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I can't find this funny, sorry ...What on Earth is he saying , what is the purpose in all this if Murray is his friend or Michael could be behind all this? I am so confused.

Debbie Rowe / Re: Debbie Rowe blames many for MJ's Death
November 06, 2013, 04:49:42 AM

Was she that close to him to know this kind of things ? I doubt it .....:D


It's been 4 years since he "disappeared ".Time is going so fast.What can I say, I miss him so much , I never stopped believing and dreaming of a comeback .What really matters is him to be OK , happy and healthy .I hope from the bottom of my heart that now he can live exactly like he want's to.


I hope  so much that Michael will return soon !!!



Quote from: 2good2btrue on September 04, 2012, 02:13:57 AM

Can I just say that even if all this is true, would you stop loving him??

I can only speak from my own experience here, but it all depends on the drug of choice as to whether you want to feel high or low...

Alcohol can give you bad lows, but when you have to, it gives you more confidence and a feeling of invincibility.

Alot of pain medication can give you a euphoric feeling even though they are supposed to make you feel drowsy and nobody would even notice unless you look into their pupils, which could remain dilated....Just my honest thoughts

Of course I would not stop loving him even if  there is a chance of any of this is true .But I can't imagine Michael drunk, not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time, having  strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior.This is too much, really something really wrong here.This are lies.

Messages to Michael / Re: Dear Michael...
August 29, 2012, 01:47:37 AM

 Happy Birthday dear Michael, I love you and I miss you so much.I hope you are healthy, happy and this day finds you with the ones you love.  :multiplespotting:

Messages to Michael / Re: Dear Michael...
August 23, 2012, 10:43:12 AM

 :bearhug: Sweet Michael, it's time for you to come back !! We need you , this world needs you .I miss you so much .I love you with all my heart and I really need to tell you this in person  :icon_redface:


Live hologram, I love the sound of this word :D


So Michael doesn't like twitter that much, I wish he would be there to talk with us :) Thank you LaToya for letting the world know :D I feel very sad for those who strongly believe in all this fake MJ's, even it's on twitter or facebook etc.

General Hoax Talk / Re: MJ AMONG US?
May 29, 2012, 12:41:50 PM

Forgot about the topic lol Yes, Michael could be here ! after all he is a master of disguises , he could be anyone ;)

General Hoax Talk / Re: MJ AMONG US?
May 29, 2012, 12:20:37 PM

Dear friends, please don't judge a person when you don't know their story entirely . All I wanna say is that we must respect each other and remember why we are here .Every one is different , we can't share the same opinion or feelings .As long as we have respect and we talk WITH respect then everything must be OK.Don't fight, we are here to investigate and share ideas and opinions.Blessings


Lies , lies , lies everywhere about Michael and his behavior   :over-react-smiley: I would hit this crazy man right in his mouth to swallow his words  :Pulling_hair: Sorry for saying this, but enough is enough !!! 

Quote from: Front on May 06, 2012, 08:40:34 PM

God came to me in another form
He said "it's not black or white or the norm"
He looked at me and took my hand
He said "come with me to the Promised Land"
I saw the children fly out of the Heavens
wings spread wide like a vast blue tide
He rose above me
leaving me to stand
on my own two feet
but I'm just a man
my legs grow weak
my soul grows weary
but visions are then revealed through the haze
with His love I see clearly
I remember those days
of anguish and pain
drowning my spirit
like a monsoon rain
my cries washed away
no voice escaped
no one heard
no one admitted their mistake
but He was there
He witnessed it all
He was my believer
and He answered my call

P.S. My dear friends,
just as you believe in Michael, he too believes in you
take these words to heart
for they are sincere and true.

beLIEve that!
heart 2 heart.......

Something for you Front :)  :bearhug:

There's a mountain before you
One you feel you can never climb
The distance is frightening,
but I know you can make it to the other side
If only you try

I've seen the strength
that you carry inside
I've seen the will, the passion
the fight in your eyes
I've witnessed your ambition
I know you can do it one more time

You can do anything
You can be anyone
You can be happy, too
But first you must believe
in the power of you

You're powerful,
valuable, beautiful and brave
And I know that you know
you can make it through tomorrow
if you can get through today;
I will be there for you
every step of the way


I think at the O2 was only an impersonator , the hoax was already in the air  :ghsdf: