...  Yes, let's get personal, and attack each other, come on, hurry up!  Was I addressing YOU personally?  Did I put YOUR name in my reply?  I don't think so...

I was addressing those who just a simple compact camera, putting it on auto and shoot some snapshots, and keep screaming "angle and lighting" with EVERY picture posted on this board when it comes to showing facial differences.  Every experienced photographer KNOWS that angle and lighting does not cause a completely different shape of face, and different placement on eyes, nose and mouth.  THAT is what I meant, nothing more, nothing less.

Talking about respect: "as long as you agree with them in all the nonsense they bring".  Oh now THAT sounds respectful...

And... Jonnysgirldangerous, are you respectful?
And if you are sure that it's just two angles camera ("It's very obvious that the camera is in two different angles") why don't you prove it?
Arguments without any proofs again..

Puff of course I'm respectful until someone believes that they can just step on other people just because they don't agree with them. And that's the thing, nobody here has proof of anything and the way other people can say that's obvious that is a different person, I can say that's obvious that's not. Two of the few pictures that exist of Murray compared together are no proof either, or do you think they are the ultimate proof that they're a different person?.

Other Odd Things / Re: Murray has a double...
« on: April 06, 2010, 08:06:37 AM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
It's very obvious that the camera is in two different angles. Just try it home take one picture of you with your chin up and then with it down and try to match them. Then come and share the results.

I am sooooooo THRILLED to see there are so many experts on these boards, who I'm sure have LOADS of experience with photography!  :roll:

And who are you to know that I don't have LOADSSSSS of experience in photography, do you know me?? do you know anything of me?? do you know my work?? And I'm sure you do!! I thought that this was all about respect but if not even the creators of this can show a little I think we're doomed. Apparently the respect exists as long as you agree with them in all the nonsense they bring.

And who are you to know that I don't have LOADS of experience in photography?  You simply don't know...  Yes, let's get personal, and attack each other, come on, hurry up!  Was I addressing YOU personally?  Did I put YOUR name in my reply?  I don't think so...

I was addressing those who just a simple compact camera, putting it on auto and shoot some snapshots, and keep screaming "angle and lighting" with EVERY picture posted on this board when it comes to showing facial differences.  Every experienced photographer KNOWS that angle and lighting does not cause a completely different shape of face, and different placement on eyes, nose and mouth.  THAT is what I meant, nothing more, nothing less.

Talking about respect: "as long as you agree with them in all the nonsense they bring".  Oh now THAT sounds respectful...

You were adressing me personally because you put my post there!! And now you talk about respect after you attacked everybody that doesnt' agree with you. How do you know that here we're not a lot of people who know about photography, are you the only one in the world with that knowledge? And unless you were there in the moment that those pictures were taken and know firshand those things, you don't know anything, just like the rest of us. And of course lighting and angle can cause a completely difference in the face and everybody that KNOWS a little about photography can deduce that, you don't need to be a genius.

Español / Re: Mutis x el foro
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:52:14 AM »
Bueno voy a intentar hablar como el resto del hilo a ver si me sale. Creo que ya somos muchos los de por aquí y otras tierras que nos queremos ir para otro lado, en especial por las chicas del país de las marías (?)  :lol: Lo que ya le había comentado a some hace un rato, me saca los mil genios del demonio que sólo lo que ellas dicen sea lo que es, sin importar lo ridiculo que pueda ser. Y ve tu a intentar ponerle un poco de sentido común al asunto y van barriendo el piso contigo.

Pero como que  también seguiré dando guerrita al asunto y viendo si existe alguna clase de tropa con sentido común. Y claro seguiré intentado aumentar mi vocabulario para seguir con este asunto.

Besos!  :)

Other Odd Things / Re: Murray has a double...
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:43:39 AM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
It's very obvious that the camera is in two different angles. Just try it home take one picture of you with your chin up and then with it down and try to match them. Then come and share the results.

I am sooooooo THRILLED to see there are so many experts on these boards, who I'm sure have LOADS of experience with photography!  :roll:

And who are you to know that I don't have LOADSSSSS of experience in photography, do you know me?? do you know anything of me?? do you know my work?? And I'm sure you do!! I thought that this was all about respect but if not even the creators of this can show a little I think we're doomed. Apparently the respect exists as long as you agree with them in all the nonsense they bring.

Other Odd Things / Re: Murray has a double...
« on: April 05, 2010, 05:03:54 PM »
It's very obvious that the camera is in two different angles. Just try it home take one picture of you with your chin up and then with it down and try to match them. Then come and share the results.

Español / Re: Mutis x el foro
« on: April 05, 2010, 04:44:30 PM »
Lo peor de todo es que yo si me he pasado por estos foros e igual no entiendo un pepino ;) jajaja, me tocará estar más pendiente de todo el rollo para ver si capto algo :D

I really don't think MJ married LMP trying to hide anything, but I will never be sure if she loved him back, after everything she said about him when they divorced. And even if I understand LaToya in that moment, even now it's really difficul for me to believe anything that she says. And it's not hate towards her, because I really don't hate and I even respect her, but she always talks too much.

Michael's Impersonators / Re: E'Casanova on Blossom 1994
« on: March 30, 2010, 12:21:08 PM »
I loved Blossom and I've never seen that clip before. It seems that during the 80s and the 90s he was on the top of his game.  :D But I still have to see an impresonator that really looks and talks like MJ, that why I still think the O2 guy was really him, he's to perfect for being someone else.

Quote from: "somekindofsign"
I consider people planting bombs as terrorists, there´s no other.
It´s just that I had never heard about them on the news to be called so.
Well, they love the word, and they use it for everything.
So now when they talk about FARCS they don´t call it guerrilla or just Las FARCS, but "el grupo terrorista FARCS"!¿?, something new here.

But indeed they are. Also ETA.

ETA is more complicated to annalyze to me because of the closeness, I have loads of information/disinformation to annalyze. I guess it happens in Columbia with FARCS, as I know it happens in Ireland with IRA.

ETA started being a rebel group against Franco. When he died they continnued, so it was less justifiable, to end up being inexplicable. In the middle we had/have GAL (a secret services (CNI) terrorist group within the government), a scandal.

Many people thought that the worst was not GAL existing, but the leaking of its existence... I mean, that some people who think black and white, thought that it was right that the goverment used the same means against that evils, but it should have never been known.

I think that ETA is manipulated by the state, or the real masters and involved with CIA. The creators has repudiated them (as hapenned with the Red Brigades), and now they have people inside that are mercenaries, agents, vasque extremist-left young people, easy to convince people, older people who only knows to live from the extortions... and most of them are unaware that they are a part of Gladio, or whatever the operation is called now.

It´s also the feeding of the government (both of the parties) as it´s a common issue to act their circus in, and people is interested, so they don´t pay attention to other things. And it´s also good to win elections, because they are always ending with the last stand of it. It always seems it´s about to finish, and they arrest more and more (it´s like the battles in Lord Of The Rings... the next has more orcs). I think they arrest people faster that people gets into ETA.

As we laugh of everything, it´s even funny, because ETA new arrested are younger and younger, and one day they´re gonna be babys with a dummy.

Because it´s better laughing...

OMG, Echelon is also following this thread for sure!  :lol:

You're right in a lot of point, specially about the vicios circle that forms because those groups consolidate the governments and nobody is really interested in finish things for real. I think the terrorist name started being used with all those lists of terrorist groups, that are good because it is for them that now it is illegal to help those kind of groups.

The farc was created like any other guerrilla by peasants that weren't happy with the government, the problems started when they realised that they could start making money out of it. So they started getting weapons and threatening people that had more more money or land than them so they could start recieving money out of other profits, to "support the cause", but just out of fear.

And that thirst of money and power made them the group that they right now, that doesn't have anything to do with the term guerrilla per se, because they just live out of the money they get of the few kidnappings they can make and the drug traffic, they don't fight for anyone's rights or anything anymore. Even if they can still convince some people, that normally aren't colombian, so they join them and give them more money, saying that they're fighting the goverment and trying to give power to the people, which is completely untrue.

Of course the story is a lot longer than this, because they've been here for more than 40 years already. But I tried to sum it up a little. But between the terms guerrilla and terrorist group, I choose the last one, because they're not guerrilla anymore.

Quote from: "somekindofsign"
@ tabloidburn, in Spain at least is also illegal: Violence Apology.
I guess it´s common in many countries...

@ jonnysgirldangerous, yes, you´re right, it´s also terrorism. And like ETA, they are a bunch of killers very convinient for our governments.
Aside from that, I never heard about FARC commiting terrorist attacks per se.
I guess you´re Colombian@, I have friends there.

Tell me please, to confirm, is it new or am I wrong?
It´s that I heard together, on the news,  the words FARC with terrorism and my eyebrows raised by themselves...

@ Sarahli, Russian scape is far from my understanding, they´re a complet mistery to me most of the times. But you´re pointing some of the interested there. There are so many things like these, that it´s impossible for us to ever know about some of them...

@somekindofsign  Yes I'm colombiana, you guessed right  :) Well about the terrorist attacks, it all depends what do you really call terrorist attack, because of course for every person is a different idea. But well they put car bombs, they throw bombs to houses and just go around killing civilians. I personally would call that terrorism, but like I tell you that can differe from one person to the other. Do you consider ETA a terrorist group?

Quote from: "somekindofsign"
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
The Farc aren't that weak either. A lot weaker than before, but they still manage to keep killing people. Ohh and they're not a guerrilla, they're a bunch of killers.

I know. Actually, I was pointing more to the recent news of them as terrorist with terrorist attacks as a new thing. It´s the same, but they start to call it other way...

Yes I understood correctly, I just wanted to make it clear. They're calling old things with new names, but I don't disagree, because the concept of the word "terrorism" means terrorizing people, threating them, making them scared of go out of their houses, and they've all done that. I think the word lost the real use when the US goverment startes overusing it, but it's correct to use it.

The Farc aren't that weak either. A lot weaker than before, but they still manage to keep killing people. Ohh and they're not a guerrilla, they're a bunch of killers.

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