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Messages - AncaMariaMJ

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1VLOVE I don't know things for sure.. I thought you meant the men behind the McDonald's Corporation not the people who have the McDonald name.. For instance did you know that the name McDonald's and the concept was bought by Ray Kroc around 1955 so Dick and Mack had almost nothing to do with the McDonald's today.. so find me some bloodline for Ray Kroc or another boss in McDonald's today and I will believe that are illuminati related.. not the fucking McDonald in Scotland.. And I almost believed you..

Other Odd Things / Re: Lady Gaga drill Alejandro just watch....;)
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:29:02 PM »
First I want to know who saw Empire city - Ring of power, cause this music video reminds me of that documentary. It's like she's replying to that movie. Illuminati don't believe in God but in the sun. The bible is supposedly written by them and it's completely fake. They wrote the Bible to have a spiritual guide for the mass of humans that they want to manipulate (us). Why did the catholic church killed so many people that refused to believe their God? To scare anyone else into their religion. The knight Templar are the ancestors of Masons and Illuminati. At the beginning of the video Lady Gaga is wearing a sort of crown..right? Who does she resemble? Only one queen is so well known all around the world. That white costume with the red upside down cross is like the knight Templar costume. Someone said upside down cross symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus, and now I say it means mockery of Illuminati and knight Templar. "She's got a halo 'round her finger around you." That halo that she mentions is a ring, the "Ring of Power".You helped me understand the video, even more. Alejandro has a halo around him, like a holy person, Jesus maybe ? I don't want to instigate to hate or denial towards religion or anything, I just want to make you open your eyes and look for the truth yourself don't beLIEve anything that it's been said. I've lived my entire life (I'm only 25) believing in God , Jesus and Virgin Mary, and all the other saints. Now I don't believe anything anymore. Even Michael being dead is too much for me to trust, since I didn't witnessed the death. Someone posted Katie Melua video clip, she sings "don't trust your eyes it's easy to believe them".... In a world full of lies to tell the truth is a revolutionary act. Maybe that's what Lady Gaga is doing. If she is a Illuminati puppet, I don't consider her a threat, she only opens my eyes. That helped me. I love that video Glinda .... "We're ignorant" and that's why we're losing the war..  L.O.V.E.

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